1. Which one most accurately describes the developmental theorists’ view of a language acquisition device?
A built-in mechanism that makes language learning especially easy for human beings
A. A culture-specific symbolic system that encompasses all the syntactic rules of a particular language
A particular area of the human cortex that seems to ‘hold’ all of the words that a child learns
A handheld computer that enables people who speak very different languages to communicate easily with one another
1. Which strategy is most likely to be effective in promoting semantic development?
Encouraging under extension in the preschool years
Teaching children the meanings of words related to topics they are studying
Allowing children to make up their own meanings for words to encourage invention and creativity
Allowing children to use words incorrectly in the early primary grades to promote linguistic self-efficacy
1. If you were to describe the nature of syntactic development, you would be most likely to say that it involves:
A. Developing a large vocabulary
A. Learning how to put words together into comprehensible sentences
A. Understanding the social customs that surround language use in one’s culture
A. Acquiring an ability to make discriminations among very similar-sounding words
1. Which statement best illustrates telegraphic speech?
A. ‘No!’
Want cookie.’
A. ‘You’re being silly.’
A. I love you, Mummy.’
1. Which one is the best example of pragmatics in language?
Julie waits until her friend has finished talking before she begins to speak.
A. Morris understands the underlying meaning of ‘A stitch in time saves nine.’
Sheena knows that the plural of man is men, not mans.
A. Isaiah recognises the double meanings in many of the puns he hears.
1. A community contributes to children’s development in three of the following ways. Which one aspects of a community is least likely to have an impact on children’s development?
A. A community provides recreational activities.
A. A community has definite geographical boundaries.
A. A community communicates information about what behaviours are acceptable.
A community offers support services that assist parents in their parenting efforts
1. Which one of the following best illustrates a blended family?
A. After his wife dies, Jim marries Nancy, who helps him take care of his 6-year-old son Peter. Later, they add a newborn baby girl to the family.
A. Seth, who is Jewish, marries Maria Elena, who is Catholic. Together they work out religious beliefs and practices that the two of them will share.
Nadia, age 28, marries Marcus, who at age 53 has never been married before. Their friends affectionately call their union a ‘May-December wedding.
A. Kevin and Lucille adopt two children who were born in other countries. Their son comes from Ecuador, their daughter from Romania.
1. Authoritative parents can best be characterised as having which type of relationship with their children?
A. Few expectations, loving support and considerable freedom for children to make their own decisions
A. High expectations, loving support and shared decision making
A. Little emotional support or interest in children’s needs
A. High expectations, strict rules and little give-and-take in decision making
1. At midnight on a school night, James tells his mother, ‘I’m not ready to go to bed yet. I want to watch more TV.’ James’s mother says, ‘OK, honey, I’ll watch with you for a while.’ Which one of the following parenting styles is James’s mum displaying?
A. Authoritarian
A. Uninvolved
A. Permissive
A. Authoritative
1. Three of the teachers below are using strategies appropriate for a culturally diverse classroom. With the textbook’s discussion of ethnic and cultural diversity in mind, identify the teacher who is probably not promoting the classroom success of some of her students.
A. Ms Andreas forms small, multicultural groups in which students describe and compare their perspectives about a recent international conflict.
A. Ms Boynton uses competitive activities to get all students motivated to do their best.
A. Ms Champas explains that ethnic jokes are unacceptable in her classroom.
A. Ms Delaney makes sure she presents both the American and Mexican views of the Mexican-American War.
1. Research suggests that, in Australia, children from ethnic minority groups often have lower academic achievement when compared with children from the majority culture. Of the following, which one is not a likely reason for this disparity?
A. Children from minority groups experience environmental stresses associated with economic hardship.
A. Many teachers have low expectations for children from minority groups.
A. Children from minority groups have limited access to good schools and educational opportunities.
A. Children from minority groups selectively adopt customs of the majority culture rather than fully assimilate.
1. Which child clearly has a performance goal rather than a mastery goal?
A. Christina always does more than her teacher requires.
A. Devon is bored by easy assignments.
A. Anne Marie persists when she encounters a difficult mathematics problem.
A. Bart practices the song he will need to sing in his audition for the school choir.
1. Liam believes that a person’s ability can increase through hard work and persistence. Liam holds an _______ view of ability.
