What do you think is the most interesting paper(s) today? Let's vote and let people know!
New submissions in astro-ph on Fri, 24 Apr 20
[2004.11378] Liron Barak, Itay M. Bloch, Mariano Cababie et al.: SENSEI: Direct-Detection Results on sub-GeV Dark Matter from a New Skipper-CCD
[2004.11379] Amir Siraj, Abraham Loeb: Impacts of Dust Grains Accelerated by Supernovae on the Moon
[2004.11382] Andrea Kunder, Angeles Perez-Villegas, R. Michael Rich et al.: The Bulge Radial Velocity Assay for RR Lyrae stars (BRAVA-RR) DR2: a Bimodal Bulge?
[2004.11384] Ana Bonaca, Charlie Conroy, Phillip A. Cargile et al.: Timing the Early Assembly of the Milky Way with the H3 Survey
[2004.11387] Christopher T. Davies, Enrique Paillas, Marius Cautun et al.: Optimal void finders in weak lensing maps
[2004.11388] Orsolya E. Kovacs, Akos Bogdan, Rebecca E. A. Canning: Ultra-diffuse galaxies in the Coma cluster: Probing their origin and AGN occupation fraction
[2004.11389] Anna M. Suliga, Irene Tamborra, Meng-Ru Wu: Lifting the core-collapse supernova bounds on keV-mass sterile neutrinos
[2004.11391] Michał J. Michałowski, Natalia Gotkiewicz, Jens Hjorth et al.: Connection of supernovae 2002ap, 2003gd, 2013ej, and 2019krl in M74 with atomic gas accretion and spiral structure
[2004.11394] Giovanni P. Rosotti, Richard Teague, Cornelis Dullemond et al.: The efficiency of dust trapping in ringed proto-planetary discs
[2004.11396] Thomas J. Clarke, Edmund J. Copeland, Adam Moss: Constraints on primordial gravitational waves from the Cosmic Microwave Background
[2004.11397] Aaron Ewall-Wice, Nicholas Kern, Joshua S. Dillon et al.: DAYENU: A Simple Filter of Smooth Foregrounds for Intensity Mapping Power Spectra
[2004.11402] Allison Merritt, Annalisa Pillepich, Pieter van Dokkum et al.: A missing outskirts problem? Comparisons between stellar halos in the Dragonfly Nearby Galaxies Survey and the TNG100 simulation
[2004.11418] Paul Barrett, Christopher Dieck, Anthony J. Beasley et al.: Radio Observations of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables
[2004.11442] G. Orellana-González, E. Ibar, R. Leiton et al.: Cosmic evolution of molecular gas mass density from an empirical relation between $m L_{1.4GHz}$ and $m L^{\prime}_{CO}$
[2004.11444] Yuki Isobe, Masami Ouchi, Takashi Kojima et al.: EMPRESS. III. Morphology, Stellar Population, and Dynamics of Extremely Metal Poor Galaxies (EMPGs): Are EMPGs Local Analogs of High-$z$ Young Galaxies?
[2004.11458] Jean C. Perez, Sofiane Bourouaine: The Eulerian space-time correlation of strong Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
[2004.11474] Maxim Lyutikov, Maxim Barkov, Matthew Route et al.: Magnetospheric interaction in white dwarf binaries AR Sco and AE Aqr
[2004.11507] Matthew A. Petroff, Graeme E. Addison, Charles L. Bennett et al.: Full-sky Cosmic Microwave Background Foreground Cleaning Using Machine Learning
[2004.11518] D. T. Hoai, P. Tuan-Anh, P.T. Nhung et al.: Revealing new features of the millimetre emission of the circumbinary envelope of Mira Ceti
[2004.11522] Marcus E. Lower, Ryan M. Shannon, Simon Johnston et al.: Spectropolarimetric properties of Swift J1818.0$-$1607: a 1.4 s radio magnetar
[2004.11550] Karachentsev I.D., Kaisin S.S: Statistics and Properties of Emission-Line Regions in the Local Volume Dwarf Galaxies
[2004.11585] Isabel Santos-Santos, Rosa Dominguez-Tenreiro, Hector Artal et al.: Planes of satellites around simulated disc galaxies: I.- Finding high-quality planar configurations from positional information and their comp...
[2004.11601] Tommaso Ghigna, Tomotake Matsumura, Guillaume Patanchon et al.: Requirements for future CMB satellite missions: photometric and band-pass response calibration
[2004.11620] Ze-Bang Zhou, Weishan Zhu, Yang Wang et al.: Barred galaxies in the Illustris-1 and TNG100 simulations
[2004.11643] O. Wucknitz, L.G. Spitler, U.-L. Pen: Cosmology with gravitationally lensed repeating Fast Radio Bursts
[2004.11669] Alexander Dolghov, Konstantin Postnov: Why the mean mass of primordial black hole distribution is close to 10$M_{\odot}$
[2004.11688] Yoshiaki Sofue: Rotation Curve of the Milky Way and the Dark Matter Density
[2004.11740] L. Nieder, B. Allen, C. J. Clark et al.: Exploiting orbital constraints from optical data to detect binary gamma-ray pulsars
[2004.11747] Andrés E. Piatti, Julio A. Carballo-Bello: On the tidal tails of Milky Way globular clusters
[2004.11758] Stefano Pantaleone, Joan Enrique-Romero, Cecilia Ceccarelli et al.: Chemical desorption versus energy dissipation: insights from ab-initio molecular dynamics of HCO formation
[2004.11764] M.M. Gabdeev, T.A. Fatkhullin, N.V. Borisov: Possibilities of Using Middle-Band Filters to Search for Polar Candidates
[2004.11775] Laura A. Hayes, Andrew R. Inglis, Steven Christe et al.: Statistical Study of GOES X-ray Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in Solar Flares
[2004.11786] Jimmy N. S. Shapopi, Andrzej A. Zdziarski: Correlations and lags between X-ray and radio emission of Cyg X-1
[2004.11808] Richard J. Mathar: A Barometric Exponential Model of the Atmosphere's Refractive Index: Zenith Angles and Second Order Aberration in the Entrance Pupil
[2004.11821] L.R. Yungelson, A.G. Kuranov, K.A. Postnov et al.: Galactic population of black holes in detached binaries with low-mass stripped helium stars: the case of LB-1 (LS~V+22~25)
[2004.11866] A.Olejak, K.Belczynski, D.E. Holz et al.: Making GW190412: isolated formation of a 30+10 Msun binary black-hole merger
[2004.11873] Gary Ferland, Chris Done, Chichuan Jin et al.: State-of-the-art AGN SEDs for Photoionization Models: BLR Predictions Confront the Observations
[2004.11881] Noemi Frusciante, Francesco Pace: Growth of structures and spherical collapse in the Galileon Ghost Condensate model
[2004.11884] Maria Chernyakova, Denys Malyshev, Pere Blay et al.: Multi-wavelength observations of PSRJ 2032+4127 during the 2017 periastron passage
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