How Strong is Your Intuition?

A serene forest scene with a yoga practitioner meditating under a full moon, surrounded by nature and symbolic representations of intuition, such as light beams and crystals.

How Strong is Your Intuition?

Discover the power of your intuition and how it shapes your connection to the world around you. This engaging quiz will help you reflect on your personal experiences in nature, mindfulness practices, and self-awareness.

  • Uncover your intuitive strengths
  • Gain insights into your lifestyle choices
  • Explore your connection to the universe
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by FlowingSpirit257
How did you feel the last time you were in nature?
I haven’t been in nature recent enough to remember
I felt nice to be outside
I deeply enjoyed being surrounded by trees, fresh air, and wild life
I felt a deep sense of connection to all the living creatures, including the trees, the earth, the water, the animals and the wind
Describe your yoga and meditation experience
I rarely, if ever, have done yoga and meditated
I have taken a few yoga classes and liked them
I regularly do yoga and mediate
I have a daily practice of yoga and mediation that focuses on my mind, body, spirit connection
Which sentence best reflects your eating habits?
I don't typically think about what I eat, but I wish I ate better
I try to be aware what I put into my body but I fall into cravings easily
I strive to eat the most sustainable and compassionate diet but will indulge in processed foods occasionally, I drink alcohol rarely or never
I eat the most sustainable and compassionate diet based on my bodies specific needs, I never drink alcohol
How would you describe the term: “Intuition”
I’m not really sure what this term means
It’s like a feeling you get when your subconscious is trying to tell you something
It is a deep sense of knowing what the right choice is
Intuition is our souls connection to the universal knowledge, guiding us on our life’s path
When faced with a tough decision in life, such as ending a relationship, quitting your job, or moving away; how do you figure out what the right choice is?
I have a hard time making these decisions and usually wait until something happens in my life that forces me to change
I usually already know what the right choice is, I just have troubling trusting my decision
I consult my trusted support network, review all the options, make pro/con lists, visualize my future, and make an informed choice based on the facts
When the time comes to make a tough decision I am already aware of the right choice and have come to terms with it by the time the change needs to be made
Can you describe what the purpose of your third eye is?
I am not sure what this is
I think it has to do with our chakras?
The third eye is an energy center located in the center of forehead, just above the eyebrows
The third eye is the connection between our souls and the universe, it is a portal to receive information and ask for guidance, it leads us to our destiny
Which sentence best describes your sleep habits?
I rarely get enough sleep, I am constantly tired and relying on caffeine
I try to get enough sleep but do rely frequently on caffeine
I get enough sleep and occasionally supplement with caffeine
I sleep and rise on my bodies internal clocks and have no need for caffeine unless in an emergency situation
When was the last time you cleansed your aura and how did it you do it?
I am not sure how to cleanse my aura, I have never done it
I am not sure how to cleanse my aura but I like burning sage
I frequently burn sage and use crystals in my daily life
I cleanse my aura daily using a variety of herbal, crystal, vibrational and ritual methods.
During a conversation with anyone, what are your typical listening habits?
I listen to what they say as they say it, sometimes I zone out
I enjoy listening to others speak
I listen intently to what is being said, I understand easily by noticing their body language
I understand what people mean before they finish their sentences, I can sense their emotions and subconsciously decode their body language. I frequently help fill in words they are at a loss for, sometimes immediately
When thinking about your life goals, how do you feel?
I don’t feel confident about my goals, they seem far off and unreachable
I know what my goals are but I am unsure how to get there
I know what my goals are and I have plans to reach them
My goals are based on my souls path, I know that by aligning with this journey that everything will be in my favour to attain these goals through methodical and intuitive steps
What is your relationship to the moon?
I like to look at it when it’s out, but never really pay attention beyond that
The moon is a beautiful! I’m such a “look at the moon!” person!
I love tracking the moon cycles and gazing upon its many phases
I am consistently aware of the moon phase and sign it is in, I plan rituals around its full and new moon phases, she has helped me honour my darkness
How strong is your imagination and sense of creativity?
My imagination is not that strong, I don’t feel very creative
I love to day dream and make art!
My imagination takes me on some great adventures! It is easy and enjoyable to create from my imagination and inspiration
My imagination is the basis of all my creation, I am constantly daydreaming of new ideas and projects. It is a tool I can easily tap into at anytime when I am physically safe and comfortable
How do you feel about yourself?
I don’t really like myself
I like myself but I think there is a lot I can change
I really love myself but still struggle with accepting my darkness
I honour each part of myself, light and dark, knowing they all make up my unique soul blueprint. Any trauma I have experienced was written into my soul journey so I could learn specific lessons and gain my personal strength
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