Let's practice!

An informative and visually engaging illustration depicting environmental health themes, showing elements like pollution, chemical exposure, and human health in a harmonious yet cautionary style.

Environmental Health Quiz

Test your knowledge about environmental health and the impact of chemicals on human well-being with this engaging quiz. Dive into various topics related to ecosystems, toxicology, and risk management.

You'll encounter questions about:
- Toxicology and environmental hazards
- Key terminology in health policy
- The relationship between industry and health risks

10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by AssessingPlanet42
Exposure to substances such as corrosives, fumes, vapors, liquids, and dust can be extremely harmful.
¿Cuál de estos tres elementos NO está en esta frase?
Un adverbio
Un falso cognado
Un conector de ejemplificación
“Ecosystems and Human Health: Toxicology and Environmental Hazards, Third Edition”. This book explores the broad range of environmental and human health aspects of chemical and biological hazards—from natural toxins and disasters to man-made pollutants and environmental crises.
La frase verbal de esta oración es explores, la –S significa:
Que el verbo está en su forma infinitiva
Que el verbo está en plural
Que el verbo está conjugado en presente simple
Some Examples of Major Industrial Accidents and Environmental Chemical Exposures with Human Health Implications.
Selecciona la opción correcta:
[Some Examples] of [Major Industrial Accidents and Environmental Chemical Exposures] with [Human Health Implications]
[Some examples] of [major industrial accidents] and [environmental chemical exposures] with [human health implications]
[Some Examples] [of Major Industrial Accidents] [and Environmental Chemical Exposures] [with Human Health Implications]
Factors influencing the risk of a toxic reaction.
Selecciona la información CORRECTA con respecto a la palabra “influencing”:
Me doy cuenta de que funciona como posmodificador porque se ubica a la derecha del núcleo nominal “factors”
Me doy cuenta de que es el núcleo de la frase nominal porque está premodificado por la palabra “factors”
Me doy cuenta de que funciona como posmodificador porque se ubica a la izquierda del núcleo nominal “factors”
Academic research can contribute to national and international health policy.
¿Cómo leerías la palabra TO en esta oración?
No se lee (indica verbo infinitivo)
Manufacturing industries producing heavy steel materials cause environmental hazards, which negatively affect human health.
Las palabras con ING de esta oración son:
Un sustantivo y un premodificador
Dos posmodificadores
Un premodificador y un posmodificador
The most common environmental health problems include atmospheric pollution, water pollution, climate change, ozone depletion, solid waste management, and toxic, chemical and hazardous waste management.
El ultimo sustantivo de esta oración (management) está premodificado por:
Dos premodificadores
Tres premodificadores
Cuatro premodificadores
Total Safety and the Productivity Challenge: This book describes methods developed by leading experts, but are presented in a practical way for application in industry by non-experts.
La palabra BUT es un conector de contraste, que en este caso de traduce como:
Así como también
Tales como
Hazardous Chemicals: Safety Management and Global Regulations: This book discusses different aspects of potentially toxic and hazardous chemicals in a simple way. It also offers fundamental knowledge about the biological and health effects of hazardous and potentially toxic chemicals.
¿Por cuál frase puedo reemplazar a la palabra IT?
A simple way
Different aspects
This book
Peligros de salud física y psicológica y control de riesgos.
¿Cuál es la versión correcta en inglés?:
Physical and Psychological Health Risks and Hazard Control
Physical and Psychological Health Hazards and Risk Control
Hazard Control and Physical and Psychological Health Risks
{"name":"Let's practice!", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge about environmental health and the impact of chemicals on human well-being with this engaging quiz. Dive into various topics related to ecosystems, toxicology, and risk management.You'll encounter questions about:- Toxicology and environmental hazards- Key terminology in health policy- The relationship between industry and health risks","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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