A. entity
A. efficacy
A. attributional
A. incremental
1. Which statement does not accurately describe ethnic group differences in motivation?
A. On average, Asian students are more concerned about getting good grades than students from other ethnic groups.
A. Compared to their classmates raised in mainstream Western culture, students from Asian cultures are more likely to attribute school success to hard work.
A. On average, children in African American families are given more autonomy than children in other ethnic groups.
A. Some Aboriginal Australian students have a sense of learned helplessness about their ability to achieve school success, perhaps because of prior experiences with racial discrimination.
1. A high school auto mechanics teacher wants to increase his female students’ self-efficacy for mastering simple car maintenance procedures. He can best do this by:
A. Presenting a film that shows an experienced auto mechanic at work
A. Describing how easily he learned these things when he was their age
A. Having the students read a book with clear, step-by-step instructions for changing the oil and the air filter
A. Having the students watch other girls successfully change the oil and the air filter
1. Below are four instances of negative feedback. Other things being equal, which statement is most likely to promote high self-efficacy?
A. ‘I know you have the ability to write a better essay than this, Janet. Let me give you some suggestions about what you might do differently next time.’
A. ‘Your quiz score is the lowest one in the entire class, Bill. I want you to see if you can do better than at least half of your classmates next time.’
A. ‘The German Club should be embarrassed about the mess it left in the cafeteria after school yesterday. Do you want the rest of the school to think that German Club members are slobs?’
A. I’m not pleased with the projects that you students handed in yesterday. You should be ashamed of yourselves for not taking the assignment more seriously.’
Which strategy is unlikely to promote children’s and adolescents’ moral development?
Getting them involved in community service projects
Asking them to wrestle with difficult moral issues
. Engaging in moral behaviour yourself
Having them read short stories with moral messages
Imagine that you are a fourth-grade teacher. The parents of your students want you to include moral issues in your classroom curriculum. A few parents who have read about Kohlberg’s theory of moral development want you to help the students progress to post-conventional moral reasoning. You should reply by pointing out that:
This is a good idea because post-conventional reasoning will promote abstract thought.
There is nothing you can do to promote moral development before students reach adolescence.
Post-conventional reasoning is an unrealistic goal for fourth graders.
Research studies indicate that most students have already reached the post-conventional level by fourth grade.
Which statement most accurately describes the relationship between IQ scores and classroom performance?
IQ scores obtained in the early primary years are excellent predictors of high school success.
On average, students with higher IQ scores do better in school than students with lower IQ scores.
Students with IQ scores above 110 perform better when they are placed one or two grade levels ahead of where their age-mates are.
Because intelligence tests measure inherited potential, IQ scores are unrelated to school achievement, which is influenced primarily by environmental factors.
. Which one reflects an accurate comparison of Gardner’s and Sternberg’s theories of intelligence?
Both theorists view the development of intelligence as being almost exclusively the result of nurture rather than nature.
Gardner believes that intelligence is comprised of multiple abilities, whereas Sternberg views it as being comprised of a single entity.
Both theorists characterise intelligence as a multifaceted ability, such that children may behave intelligently in one situation but not in another.
Sternberg restricts his view of intelligence to the cognitive abilities and processing skills related to academic success, whereas Gardner takes a broader perspective.
1. Describe moral relativism. How might a teacher who holds this perspective structure his teaching and behaviour management? List the advantages and disadvantages that such an approach might have upon the learners of such a teacher’s class.
1. Why is the process of learning that is hypothesised by the information processing theory a useful one for educators? What are some of the ways that can be employed to decrease the limitations of the working memory?
1. Critically discuss the Brain Based Learning approach to teaching.
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