COMPETENCY 6 (part 1)

A visually engaging illustration showing high-voltage electrical equipment, circuit breakers, safety gear, and technical diagrams in a dynamic and educational style.

High-Voltage Safety and Operations Quiz

Test your knowledge on high-voltage systems, equipment, and safety procedures with our comprehensive quiz designed for professionals in the field. Perfect for those looking to assess their understanding or prepare for certification.

Topics covered include:
- High-voltage circuit breakers
- Temperature sensors
- Generator operations
- Insulation resistance testing

105 Questions26 MinutesCreated by ElectrifyingWave27
Which of the following high-voltage testing tools are necessary to test the arc suppression medium is contact cylinders of high-voltage circuit breakers and high voltage contactors?
Integrity testers
Pressure testers
HV insulation testers
HV detectors
What is the process of breaking up fuel oil into fine particles to ensure good combustion?
In a liquid dielectric, which of the following impurity has significant effect in reducing the breakdown strength?
Dissolved gases
Ionic impurities
A bus disconnect link is used to isolate?
Different phases from the equalizer connection
One bus bar from another
The generator circuit breaker from the bus
Positive and negative buses from the neutral
In SF6 circuit breakers what is the meaning of SF6?
Silicon hexafluorine
Silicone hexafluoride
Sulfur hexafluorine
Sulfur hexafluoride
Which of the following is developed whenever there is a relative motion of action between a magnetic field and a conductor?
Electromotive force
Electromanetic field
How would you show your understanding to a communication device that allows to talk to each other with the use of a handset, similar to a conventional telephone but without the use of external power?
Sound-powered telephone system
Intercommunicating vocal-control system
Internal voice communication system
Circuit nomenclature
8. How can the hot spots in the bus bar or surrounding area be checked safely?
By using Rayteck gun
By using infra-red thermal imaging device
By visual inspection
By using a portable thermometer with long sensor probe
What will happen if a lo impedance connection is accidentally created across a charge capacitor within a high-voltage electrical network?
A small leakage current will flow
A large amount of AC power can be stored
Large amounts of power can be quickly discharged
A small amount of AC power can be discharge
Ammeters and voltmeters use in sinusoidal AC power system indicates which of the following values of the waveforms measured?
Maximum value
Average value
Root means square value
Peak value
In general, polyphase induction motors can be started on full line voltage by what means?
Autotransformer starters
Primary-resistor starters
Across-the-line starters
Compensator starters
When using an ohmmeter to test a semi conductor diode, you find a low resistance in both forward and reverse bias direction. This indicates that the diode is_____.
Good resistive quality
Good capacitive quality
ς� Short
A ship is generating 8MW of power at 440V from 4 diesel generator of 2MV 0.8 power factor each. How much full-load current each generator feeder cable and circuit breaker be able to handle?
1,500 Amperes
2,850 Amperes
4,050 Amperes
3,280 Amperes
It is a type of motor that is almost the same as an alternator.
Synchonous motor
Shunt DC motor
Seriec DC motor
Induction motor
On a vessel with turbo-electric drive, which of the following conditions would indicate that the propulsion motor had cut-out from synchronization with the propulsion generator?
Tripped main motor interlocks
Excessive vibration of the vessel
Closed contact in the field circuits
Overheated crosstie busses
Pt100 is a type of resistance temperature dependent sensor, mostly applied if very accurate temperature reading is required. What does Pt100 mean?
Platinum element with a resistance of 100 ohm@0 degC
Positive temperature sensor of 100 ohm @ 0 degC
Platinum element with a resistance of 0 ohm @ 100 degC
Positive temperature sensor of 100 degC @ 0 ohm
RTD type sensor utilizes which principle in temperature measurement?
Wheatstone bridge principle
Kirchoff’s Law
Lenz’s Law
Seebeck effect
On an engine throttle control system, the auxiliary control circuits are provided with devices to prevent excessive over travel of the pilot valve by the synchronous motor. These devices are called_____.
Proximity switches
Overlap sensors
Limit switches
Overtravel relays
How is the operator ensured that he is not in contact with any unearthed conductor before insulation resistance (IR) measurement of a HV system?
How is the operator ensured that he is not in contact with any unearthed conductor before insulation resistance (IR) measurement of a HV system?
How is the operator ensured that he is not in contact with any unearthed conductor before insulation resistance (IR) measurement of a HV system?
