Medic 3

Drugs that have alpha or beta sympathetic properties are called
Adrenergic blockers
A patient with orthopnea
Generally has a slow, shallow respiratory pattern
Is awakened from sleep with severe dyspnea
Prefers to lie flat in orer to facilitate breathing
Seeks a sitting position when short of breathe
Aqueous humor
Cannot be replenished by the body if it is lost
Is contained in the anterior chamber of the eye
Is contained in the posterior chamber of the eye
Is found between the iris and the lens of the eye
Signs and symptoms of marijuana use include all of the following EXCEPT
Decreased appetite
Bloodshot eyes
Myocardial ischemia occurs when the heart muscle ......
Is deprived of oxygen because of a blocked coronary artery
Experiences a decreased oxygen demand and an increased supply
Suffers oxygen deprivation secondary to coronary vasodilation
Undergoes necrosis because of prolonged....
Which of the following is a potentially life-threatening complication of missing one or more dialysis treatments?
Uremic frost
Peripheral edema
Ventricular fibrillation occurs when......
Cardiac cells in the ventricles fall to completely repolarize, resulting in a decrease in ventricular automaticity
The ventricles become the primary pacemaker for the heart, resulting in rapid and irregular ventricular rhythm
The ventricles quiver rather than contract.....
Many different cells in the heart depolarize independently rather than in response to an impulse from the SA node
A decrease in adrenal hormone production will result in all of the following, EXCEPT
Inability to respond to stress
A hallmark sign of mania is
Memory distortion
Persistent insomnia
Marked hyperactivity
Speech retardation
Most of the digestive process occurs in the
Small intestine
Common signs and symptoms of menningitis include
Irritability, back pain, headache and hypertension
Mental status changes, fever, stiff neck and....
Slow-onset fever, tinnitus and an occipital headache
A dark red rash, combativeness and low grade fever
Common clinical findings in patients with obstructive lung disease include all of the following, EXCEPT
Chronic air trapping in the lungs
A decreased expiratory phase
Abdominal muscle use
Pursed-lip breathing
Implantation of a fertilized egg within a fallopian tube
Represents only 3% of all ectopic pregnancies
Produces atypical signs of pregnancy
Can cause severe intra-abdominal hemorrahging
Is usually detected after the 20th week of pregnancy
Organophosphates exert their effect by......
Stimulating the cholinergic nervous system
Agonizing the sympathetic nervous system
Blocking the parasympathetic
Destroying the body's acetylcholine
When managing cardiac arrest, the appropriate dosing regimen for epinephrine is
1 ml of a 1:10,000 solution every 3 to 5 minutes
10 ml of a 1:1,000 solution every 3 to 5 minutes
0.1 mg/kg of a 1:10,000 solution every 3 minutes
1 mg of a 1:10,000 solution every 3 to 5 minutes
Most of the blood's formed elements are.....
A patient with cardiogenic shock and pulmonary edema should be positioned
Supine with the legs elevated
In the Trendelenburg position
In a semi-Fowler's position
In a lateral recumbent position
The toxicity of carbon monoxide arises primarily from
Its destructive properties on ferric ions
Its affinity for hemoglobin in red blood cells
Its ability to markedly decrease the metabolic rate
The fact that carbon monoxide destroys hemoglobin molecules
The odor of bitter almonds on a patients breath should make you suspicious for exposure to
A morbidly obese man called 911 because of difficulty breathing. When you arrive, you find the 39 year old patient lying supine in his bed. He is in marked respiratory distress and is only able to speak in two word sentences. He has a history of hypertension, but denies any respiratory conditions. What should you do FIRST?
Assess his oxygen saturation level
Sit him up or place him on his side
Begin assisting his ventilations
Administer a beta 2 agonist drug
In contrast to dementia, delirium:
Generally results from conditions such as Alzheimer disease
Is characterized by acute global impairment
Is an irreversible process caused by premature cerebral deterioration
Is a chronic process that causes deficits in memory and abstract thinking
A person who compulsively uses a drug, despite the fact that he or she knows the drug will cause physical or psychological harm is......
An abuser
The skin of a patient with chronic renal failure is MOST often:
Cool and dry
Which of the following would have the MOST negative effect on the outcome of a patient with an intracranial hemorrhage?
Slow rise in intracranial pressure
A pure alpha agent:......
Causes marked vasoconstriction
Has a direct effect on the heart rate
Decreases the blood pressure by dilating the vessels
Causes moderate bronchoconstriction
The by-product of cellular respiration is:
Carbon dioxide
Pyruvic acid
Lactic acid
A physiologic effect of sympathetic nervous stimulation includes:
Dilation of the bronchioles
A negative dromotropic effect
Decreased conduction velocity
Dilation of the blood vessels
Cor pulmonale is defined as
Rupture of the alveoli due to increased surface tension
Left heart failure secondary to mitral valve damage
Right heart failure secondary to chronic lung....
