Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-th on Wed, 13 Oct 21
[2110.05491] Alexandre Belin, Shovon Biswas, James Sully: The Spectrum of Boundary States in Symmetric Orbifolds
[2110.05497] Samuel Leutheusser, Hong Liu: Causal connectability between quantum systems and the black hole interior in holographic duality
[2110.05504] Aradhita Chattopadhyaya, Jan Manschot, Swapnamay Mondal: Scaling Black Holes and Modularity
[2110.05509] Matthias R. Gaberdiel, Bob Knighton, Jakub Vošmera: D-branes in $\mathrm{AdS}_3\times \mathrm{S}^3\times \mathbb{T}^4$ at $k=1$ and their holographic duals
[2110.05511] Thomas W. Grimm, Erik Plauschinn, Damian van de Heisteeg: Moduli Stabilization in Asymptotic Flux Compactifications
[2110.05516] Vikas Aragam, Roberta Chiovoloni, Sonia Paban et al.: Rapid-turn inflation in supergravity is rare and tachyonic
[2110.05522] Shira Chapman, Damián A. Galante, Eric David Kramer: Holographic Complexity and de Sitter Space
[2110.05547] Arghya Chattopadhyay, Taniya Mandal: Freudenthal duality of near-extremal black holes and JT gravity
[2110.05584] Matteo Romoli, Omar Zanusso: A different kind of four dimensional brane for string theory
[2110.05590] A.A. Osipov: Proper-time evaluation of the effective action: unequal masses in the loop
[2110.05592] M. I. Wanas, Mona M. Kamal: Motion of Charged Spinning Particles in a Unified Field
[2110.05612] Cihan Pazarbaşı, Mithat Ünsal: Cluster expansion and resurgence in Polyakov model
[2110.05634] Badis Ydri: On the AdS/CFT correspondence and quantum entanglement
[2110.05658] C. F. S. Pereira, Etevaldo dos Santos Costa Filho, T. Tassis: Collective coordinates for the hybrid model
[2110.05662] Masahide Manabe, Seiji Terashima, Yuji Terashima: The colored Jones polynomials as vortex partition functions
[2110.05692] Masoud Ghezelbash, Haryanto M. Siahaan: Holographic dual for the Melvin-Kerr-Newman-Taub-NUT spacetimes
[2110.05793] Mohammad Ali-Akbari, Mahsa Lezgi: Note on stability and holographic subregion complexity
[2110.05870] Elizaveta Chistyakova, Alexey Litvinov, Pavel Orlov: Affine Yangian of $\mathfrak{gl}(2)$ and integrable structures of superconformal field theory
[2110.05919] Nabamita Banerjee, Arindam Bhattacharjee, Surajit Biswas et al.: Dual Theory for maximally $\mathcal{N}$ extended flat Supergravity
[2110.06038] Amjad Ashoorioon, Ghazal Geshnizjani, Hyung J. Kim: Non-Gaussianities in the Extended EFT of Inflation
[2110.06041] Vladimir V. Belokurov, Evgeniy T. Shavgulidze: Path Integrals in Quadratic Gravity
[2110.06066] Tim Adamo, Lionel Mason, Atul Sharma: Celestial $w_{1+\infty}$ symmetries from twistor space
[2110.06180] Budhaditya Bhattacharjee, Chethan Krishnan: Celestial Klein Spaces
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-th on Wed, 13 Oct 21","img":""}
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