Which Mischievers Friend Group Would You be a Part of?

A vibrant and fun illustration depicting a diverse group of friends engaging in playful activities together, emphasizing friendship dynamics and light-hearted mischief.

Find Your Mischievers Friend Group!

Curious about which Mischievers group you belong to? This fun and engaging quiz will help you discover your ideal friend group based on your personality and preferences.

  • Answer a series of questions about your social habits.
  • Uncover the dynamics of your friendships.
  • Dive into a world of mischief and fun!
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ChattyFox472
Say you're in a call with your friends. It's quiet right now because everyone's doing their own little thing. How do you feel?
Ehhhh. I really want to talk to them tbh but I don't want to bother them.
Comfortable. I just like being with them in general so I don't mind at all.
Kinda bad. I feel like I should be the one to keep the talking going.
Huh? I haven't really noticed.
What's your tolerance to your friends doing some dumbassery?
Pretty low. I swear to god y'all sTOP.
Like average I'd say. Just as long as no one goes overboard.
Insanely high.
I dunno. I just let them run wild no matter what, so I guess pretty high?
Are you PART of the dumbassery?
No, I'm usually the calm one.
Yeah sometimes.
You're hanging out with your close friends! What do you want to do?
Go to the mall and do whatever there.
Just hang around at someone's house.
I'm down with anything they want tbh.
Let's go around town!
Let's get food!!!
Which way of meeting a new friend sounds like most of your experiences?
I said hi, they said hi, we started talking, hit it off, and now here we are.
We were introduced to one another by a mutual friend.
We say hi, but then it takes a while for us to actually be on a friend level.
I honest to god don't remember how I met most of my friends we're just here now.
How do you feel about being close friends with people with different views compared to you?
I'm cool with anyone and everyone.
Meh I'm chill with people with different perspectives but I don't actively seek them out as my friends.
I only want to be friends with people that are close or have the same views as me.
I only want to be friends with people that see things differently compared to me.
There's just certain views that if someone thinks like that, I just can't be friends with them.
Now for a more tamer, similar question. How do you feel about being close friends with people with differing interests?
I'm cool with being friends with people with different interests. I don't actively seek them out, but if we're friends we're friends.
I prefer sticking with people that I can share interests with.
I really like being friends with people that like different things!
I honestly haven't thought about that I'm just close friends with whomever despite their interests.
One of your friends invite you to a school event. You and your friend participate in different school things (ex. You do sports, they do art; you do music, they do tech; etc.) so it's an event you're not used to (A sports game, concert, art showcase, etc.). Wha you do?
Try to insist that you can't go.
Say that you'll think about it and see how you feel that day.
Accept and say you can't wait!
What's your relation to trouble?
Trouble is my middle name (Right next to "middle name")
I don't actively seek out trouble. It just always finds me for some fucking reason.
Well my friends usually get into trouble so uuhhhh. I get into trouble through association of with my friends.
One of your friends look like they're feeling pretty down. When you ask what's wrong, they say it's nothing and that they're okay. What do you do?
BS. Point out they don't seem to be okay and ask again.
Tell them that you're always here if they need you and pay closer attention to them for a while just in case.
Tell them that you're here but trust that they will come to you if they need to.
Talk to your other friends if they notice that one friend doesn't seem to be so well.
You saw one of your friends and walked over to chat. But turns out you walked in on them being kind of asshole-y to someone else. How do you respond at the moment?
Call them out right then and there. There's no need to be a jerkface.
Wait for the interaction to play out. You'll ask later why they acting like this for.
Start to try and piece together wth happened to know who to get defensive for.
Nothing. I know my friend enough that if they're being mean to someone it's 98% - 100% well deserved.
Spring break! Or winter break. Or some kind of school break. Anywho - what are you and your friends doing?
Idk we're just gonna go with the flow.
Eh one of us (or I) have almost everything planned out.
We know what we wanna do, we just don't know when we'll do them. But we'll do them.
What's the level of bantering between you and your friends that you're comfortable with?
Pretty low. I can just handle less offensive bantering and namecalling like the usual "gayass" and "stupid" and stuffs.
Like pretty average. We call each other the usual "bitch" and "dumbass".
I cannot tell you the shit we call each other and say when we joke around. It usually makes people question if we're really friends.
If you were able to choose, who would you want to be friends with?
Mmmm I'm not sure. Just hmu!
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