Connect the insulation resistance tester to the conductor with safety earth connection ON.
After connecting insulation resistance tester to the circuit, safety earth is to be disconnected
After clipping the two leads together, prior to taking a resistance reading with a volt-ohm-milliammeter, the ‘zero’ setting must be adjusted. Ylf you find the adjustment know will not return the pointer to ‘zero’. It is likely an indication of?
The range setting of resistance is improper
The Zero ohms knob is faulty
A faulty meter movement
Batteries are weak
The speed of a squirrel-cage, multi-sped induction motor, as used aboardship, is best varied by changing the
Resistance of the rotor circuit
Frequency of the motor
Number of connected poles in the stator
Excitation voltage
The total heating surface of any steam generating unit is comprised of?
Those parts of boiler which are exposed on one side to only the water being heated and on the other side to the combustion gases, such as the economizer surface
Those parts of boiler which are exposed on one side to only. Water or steam being heated, and on the other side to the combustion gases.
Those parts of boiler which are exposed on one side to only the steam being heated and on the other side to the combustion gases, such as the superheater surfaces
Those parts of boiler which are exposed on one side to only the water being heated and on the other side exposed directly on the furnace flame
What is a kind of temperature detecting element formed by a pair of dissimilar metals joined at one end and elsewhere isolated electrically from each other which produces a small electrical signal?
Bi-metallic thermometer
The following are rating of circuit breakers except______.
Rated short ionization current
Rated short circuit breaking current
Rated short time current
Rated short circuit making current
Why is corrosion due to electrolytic action in modern water-tube boilers is uncommon?
Boiler components are generally. Constructed of similar metals
Boiler water is a strong electriolyctic
Electrolytic action cannot occur at high pressure
Alkalinity control treatment prevents electrolytic action
Which of the listed pairs of materials make the best insulators?
Glass and mica
Copper and aluminum
Dry and vacuum
Doped silicon and germanium
What is the first step in removing a generator from parallel operation?
Decrease the cycles of the generator staying on the line
Turn off all electrical equipment
Trip the generator off the switchboard
Decrease the governor setting on the ‘off going’ generator
The dielectric strength of transformer oil is expected to be?
Prior to starting an AC Generator prime mover, the voltage regulator cut out switch should be place to what position?
Replacing position
Neutral bus position
Increase voltage position
Listed are the types of circuit breakers except?
Oil circuit breaker
SF6 circuit breaker
Ceramic circuit breaker
Vacuum circuit breaker
When a solid-state component of an electronic circuit is mounted to a metallic mass, the general purpose of that mass is to_______.
Prevent vibration damage to delicate components
Dissipate stray magnetic currents
Prevent mechanical damage to solid-state components
Act as a heat sink
A ground on a particular phase of a three phase low voltage system would be indicated by?
Low switchboard wattmeter
Bright switchboard ground detecting light
High switchboard wattmeter reading
Dark or dim switchboard ground detecting light
What is the use of magnetic blowout coil in a ship, crane using DC motor controller contactor?
Prevent contact melting
Open contact rapidly
Provide ‘snap – action ‘ in the contactor
Adjust opening spring tension
You are attempting to parallel two AC generators, and the synchroscope pointer is revolving past in the clockwise direction. What indicates that the frequency of the incoming machine?
Lower than the bus frequency
The same as the bus frequency but out of phase with it
Higher than the bus frequency.
The same as the bus frequency and the circuit breaker may be closed at any pointer position
Which of the following refers to a characteristics of a magnetic line of force?
It travels from back and forth between the north and south poles of a bar magnet
It stays stationary between the north and the south of a bar magnet
It travels from north to south through the surrounding medium of bar magnet
It travels from south to north through the surrounding medium of a bar magnet
What is the degree angle when the voltage and current are out of phase so that the true power is equal to zero?
A field effect transistor function that reduces number of current carries passing through its channel_____.
Bias mode
Amplified mode
Depletion mode
N a electronic industry, the abbreviation “PCB” commonly means______.
Positive conduction board
Pulse coded board
Printed circuit board
Polysaturated braid
When electrocuted, how much current may lead to loss of muscular control?
25 mA
5 mA
10 mA
500 mA
When paralleling two alternators, the synchronizing lamps remain lit as the synchroscope pointer approaches the 0* position. This indicates the?
