Administration of Justice

Search Warrants are required to limit searches:
To specific objects and locations
To be based on probable cause
To the discretion of the judicial officer
All of the above
The filing of a Writ of Habeas Corpus:
Asks the court to release the prisoner
Asks the court to schedule a bond hearing
Asks the court to dismiss the charges
Asks the prosecutor to release the prisoner
Refers to a grand jury indictment without grand jury investigation
Acquittal at trial absolves a person from further prosecution for the same offense?
The standard for determining when prison conditions are becoming cruel and unusual for constitutional purposes is:
Conditions warrant the unnecessary and wanton infliction of pain and/or are grossly disproportionate to the severity of the crimes warranting imprisonment
Conditions in the prison are worse than those of the most impoverished portion of the free country
Conditions are causing overcrowding
Conditions warrant privatization of the prison system
All of the above
Which Supreme Court case is associated with the New York stop and frisk?
Terry v. Ohio
Getlow v. New York
Lockner v. New York
There was no Supreme Court case
The concept that explains that victims of neglect and/or abuse are more likely to result to a criminal lifestyle than someone who wasnt neglected and/or abuse is referred to as:
Crime Causation
Biological Theory
Character Evidence
Cycle of Violence
What led to the establishment of Juvenile Courts?
Child Reform Movement of the 19th Century
Child Protective Services in the late 1970's
Increasing number of Juveniles in the court system in the 1950's
The alarming rate of truancy in the 19th century
"Plessy v. Ferguson" held that separate but equal violates the equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment and is unconstitutional
Which of the below statements are true regarding "due process" requirements?
The fourteenth amendment has been used by the courts to place due process requirements on the states
The Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution is designed to prevent the states from abusing power
The modern approach used by the courts is to hold enforceable against the states the same standards that the Bill of Rights protect against federal encroachment
Both A and C
All of the Above
A defendant in a Criminal case, if convicted, has a right to appeal the conviction
An automobile may be searched without a warrant if there is probable cause. The basis for this exception is:
There were no automobiles when the fourth amendment was written
Automobiles can be quickly moved and evidence be lost
All of the Above
None of the Above
The below approach or justification is based on the concept that the criminal should be treated rather than punished
Specific Detterence
None of the Above
Problem Oriented policing is marked by an emphasis on quick response time and increasing two man-man patrol cars
When a judge imposes a flat or fixed sentence, the judge has imposed a(n):
Determinate Sentence
Mandatory Sentence
Presumptive Sentence
Indeterminate Sentence
A true bill is a document that contains the grand jury's decision to indict a criminal offender
Venue refers to where the case should be heard when more than one forum might be appropriate
When police violate the Fourth Amendment and the courts invoke the exclusionary rule:
The evidence gathered as a result of teh violation is deemed exculpatory
Evidence Gathered as a result of the violation may not be used in a criminal trial against a defendant whose rights were violated
The case against the criminally accused must be dismissed
The police involved are likely to be disciplined by their supervisors
All of the above
None of the Above
The belief that criminals will avoid behavior that will bring pain and will engage in behavior that will bring pleasure is an example of:
Classical Thinking
Gestalt Thinking
Positivist Thinking
Reality Thinking
The exclusionary rule applies to Private Detectives
A search warrant is required for police to search garbage cans that were left for pick-up on a tree lawn of a home
Which of the following statements are correct regarding UCR
The UCR's are collected and compiled by the FBI
Only index crimes are used to measure crime rates
Only arrest data is reported for non-index crimes
Crimes are classified as either index or non-index crimes
All of the above
Appellate Courts review trial court decisions:
By hearing additional evidence presented by the appellant or the appellee
By reviewing a record of the court proceedings for errors by the trial judge that could affect the decision
By considering appellate briefs filed by the appellant or the appellee
B and C only
All of the above
A guilty plea:
Waives the right to present a defense
Waives the right to remain silent
Waives the right to confrontation
Waives the right to a jury trial
All of the above
The civil war prison era was shaped by a prisoners' rights movement, concern for violence in the system and failure of rehabilitation efforts
Which prison/jail was based on the philosophy of fear to control inmates; silent confinement except as required to eat and work in groups
Auburn Prison
Western penitentiary of Pennsylvania
Civil War military prison
Walnut Street Jail
The constitutional right against self-incrimination does not extend to blood and handwriting samples obtained from the suspect by police officers
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