Life science final test

The main functions of bones is to provide __________________ and __________________ .
Organisms, viruses, or particles that can make people sick are called __________________.
The function of a cartilage in a joint is to __________________ the bones.
The function of the bone marrow is to __________________.
The urinary system removes __________________from the blood and regulates the amount of __________________ in your body.
In the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetus is about __________________ long.
Cardiovascular system includes 3 parts
An infection like strep throat caused by a bacteria can be treated with __________________.
The endocrine system controls __________________by releasing growth __________________.
Bacteria can cause diseases like: __________________, __________________, and __________________.
The eyes and brain receive and transmit signals as part of the __________________system.
The __________________ and the __________________make up the central nervous system, and the peripheral nervous system is made up of the __________________in your body.
__________________ is the maintenance of stable environment inside the body.
Influenza is an example of an infectious disease caused by a __________________.
The waste from your bloodstream pass through the__________________through the __________________ to the __________________, and then out of the body through the __________________.
Muscle tissue __________________and __________________ to produce movement.
The skeletal and muscular systems work together to make __________________possible.
The male reproductive system produce sperm cells in the __________________.
The main function of the__________________system is to collect excess fluid and return it to the bloodstream.
__________________ exercise increases muscle strength and mass.
__________________are used by the body to produce energy.
From the small intestine nutrients gets pass through the thin walls of the __________________and are absorbed into the bloodstream. __________________ transports nutrients to other tissues in the body.
The products of photosynthesis is __________________ and __________________.
__________________ is a group of individuals of a same species living in the same area.
__________________is precipitation that is more acidic that normal.
The body of living organisms consist mostly of __________________.
Moss is a common__________________species that helps to stablish soil. The
Plants that grow in the __________________ have shallow root systems that cannot grow through the permafrost.
The introduction of an exotic species would cause __________________ with native species from resources.
Vehicle exhaust is the main ingredient of __________________.
A wind turbine convert wind energy to produce __________________ energy.
In a __________________ relationship, one organism benefits and the other is unaffected.
Lions, zebras, and gazelle are commonly found in savannas, which is a tropical __________________.
In an energy pyramid the smallest proportion of organisms are found in the__________________level.In an energy pyramid the smallest proportion of organisms are found in the__________________level.
Fossil fuel generate __________________that combines with water in the atmosphere to produce acid precipitation.
Maintaining water quality is important to keep it from becoming a __________________ resource.
__________________is an example of marine ecosystem.
__________________ is when all the members of a species have died.
The scientific name of an organism is represented by the __________________ and _________________. Example: Canis (genus) mesomelas (specie)
__________________ is a process by which human breed organisms for certain characteristics.
42. During sexual reproduction, the__________________from one fungus fuse with the hyphae of another to share genetic material.
In sedimentary rocks the __________________ layers contains the most recently formed fossils.
. __________________is the process by which organisms that are well adapted to environment conditions survive and reproduce at higher rates than those in the same population that are not well adapted.
_________________reproduce by binary fission or conjugation and are consider living things.
The __________________allows the plant to take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
An __________________ behavior is a behavior that does not depends on observation or experience.
In a flower the ________________ and __________________ are female reproductive structures, and the __________________ and the __________________ are male reproductive structures.
Similar __________________ indicates a common ancestor.
Similar developmental patterns in __________________in two different species suggest that the species have evolved from a common ancestor.
__________________ destroys the host cell while replicating itself.
During the __________________ era animals moved from the sea to the land.
__________________ breaks down the nutrients in dead organisms.
Algae are considered a__________________-like protist.
In plants, __________________help plants supply with water
55. Levels of organization: ________________, ________________, ________________, ________________, ________________, ________________, __________________, and ________________.
Clearing land and forming can lead to _______________.
{"name":"Life science final test", "url":"","txt":"The main functions of bones is to provide __________________ and __________________ ., Organisms, viruses, or particles that can make people sick are called __________________., The function of a cartilage in a joint is to __________________ the bones.","img":""}
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