Warhammer 40k Quotes' : Which Astartes Legion Will You Ascend To?

Where in the world are you from?
Western Europe
The Southern or Western U.S
The United Kingdom
Pacific Asia
The Middle East
Central Asia
Eastern Europe or Russia
None of the above.
Which of these things is most important to you?
Keeping your secrets, secret.
Making your family proud.
Working on your self control.
Doing what is asked of you.
Improving yourself.
Learning all you can.
Helping those who can't help themselves.
Sticking to your personal beliefs.
Securing your own place in the world.
Experiencing life's thrills.
How would you describe your style of clothing?
Function first, utilitarian.
Designer, only the best.
Dark, how many shades of black are there?
Changeable, whatever my day requires.
Unassuming, but never scruffy.
Layers, whatever cover up the shape beneath.
Defined by my belief system.
Complete the sentence: 'Violence is __________ .' ?
The solution.
A necessary evil.
An fool's answer.
A subject to study.
A means to improve oneself.
A last resort.
Part of being human.
What are you most often complimented on?
Your honesty.
Your appearance.
Your thoughtfulness.
Your charisma.
Your personality.
Your optimism.
Your loyalty.
Your enthusiasm.
Your intelligence.
Your strength.
Your craftsmanship.
Your perseverance.
Something else.
What're your thoughts of technology?
It is a means to an end.
It's humanities defining wonder.
It's gone too far.
It's only as good as it's user.
Which super hero do you enjoy the most.
Doctor Strange.
Ghost Rider.
The Hulk.
Captain America.
Power Man.
War Machine.
What should be the first thing you deny an enemy in war?
His strength.
His mobility.
His information.
His supply chain.
His fortresses.
His morale.
Which of these do you spend most of your free time doing?
Team sports.
Working out.
The arts.
War gaming.
Keeping up to date on current affairs.
Thrill seeking.
Combat sports.
None of the above.
Complete the sentence: 'Those weaker than me are __________ .' ?
To be helped.
A hindrance.
Not a concern.
Almost funny.
Deserving of my understanding.
{"name":"Warhammer 40k Quotes' : Which Astartes Legion Will You Ascend To?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Where in the world are you from?, Which of these things is most important to you?, How would you describe your style of clothing?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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