1. Which of the following most closely describes your team meetings:
A. We tend to figure it out as we go instead of coming in with a stated purpose and objective.
B. We always have a clear, stated purpose and objectives.
C. For certain meetings, we’ll have a stated purpose or objectives.
D. Most of the time, we all have a general sense of what we’re trying to accomplish.
2. How would you characterize the discussions in your team meetings?
A. Most of the talking is done by the team leader.
B. There’s lots of talking over each other and side conversations going on.
C. Everyone contributes pretty equally and listens to each others’ ideas.
D. A few people tend to dominate the discussion.
3. How frequently do your meetings get sidetracked or run over because team members are arguing, interrupting each other or distracted?
A. Seldom
B. Sometimes
C. Never
D. Often
4. Do all of your team members have a clear understanding of how the team’s work connects to the organization’s overall strategy and vision?
A. Yes, everyone understands how our work relates to the big picture.
B. Some do; others don’t.
C. It’s not clear how our work relates to the overall strategy and vision of the organization.
D. I’m not sure.
5. When you’re communicating something to the team, either verbally or in writing, do your team members usually get the point right away?
A. Most of them do, but there are always a few who don’t seem to “get” it.
B. I almost always have to go over things again and again until they understand it.
C. A few of them are easy to communicate with, but everyone else is a challenge.
D. Yes, it’s always a breeze.
6. How does your team typically find out about issues that might get in the way of the team’s goals or the quality of the end-product?
A. Usually when we’re in the home stretch, but we almost always rise to the occasion.
B. When they become big enough that we start missing key milestones.
C. Through our regularly scheduled “maintenance checks.”
D. After the fact, when customers or internal stakeholders point them out.
7. How equally distributed is the workload among team members?
A. One or a few team members carry most of the load.
B. It’s evenly distributed.
C. It fluctuates, but overall it evens out.
D. I’m not sure.
8. Considering the kind of work different team members have to do and the thinking that work requires, how well-aligned would you say team members are with their work?
A. Very well-aligned
B. Mostly aligned
C. Not aligned
D. I’m not sure.
9. If someone asked each of your team members what the team’s goals and priorities are, would they all state them in the same way?
A. Yes, the responses would be pretty consistent across the team.
B. No, most people would have different perceptions about what’s a priority and/or what the team needs to accomplish.
C. There might be some overlap in their answers, but they would probably describe the goals and priorities differently.
D. What goals and priorities?
10. If someone asked each of your team members what the team’s biggest challenge is, would they all give the same answer?
A. Yes, the answer would be pretty consistent across the team.
B. Most people would have different perceptions about what our biggest challenge is.
C. Most people would have similar answers overall, but there would be some differences in how people describe the challenge.
D. No one would be able to identify specifically what our biggest challenge is.
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