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New submissions in physics on Fri, 26 Jun 20
[2006.13968] W.F. Schlotter, M. Beye, S. Zohar et al.: Balanced Detection in Femtosecond X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy to Reach the Ultimate Sensitivity Limit
[2006.13969] I. Martin, A. Alcaniz, A. Jimenez et al.: Application of quasi-steady state photoconductance technique to lifetime measurements on c-Ge substrates
[2006.14006] Dmytro Vovchuk, Sergei Kosulnikov, Roman E. Noskov et al.: Wire Resonator as a Broadband Huygens Superscatterer
[2006.14046] T.-S. Lin, J.A. Dijksman, L. Kondic: Instabilities of a thin liquid film in a funnel
[2006.14050] Yifei Guan, Junyu Huang, Jian Wu: Limitation of Finite Difference Scheme in Electroconvection with Unipolar Charge Injection: A base-state Analysis
[2006.14067] John F. Nagle, Alec Ramsay: On measuring two-party partisan bias in unbalanced states
[2006.14068] Martin Schnell, Monika Goikoetxea, Iban Amenabar et al.: Rapid infrared spectroscopic nano-imaging with nano-FTIR holography
[2006.14108] Marcelo M. Morato, Igor M. L. Pataro, Marcus V. Americano da Costa et al.: Optimal Control Concerns Regarding the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Pandemic in Bahia and Santa Catarina, Brazil
[2006.14114] Scott V. Luedtke, Lin Yin, Lance A. Labun et al.: Creating QED Photon Jets with Present-Day Lasers
[2006.14125] Alexander Zhiliakov, Yifei Wang, Annalisa Quaini et al.: Experimental validation of a phase-field model to predict coarsening dynamics of lipid domains in multicomponent membranes
[2006.14132] Parvathi Kooloth, David Sondak, Leslie M. Smith: Coherent Solutions and Transition to Turbulence in Two-Dimensional Rayleigh-Bénard Convection
[2006.14133] Ryuichi Ohta, Loïc Herpin, Victor M. Bastidas et al.: Rare-earth-mediated opto-mechanical system in the reversed dissipation regime
[2006.14137] Yi-Jie Zhu, Yujie Hu, Jennifer M. Collins: Estimating Road Network Accessibility during a Hurricane Evacuation: A Case Study of Hurricane Irma in Florida
[2006.14138] Yujie Hu, Changzhen Wang, Ruiyang Li et al.: Estimating a Large Drive Time Matrix between Zip Codes in the United States: A Differential Sampling Approach
[2006.14140] Eduardo G. Altmann: Spatial interactions in urban scaling laws
[2006.14157] Qingchun Li, Liam Bessell, Xin Xiao et al.: Disparate Patterns of Movements and Visits to Points of Interests Located in Urban Hotspots across U.S. Metropolitan Cities during COVID-19
[2006.14174] Kun Li, Wei Yu: Laser propagation in a highly magnetized over-dense plasma
[2006.14207] Jaeyoung Kwak, Michael H Lees, Wentong Cai et al.: Modeling Helping Behavior in Emergency Evacuations Using Volunteer's Dilemma Game
[2006.14214] I. Tsymbalov, D. Gorlova, A. Savel'ev: Hybrid Stimulated Raman Scattering -- Two Plasmon Decay Instability and 3/2 Harmonic in Steep-Gradient Femtosecond Plasmas
[2006.14220] Martina Lihter, Michael Graf, Damir Iveković et al.: Electrochemical Surface Modification of a 2D MoS2 Semiconductor
[2006.14225] Mathieu Karamitros, Jeremy Brown, Nathanael Lampe et al.: Implementing the Independent Reaction Time method in Geant4 for radiation chemistry simulations
[2006.14241] Clément Savaro, Antoine Campagne, Miguel Calpe Linares et al.: Generation of weakly nonlinear turbulence of internal gravity waves in the Coriolis facility
[2006.14242] Tao Wang, Zhiyong Qiu, Fulvio Zonca et al.: Dynamics of reversed shear Alfvén eigenmode and energetic particles during current ramp-up
[2006.14249] Frank Schweitzer, Yan Zhang, Giona Casiraghi: Intervention scenarios to enhance knowledge transfer in a network of firm
[2006.14254] Usha Srinivasan, Rangachari Kidambi: A sorting algorithm for complex eigenvalues
[2006.14261] H. Cakir, N. S. Oreshkina, I. A. Valuev et al.: Improved access to the fine-structure constant with the simplest atomic systems