Alternator power factors are in phase
Alternator voltage are 180* apart
Synchroscope is defective or broken
Incoming alternator is running to fast
Which of the following refers to a characteristics of a magnetic line of force?
It travels from north to south through the surrounding medium of bar magnet
It stays stationary between the north and the south of a bar magnet
It travels from back and forth between the north and south poles of a bar magnet
It travels from south to north through the surrounding medium of a bar magnet
What cause the main feed pump which can handle high temperature water without becoming vapor bound?
Constant pressure governor controls the discharge pressure
Required net positive suction pressure is designed into the system
Pump operates at a high discharge pressure
Area above the main condenser the impeller eye is vented
What methods are used to control the time that current is limited before full currentis applied?
Combination starter
Full voltage reversing starter
Wye-delta starter
Push button switch starter
Which of the following statements describes the significance of ambient temperature in relation to the service life of electronic components?
Ambient temperature should be as high as possible to drive off moisture
Increase ambient temperature decreases the service life of electronic components
A reduce ambient temperature causes a corresponding reduce service life
Ambient temperature is not significant as long as the relative humidity is kept low
What type of widely used thermocouple, also termed as Ni-Chromium/Ni-Alumel, with enchanced reliability, preciseness, inexpensive and operate at temperature ranges between -270 to 1,260 degC?
Type T
Type E
Type J
Type K
Electric propulsion coupling excitation is reduced at slow speed to
Increase speed control
Prevent coupling slippage
Increase shaft torque
Prevent coupling overheating
A low-voltage protection circuit is used in electric motor starting equipment to_____.
Trip circuit contactor when the motor develops a shop circuit due to low voltage
Trip circuit contactors when the motor overspeed due to low voltage
Allow the motor to start automatically on restoration of voltage without manually resetting
Prevent the motor from restarting automatically. On restoration of voltage
Which of the following indicate when paralleling two alternators, the synchronizing lamps remain lit as the synchroscope pointer approaches the 0* position?
Incoming alternator is running to fast
Alternator power factors are in phase
Alternator voltages are 180* apart
Synchroscope is defective or broken
When troubleshooting an electronic circuit, a cold solder joint can be located with the aid of an ohmmeter. Once the problem has been located, what should you do next?
Reheat the circuit in an oven to an even temperature recheck with a ohmmeter
Do nothing as this the normal condition
Reheat the connection with a match and recheck with an ohmmeter
Reheat Connection with a soldering tool and recheck with an ohmmeter
When trouble shooting electronic equipment, the first step to be taken before testing circuit voltage is to____.
Check the voltage supply from the source power
Set the meter to the lowest range
Check the current flow through the circuit
Remove the suspected component
The type of feature afforded to auxiliaries vital to the operation of propelling equipment, where automatic restart after a voltage failure would not create a hazard, which of the following termed is used to describe the process?
Low voltage release
Low voltage protection
High amperage release
High amperage protection
When trouble shooting electronic equipment, you should use a high impedance multimeter _____.
Whenever a low impedance meter is not available, regardless of the components being tested
To prevent excess current flow through the meter that would damage it
So as bot to load down the circuit and obtain erroneous voltage readings
For AC measurements only and a low resistance meter for DC measurements
What might be the cause if an electric motor of an electric driven compressor fails to start?
Leaking unloader
Control line leak
Defective pop valve
Tripped circuit breaker
To provide its unique characteristics to analog circuits, the operational amplifier is made up of a/an _______.
Scaling amp, power amp and voltage amp
Differential amp. Voltage amp and output amp
Input amp, power ampand output amp
Voltage amp, current ampand output amp
In synchronizing a generator, it is required that the voltage and frequency of the incoming generator is _______?
Lower voltage, equal frequency
Higher voltage, equal frequency
Equal voltage, lower frequency
Equal voltage, equal frequency
When troubleshooting an electronic circuit, a cold solder joint can be located with the aid of an ohmmeter. Once the problem has been located, what should you do next?
Reheat the circuit in an oven to an even temperature and recheck with an ohmmeter
Reheat connection with a soldering tool and recheck with an ohmmeter
Reheat the connection with a match and recheck with an ohmmeter
Do nothing as this is the normal condition
A triac thyristor functions as a control device and is basically ______.
A diode in series with a temperature sensitive capacitor
Two NPN transistor inparallel with a common base lead
Two-back-to back SCR’s with a common gate lead
A triode tube with an extra heavy grid element
What kind of resistance thermometer utilizes semi- conductor material which have a characteristic of a resistance decrease with temperature increase?
