HIST1601 Revision

When was the Tang Dynasty?
When was the Song Dynasty?
What book did Joseph Needham write about science, technology and industrialization in China called?
What was the name of Lynda Schaffer Book?
What was the name of John Merson's book?
What did Francis Bacon say contributed to Western Europe's modern take-off?
When was the compass, printing press and gunpowder invented?
When was the Silk Road used?
Shift in China from agriculture to industrialisation?
When did the Chinese civil service examinations become regulated?
When was paper money invented, and gunpowder produced for weapons?
When was the Renaissance?
What did Dante Alighieri write?
What did Lorenzo Valla do?
Proved that the Donation of Constantine was a forgery
Painted homage of a simple man
Wrote the Decameron
When was Homage of a Simple man painted and who was its painter?
Michelangelo, 1300
Giotto Di Bondone, 1300
Albrecht Durer, 1528
What did Francesco Petrarca write?
Rules for the Ruler
The Discourses
Dialogue: Julius Locked out of heaven
What book is Niccolo Machiavelli famous for and when was it written?
What is the main point of the prince?
What painting by Leonardo Da Vinci combines mathematics with art?
When was the Vitruvian Man published?
Who "laid the egg that Luther hatched?"
When did Michelangelo finish painting the Creation of Adam?
What year was the Praise of Folly published?
When did Johannes Gutenberg invent the typing printing press?
When was the dissolution of the Byzantine empire?
When did Lorenzo Valla published the forgery of the donation of Constantine?
The establishment of the Republic of Florence
Duration of Medici Rule
When did the Voyages of Exploration take place?
The Duration of the Ming Dynasty?
When did the Yongle Emperor die?
When did admiral Zheng He die?
When did Zheng He's seven expeditions take place?
When was 'The travels of Marco Polo' published?
How did Prince Henry the Navigator contribute to the Voyages of Exploration?
Sailed around the Cape of Good Hope
First Portuguese to enter Indian spice trade
Sponsored the initial explorations of the Portuguese
Established a school that taught navigation skills to sailors
What year did Bartolomeo Dias first sail around the Cape of Good Hope
What year did Vasco da Gama land in Calicut?
When did Christopher Columbus discover the Americas?
When did Ferdinand Magellan complete the first circumnavigation of the world?
The collapse of the Mayan and Inca empires?
Who were Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro?
Spanish conquerers
When were the Portuguese ousted from the Indian trade network?
When was the VOC founded?
When was the English East India Trade Company founded?
When was the Reformation?
Who started the Protestant Reformation?
What does sola fide mean?
When was the Thirty Years War?
When was the 95 theses written and nailed to the door of the Wittenburg Church Door?
What doctrine by the Roman Catholic Church permitted indulgences?
How did Pope Julius II pay for the painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
When did Martin Luther first visit Rome?
Which person said 'As soon as gold in the basin rings, right then the soul to heaven springs'
Johann Tetzel
Martin Luther
Thomas Munzer
Pope Leo the X
When were the Protestant Reformation's peasant revolts and where did they take place?
Who was the main Holy Roman Emperor during the Reformation?
When was the Diet of Worms?
When Luther returned and spoke against the Peasant uprisings
When John Calvin invented Calvinism
The duration of the Council of Trent
What did the council of trent write?
When Edward the VI died
When the Peace of Augsburg cemented Lutheranism as an official religion?
What is Ignatious Loyola known for?
Advocating violence during the peasants revolt
Condemning Luther in the Diet of Worms
Writing the institutes of the Christian religion
Forming the society of Jesuits
When was the Taiping Rebellion?
When was the Meiji Restoration?
Who led the Taiping Rebellion?
Who led the Meiji Restoration?
When did Matthew Perry visit Japan?
1853, 1854
1758, 1759
1850, 1851
1899, 1901
What was the name of the last shogun regime?
Who was in charge of China during the Qing Dynasty?
When was the Southern Capital Nanjing taken back by the 'Ever Victorius Army'
When did the Yellow River break it banks?
What was the name of Hong's Taiping society?
The God Worshipping Society
The Ever Victorious Army
Heavenly God Society
Which Japanese scholar is often associated with the Japanese enlightenment?
Who wrote An Outline of a theory of Civilisation and when was it published?
When was the First Opium War?
Formation of the God Worshipping Society
Treaty of Nanjing
The Industrial Revolution
The year the Taiping's capture Nanjing?
The Duration of the Crimean War
Duration of the Second Opium War
Self- strengthening movement
Sino- Japanese War
The Boxer Rebellion
Russo- Japanese War
End of Qing Dynasty
{"name":"HIST1601 Revision", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"When was the Tang Dynasty?, When was the Song Dynasty?, What book did Joseph Needham write about science, technology and industrialization in China called?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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