[2006.14327] Sohvi Luukkonen, Luc Belloni, Daniel Borgis et al.: Predicting hydration free energies of the FreeSolv database of druglike molecules with molecular density functional theory
[2006.14332] Alex Chao: Dynamical Systems, Representation of Particle Beams
[2006.14334] Deepak K. Sharma, Adrian Agreda, Julien Barthes et al.: Wavevector analysis of plasmon-assisted distributed nonlinear photoluminescence along Au nanowire antennas
[2006.14340] Guido Sterbini: Linear Optics Computations
[2006.14344] Zhenbin Guo, Haimin Yao: Thickness gradient promotes the performance of Si-based anode material for lithium-ion battery
[2006.14354] Léo Morel, Zhibin Yao, Pierre Cladé et al.: Velocity-dependent phase shift in a light-pulse atom interferometer
[2006.14356] Henning A. Fürst, Chih-Han Yeh, Dimitri Kalincev et al.: Coherent excitation of the highly forbidden electric octupole transition in ${}^{172}$Yb$^+$
[2006.14359] CMS Collaboration: Reconstruction of signal amplitudes in the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter in the presence of overlapping proton-proton interactions
[2006.14362] Bar Ezra, Shimshon Kallush, Ronnie Kosloff: Dissociation in strong field: a quantum analysis of the relation between angular momentum and angular distribution of fragments
[2006.14370] Jamal Sakhr, Blaine A. Chronik: Harmonic Standing-Wave Excitations of Simply-Supported Thick-Walled Hollow Elastic Circular Cylinders: Exact 3D Linear Elastodynamic Response
[2006.14373] Priyanka, Vicky Verma: Study of lockdown/testing mitigation strategies on stochastic SIR model and its comparison with South Korea, Germany and New York data
[2006.14375] Abdallah Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Badr Kaoui, Hartmut Löwen et al.: Asymmetric Stokes flow induced by a transverse point-force acting near a finite-sized elastic membrane
[2006.14381] J. S. Bobowski: Modeling and measuring the non-ideal characteristics of transmission lines
[2006.14408] Claudia C Zanella, Andrea Capozzi, Hikari AI Yoshihara et al.: Radical-free hyperpolarized MRI using endogenously-occurring pyruvate analogues and UV-induced nonpersistent radicals
[2006.14441] Robert E. Simpson, Tun Cao: Phase Change Material Photonics
[2006.14442] Huai Ying Lim, Tom Vergoossen, Robert Bedington et al.: Thermo-mechanical design for a miniaturized quantum light source on board the SpooQy-1 CubeSat
[2006.14463] Wilhelm Eschen, Sici Wang, Chang Liu et al.: Nanoscale Fourier transform holography beyond the temporal coherence limit
[2006.14478] A.J. Barclay, A.R.W. McKellar, N. Moazzen-Ahmadi: Spectra of CO2-N2 dimer in the 4.2 micron region: symmetry breaking of the intramolecular CO2 bend, the intermolecular bend and higher K-value...
[2006.14493] Lizhi Zhang, Tiago P. Peixoto: Statistical inference of assortative community structures
[2006.14496] Arman Mohseni-Kabir, Mihir Pant, Don Towsley et al.: Percolation Thresholds for Robust Network Connectivity
[2006.14500] V. Nosenko, F. Luoni, A. Kaouk et al.: Active Janus particles in a complex plasma
[2006.14515] Naty Citlali Cabrera-Gutiérrez, Hadrien Godé, Jean-Christophe Jouhaud et al.: Surrogate Models for Rainfall Nowcasting
[2006.14524] Hakan Başağaoğlu, Sauro Succi, Danielle Wyrick et al.: Particle Shape Influences Settling and Sorting Behavior in Microfluidic Domains
[2006.14557] Deepak Ojha, Thomas D Kühne: "On-the-fly" calculation of the Vibrational Sum-frequency Generation Spectrum at the Air-water Interface
[2006.14588] Andras Buzas, Elmar K. Wolff, Mihaly G. Benedict et al.: Biological Microscopy with Undetected Photons
[2006.14593] Saptarshi Sinha, Deep Nath, Soumen Roy: Topology dependent payoffs can lead to escape from prisoner's dilemma
[2006.14603] Tommaso Boccali, Stefano Dal Pra, Daniele Spiga et al.: Extension of the INFN Tier-1 on a HPC system
[2006.14617] George Borleske, Y. C. Zhou: Enriched Gradient Recovery for Interface Solutions of the Poisson-Boltzmann Equation
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