A colorful illustration of a classroom environment with students taking a quiz, English books and materials scattered on the desks, a chalkboard with English grammar rules, and a clock showing the time, in a bright and cheerful style.

English Language Proficiency Quiz

Test your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary with our engaging quiz designed for learners at various levels. Whether you're preparing for exams or just want to improve your language skills, this quiz is perfect for you!

  • Multiple choice questions
  • Covers grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure
  • Immediate feedback on your answers
20 Questions5 MinutesCreated by LearningLion724
Причаѝтие наѝтоѝщего времени от глагола to copy out
Copying out
To copying out
To copy outing
Copiing out
Причаѝтие наѝтоѝщего времени от глагола to put
To puting
To putting
Причаѝтие наѝтоѝщего времени от глагола to read
To reading
To readding
Правильный вопроѝ к выделенному ѝлову в предложении - Jane is a doctor.
Who is Jane?
Who Jane is?
What Jane is?
What is Jane?
Правильный вопроѝ к выделенному ѝлову в предложении- Those are notes.
Are those notes?
Those are notes?
Who are they?
What are they?
Выберите правильный ответ на вопроѝ- Are you opening or closing the book?
Yes, I am.
No, I'm not.
I'm opening the book.
You're closing the book.
Выберите правильный ответ на вопроѝ- Are they looking at me?
Yes, we are.
Yes, they are.
They are looking at the book.
We are watching TV.
Выберите правильный ответ на вопроѝ- What is your friend doing?
My friend is a doctor.
He is a student.
He is reading the book.
He reads books.
Выберите правильный ответ на вопроѝ- What are your friends?
They are fine, thanks.
They are going home.
They are students.
They are not going home.
Правильный порѝдок ѝлов в предложении-
Please go to your table now.
Go please to your table.
To your table please go.
Now to your table please go.
Правильно поѝтроенное отрицательное предложение ѝто -
Not close the door.
Don't close the door.
The door not close.
The door is not to close.
Правильно поѝтроенное отрицательное предложение ѝто -
You are no going out.
Don't going out.
You're not going out.
You aren't go out.
Выбери правильный артикль-Tom is _______ good boy.
Выбери правильный артикль-It's _______ white exercise-book.
Выбери правильный артикль-Please open that book at ____page two and read ____ Text Five.
The, the
A, the
The, a
-, -
Выбери правильный предлог или наречие-Please take that thick book ___ the table, Kate.
Выбери правильный предлог или наречие-Don't copy out Text Seven now, do it ___ home.
Выбери правильный предлог или наречие-Please go ___ that table, Jack, and sit ___ .
Down, to
To, down
To, to
Down, down
Выберите правильную форму глагола- The spoons ___ on the table.
Выберите правильную форму глагола- He (to give) the book to his friend.
Is giving
To giving
Be giving
{"name":"FINAL TEST \/GROUP 1\/", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary with our engaging quiz designed for learners at various levels. Whether you're preparing for exams or just want to improve your language skills, this quiz is perfect for you!Multiple choice questionsCovers grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structureImmediate feedback on your answers","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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