The Going Direct quiz adapted from (Positive Money quiz Written and developed by David Faraday)
Going DIrect is
A Square on the monopoly board
Cutting Out the middleman
Blackrocks policy launched in 2019
A New Rail Service
Goldsmiths, or early bankers, started issuing promissory notes for the gold or silver they stored as early as 1633. But how many decades passed before these actually become recognised as legal tender?
7 Years
7 Decades
In which year were independent or commercial banks legally stopped from printing their own bank notes?
The population of the UK is around 64m, approximately how much cash (bank notes and coins created by the Bank of England) is currently in circulation in the UK economy?
When bank notes and coins are manufactured the government, via the Bank of England, essentially sells them to commercial banks at face value. This income, after manufacturing and distribution costs, is called:
Tobin Tax
In our digital age, of course, we don’t always use cash. Often we use electronic money, through debit and credit cards or through standing orders and direct debits from our bank accounts. So what proportion of the total money in our economy do bank notes and coins actually make-up?
It took 300 years to create the first trillion pounds, how long did it take to create the second trillion?
8 months
8 years
80 years
160 years
The electronic money that the Bank of England creates is known as Central Bank Reserves; it’s this money that commercial banks exchange between themselves to settle their accounts. Since the financial crisis the Bank of England has created more Central Bank Reserves through a process known as Quantitative Easing, but how much have they created?
For every pound created through Quantitative Easing, how much does Positive Money estimate has actually reached the ‘real’ economy?
If the money generated through Quantitative Easing was spent directly into the ‘real’ economy, for every pound spent how much does Positive Money estimate the economy would grow by?
What proportion of the adult population in the UK believes that banks simply ‘hold on to any money deposited with them’, like a commercial ‘piggy bank’?
One tenth
One fifth
One quarter
One third
When you deposit some of your own money into a bank account, maybe your saving for holiday or simply keeping your money safe, who then legally owns that money?
The Bank
What term do bankers use to describe any deposits you might have with them?
Most of the remaining members of the public believe that banks actually loan out any money that’s deposited with them to other people or businesses. What term do bankers use to describe the loans that they make?
Economics students, and most other financially trained people, understand things slightly differently. They have been taught the money multiplier, or fractional reserve, model of banking. However, even though this model is still widely taught, it’s not quite how the system works. Professor Charles Goodhart of the LSE, an adviser to the BoE, described this model as “such an incomplete way of describing the process of the determination of the stock of money that it amount to mis-instruction”. When do you think he said this?
To make a loan of £100,000, legally how much money does a bank need to have on deposit or keep in reserve?
When you take out a loan the bank simply creates a balance sheet, on one side they put the amount you’ve borrowed, which you see as your loan account or your repayment schedule, and on the other side they put the amount they’ve given to you, which you see as money in your deposit account. What is this process called?
Double entry accounting
Good practice
You borrow £100 from a bank, but you’re not sure it’s real money because you now know a little about where it’s come from, what’s the simplest method of testing out whether it’s real or not?
Borrow it down the Pub
Withdraw it from a cash machine
When was the legislation passed that gave the commercial banks the power to create money through issuing debt in the form of loans?
There has never been any law passed
When the loan is repaid, what happens to the money?
It is Re-Loaned
The Government Takes it back
It Is Destroyed
It Goes to the Tooth fairy
Over the ten years prior to the financial crisis by how much did mortgage lending increase?
Two times
Three times
Four times
Five times
In 1996, on average a first time buyer would spend 17.5% of their take home salary on their mortgage. What percentage of a first time buyer’s take home salary was required by 2008?
On average, the richest 10% of the population pay 1.4% of their income to the banks in interest. How much do the poorest 10% pay?
In a recent Positive Money poll of 100 MPs, what percentage said that the following statement was true: “Only the government – via the Bank of England or Royal Mint – has the authority to create money, including coins, notes and the electronic money in your bank account.”?
Between 2003 and 2008, 646 MPs elected by more than 24m voters, oversaw government spending of £2.1tn. Over the same period the five largest UK banks created £2.9tn through issuing debt. The key decisions about how much debt to issue are taken by the board members of these banks. How many of them were there?
Excluding property, what proportion of the money that banks created do you think Positive Money have estimated actually went into businesses outside the financial sector, what commentators often refer to as the ‘real’ economy?
In 2013, who said: “The financial crisis of 2007 to 2008 occurred because we failed to constrain the financial system’s creation of private credit and money.”
Gordon Brown (former PM and Chancellor);
Lord Adair Turner (former Chair of the Financial Services Authority);
George Osbourne (the last but one Chancellor);
Mark Carney (the current Governor of the Bank of England)
{"name":"The Going Direct quiz adapted from (Positive Money quiz Written and developed by David Faraday)", "url":"","txt":"Like the chicken and the egg, which came first banking or money?, Goldsmiths, or early bankers, started issuing promissory notes for the gold or silver they stored as early as 1633. But how many decades passed before these actually become recognised as legal tender?, In which year were independent or commercial banks legally stopped from printing their own bank notes?","img":""}