Bi-metallic thermometer
Which of the following statements represents and application of a silicon controlled rectifier?
Not synchronized, current is flowing and the relays are open
In synchronous position, no current flowing and the relays are closed
In synchronous, position, no current is flowing and the relays are open
Not synchronized, current is flowing and the relays are closed
A closed loop control system which enables two or more valves operated by one controller is known as ______.
Cascade control
Proportion control
Ratio control
Split range control
When trouble shooting electronic equipment, you should use a high impedance multimeter.
So as not to load down the circuit and obtain erroneous voltage readings
For AC measurements only and a low resistance meter for DC measurements
To prevent excess current flow through the meter that would damage it
Whenever a low impedance meter is not available, regardless of the components being tested
Determine the main difference of marine high voltage installation compared to low voltage installation onboardship.
High voltage systems are usually earthed neutral and use current limiting resistors
Low voltage system has more efficient utilization of generated power
High power system uses bigger generators, motors and cables
Access to low voltage areas are strictly limited and controlled
The standard method of controlling the output voltage of a 440 volt, 60 Hz, AC generator is accomplished by adjusting the _______.
Number of poles
Prime moves speed droop
Load on the alternator
Alternator field excitation
Which of the following is not provided in a switchboard for an AC electrical distribution system?
Frequency meter
All portable electric tools should have a ground connection to prevent?
Electric shock if the tool is shorted
Burning out the motor from an overload
Overloading the motor from a short
Grounding the plastic case through a short
A loss of field excitation to an AC generator while operating in parallel will cause to ______.
Smoke and overload due to filed flashover as residual field flux changes polarity
Lose its load, begin to motorize, trip out on reverse power delay, and possibly overspeed
Lose its load due to the inherent speed droop built into the governor
Absorb more and more load due to decreased armature reaction
In a faceplate-type motor starter, the starting arm is held in the ‘OFF’ position by a/an ______.
Cotter pin
Strong spring
Electrical circuit
Prior to starting an AC generator prime mover, the voltage regulator cut out switch should be placed in which of the following position?
Increasing voltage position
Neutral bus position
Replacing position
Position to manual
Why is it necessary to measure bolted bus bar joint resistance?
Because as high currentflows through the bus bar current may leak to the ground
Because the bolted joints surfaces can deteriorate and cause different resistance values over time
Because the nuts and bolts could get loose over time and cause abnormal high resistance
Because as high current flows through the bus bar, any resistance in it causes resistive heating
What is the part of the shipboard electrical system used to control the distribution of power to the branch circuit?
Disconnecting link
Main switchboard
Governor relay box
Bridge control panel
How can you determine if a circuit breaker is tripped?
Examining the position of the handle
Checking for the warm breaker
Looking for the tripped breaker light
Looking for a burned-out link
What is known as a conduction carrier opposite to the majority current carrier which are represented by the holes in N-Type material and free electrons in a P-Type material?
Majority Current Carrier
Minority Current Carrier
On a vessel with turboelectric drive, which of the following conditions would indicate that line propulsion motor had dropped out synchronization with the propulsion generator?
Closed contact on the field circuits
Excessive vibration of the vessel
Tripped main motor interlocks
Overheated crosstie busses
A ship is generating 8MW of power at 44oV from 4 diesel generator of 2MW 0.8 power factor each. How much full-load current each generator feeder cable and circuit breaker be able to handle? Option 1(ANSWETR): 3,280 Amperes Option 2: 4,050 Amperes Option 3: 1,500 Amperes Option 4: 2,850 Amperes.
3,280 Amperes
1,500 Amperes
4,050 Amperes
2,850 Amperes
The purpose of checking the electrical installations, equipment, etc. Using a megger tester?
Load to carry
Find short circuit
Condition of insulation
Proper grounding
Silicon diodes designed for a specific reverse breakdown voltage, become useful as an electronic power supply voltage regulator, called _______
Tunnel diodes
Compensating diodes
Zener diodes
Hot carrier diodes
The ground indicating light on the main electrical switchboard is indicating a ground. The best procedure for locating founded circuit is to _____.
Trace the circuit paths while looking for burned spots
Open the circuit breakers on the distribution panel, one at a time until the light no longer indicate a ground
Check all circuits for continuity
Check circuit resistance with a megohmmeter
An instantenous trip type fuse will?
