
What is evolution?
No process of how organisms acquire
Process of how organisms acquire
Sometimes can know how organisms acquire
Please Specify:
What homologous structure
Different function but same structure
Has the same structure but different function
What is vestigial structure
Doenst have its regular functions anymore
Always has the same function
Gets a new function but keeps the regular one
What is a embryonic evidence of evolution
Born organism
Non working organism
Unborn organism
Who was Charles Darwin
Natural selection passed traits on
Invented gum
Scientist with one arm
Define adaption ex: giraffs and lion
Kids who are being taken from the orphan
Traits inherited to help animals
Produced animals
What type of rock are fossils typically found in
Sedimentary rock
What is a cast rock
What is a trace rock
What is a imprint rock
What is a cast rock
What is a true form rock
What is Geographic isolation
Traits that are forming
Traits that are being passed down between generations
Describe natural selection ex: fish pass gills on so their children can breath
Passes traits on
Stops taits from passing on
Keeps the same traits and the new organism gets a different trait
Describe what evolution is ex:giraffe have long necks
They can NOT choose their own trait
All organisms have the same trait
Organisms that chanteuse their own trait
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