Weekly Quiz! Test your human rights knowledge

How well do you remember this week's human rights news?
Let's find out with this 5-question quiz.
How well do you remember this week's human rights news?
Let's find out with this 5-question quiz.
Which Russian human rights defender was handed a prison sentence this week, on farcical charges of discrediting Russia’s armed forces? 
Oleg Orlov
Alexey Gorinov
Vladimir Kara-Murza
Igor Barshnikov
Recently released interrogation room footage from Japan shows a public prosecutor hurling abuse and humiliation at lawyer Yamato Eguchi, who stood accused of inducing his client to make a false statement. How long did the interrogation last? 
12 hours
21 hours
12 days
21 days
In recent months, Burkina Faso has seen a spike in what type of repression? 
Public humiliation
Twitter cancelling
This week, Australian lawmakers hosted the President of which country, whose brutal crackdown on drugs has killed thousands and amounted to crimes against humanity? 
El Salvador
The Philippines
On February 14, at least 300 protesting villagers and Tibetan monks were arrested by Chinese authorities. What construction project were they protesting? 
A hydroelectric dam
A motorway bypass
A nuclear power station
A holiday resort
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