Reset itself when the overcurrent is corrected
Open as soon as the loadcurrent exceeds the set point
Allow a preset delay between over current and melting
Open a circuit using a time delay element with a magnetic trip
Which of the following statements is correct concerning the circuits in a sound powered telephone system?
The ringing circuit is composed of only one common wire to ground
The common talking circuit is composed of two ungrounded wires
The ringing circuit has two grounded wires connected to its station
The talking and calling circuits are electrically dependent upon each other
The following are main things you should check when synchronizing a generator except for?
Two paralleled alternators are operating near rated load. If one trips out mechanically, which of the listed actions should be taken first?
Transfer all vital loads to the emergency bus
Strip the board of all nonvital circuits
Start the emergency generator
Restart the tripped machine immediately
When trouble shooting an electronic circuit, a cold solder joint can be located with the aid of an ohmmeter. Once the problem has been located, you should _______.
Reheat the connection with a match and recheck with an ohmmeter
Do nothing as this the normal condition
Reheat the circuit is an oven to an even temperature and recheck with an ohmmter
Reheat connection with a soldering tool and recheck with an ohmmeter
What is being used to indicate whether the alternator is running faster or slower than the other. What is this device installed in the main switchboard?
What is the transformer winding where power source is connected?
Armature winding
Secondary winding
Primary winding
Field winding
What kind of overload relay that is being actuated by an electromagnetic coil?
For a galley equipment the molded case breaker that provide protection against short circuits uses a/an _____?
Arc quencher
Holding coil
Shading coil
What device that gives the information about the speed of a motor in D.C. Generator?
Watt hour meter
The governor control switch of an alternator is move to the raised position. This action will _____.
Raise the percentage of speed droop
Raise the no-load speed setting of the governor
Lower the percentage of speed droop
Lower the no-load speed setting of the governor
What do you call a conductor carrier opposite to the majority current carrier which are represented by the holes in n-type material and free electrons in p-type material?
Majority Current Carrier
Minority Current Carrier
Equal power on paralleled AC generator are maintained by an automatic ________.
Reverse power relay
Voltage regulator
Reverse current relay
Governor control switch
Which of the following statements is true concerning a polyphase synchronous propulsion motor?
The field winding is energized for starting purposes only
Resistance is gradually added to the rotor circuit
The motor is started as an induction motor
The starting current is held below the rated current
Which of the following statement will affect the capacity value of a capacitor?
The area of the plates
The distance between the plates
The dielectric constant of the material
The flow of current in the circuit
Which of the listed actions should be taken first if one trips out mechanically in two paralleled alternators that are operating near rated load?
Start the emergency generator
Restart the tripped machine immediately
Strip the board of all nonvital circuitrs
Transfer all vitals loads to the emergency bus
Depending upon the design of boiuler, the constant pressure maintained at the steam drum or the superheat outlet is known as?
Overload pressure
Design pressure
Operating pressure
Output pressure
Which of the stated pressure conditions identifies the boiler design pressure?
The pressure specified by the manufacturer as a criteria for boiler design
The same pressure as the boiler operating pressure at full power capacity
A pressure lower than operating pressure of boiler
The pressure at which the boiler is operated during overload
To locate a grounded field coil in a synchronous of the instruments listed could be used?
Frequency meter
Currency meter
The speed of a series wound which motor is controlled by ______.
A hydraulic speed limiting governor
Over current protection devices in the motor
Varying the voltage applied to the motor
The weigh of the load on the cargo boom
Four lamps are connected in parallel in a single circuit. If one of the lamp burns out, the others will ______.
Burn with their original intensities
All go out
Become dimmer
Become brighter
To minimize magnetic field interaction between electrical conductors in physical proximity, it is best to keep them?
At right angles and as far as practicable
Parallel and as closes as possible to each other
At right angles and as close as possible to each other
Parallel to and as fast practicable from each other
Which of the following statement is true concerning a step-down transformer in an operating AC power circuit?
Voltage decrease as current
Voltage increases as current decreases
Voltage and current will both the decreased
Voltage and current will both the increased
{"name":"COMPETENCY 6 (part 1)", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on high-voltage systems, equipment, and safety procedures with our comprehensive quiz designed for professionals in the field. Perfect for those looking to assess their understanding or prepare for certification.Topics covered include:- High-voltage circuit breakers- Temperature sensors- Generator operations- Insulation resistance testing","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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