Increased preload caused by sever hypertension
A marked decrease in urine output is called......
Prior to administering 50% dextrose (d50) via IV push, it is MOST important to:
Confirm a blood glucose reading of less than 40 mg/dl
Protect the airway with an endotracheal tube
Draw blood for later analysis in the emergency department
Ensure that the IV line is patent and freely.....
Decerebrate posturing
Is an early clinical finding, because it occurs with minimal increases in intracranial pressure
Is a more sever finding than decorticate
Is characterized by abnormal flexion of the arms and extension of the lower extremities
Is considered less severe than decorticate posturing, because it indicates that the brainstem is intact
A 39 year old man in asystole has been unresponsive to high quality CPR and two doses of epinephrine. The patient is intubated and an IO catheter is in place. You should focus on:
Transcutaneous cardiac pacing
Establishing a peripheral IV line
Searching for reversible causes
Providing nild hyperventilation
A patient with status asthmaticus commonly presents with.....
Audible expiratory wheezing and sever cy....
Physical exhaustion and inaudible breath sounds
Compensatory respiratory alkalosis and stridor
Accessory muscle use and inspiratory wheezing
Automaticity is defined as the ability of the hear to:
Increase or decrease its heart rate based on the body's metabolic needs
Generate its own electrical impulses witho......
Spontaneously conduct an electrical impulse between cardiac cells
Generate an electrical impulse from the same site every time
A psychiatric emergency
Is generally the result of a short-term emotional crisis that is treated effectively with behaviour modification
Is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain but does not interfere with activities of daily living
Generally occurs following the use of illicit drug or excessive consumption of alcohol
Exists when a person's abnormal behavior....
The MOST immediate and significant complication associated with a hemorrhagic stroke is:
Acute hypovolemic shock
Hypertension and bradycardia
Mean arterial pressure increase
Increased intracranial pressure
Diabetes is MOST accurately defined as:
A metabolic disorder in which the body's a.....
An endocrine disorder in which the liver is unable to produce and store adequate amounts of glycogen
Inadaquate insulin secretion, which leads to increased circulating blood glucose levels
A decrease in circulating insulin levels, which results in a drop in serum blood sugar levels
Hepatojugular reflux occurs when:
A patient's jugular veins are markedly engorged when lying in a supine position
Left sided heart failure causes blood to accumulate in the patients liver
The jugular veins collapse in response to palpation of the right upper quadrant
Mild pressure placed on the patients liver......
The primary anatomic link between the endocrine system and the nervous system is/are the
Adrenal cortex
Adrenal glands
In contrast to negative-pressure ventilation positive pressure ventilation:
Occurs when the diaphragm descends
Is the forcing of air into the lungs
Can only be provided to intubated patients
Is provided with a nonrebreathing mask
The brief pause between the P wave and QRS complex represents
The period of time when the atria are repolarizing
A momentary conduction delay at the AV.....
Full dispersal of electricity throughout the atria
Depolarization of the inferior part of the atria
A known heroin abuser is found unconscious on a park bench. Your assessment reveals that his respirations are slow and shallow. And his pulse is slow and weak. You should:
Assist ventilations with a bag-mask device....
Apply oxygen via nonrebreating mask, administer naloxone and be prepared to assist ventilations
Suction his oropharynx, perform intubation and then administer naloxone via slow IV push
Preoxygenate him with a bag-mask device for 2 to 3 minutes and then intubate his trachea
A beta adrenergic blocker would counteract all of the following medications, EXCEPT
In dark skinned patients, cyanosis can be detected in the ......
Vasoconstriction occurs following stimulation of
Alpha receptors
Beta-2 receptors
Beta-1 receptors
Alpha and beta receptors
Hepatomegaly and jugular venous destention are MOST suggestive of
Right heart failure
Left heart failure
Severe pneumonia
Pulmonary edema
An arteriovenous fistula is usually located in the ......
Forearm or upper arm
Patient's groin area
Distal lower extremety
Peritoneal cavity
You are dispatched to a grocery store for a woman with severe abdominal pain. When you arrive, you find the patient lying on her side in the manager's office. She is confused, is diaphoretic, and appears to be bleeding from her vagina. Her blood pressure is low and her pulse and respiratory rates are elevated. You should:
Administer 100% oxygen, elevate her legs 12 to 18 inches, keep her warm, establish vascular access and give a 500 ml fluid bolus, reassess her blood pressure and transport at once with continuous monitoring en route to the hospital
Assist her ventilations with a bag-mask device, carefully place a trauma dressing inside her vagina to control the bleeding, begin rapid transport, establish two large-bore IV lines en route and administer 20 ml/kg fluid boluses as needed
Apply high-flow oxygen, visually inspect......
Immediately place her in a supine position, firmly massage her uterine fundus to control the bleeding, establish two large-bore IV lines and run them wide open, transport at once and apply high-flow oxygen en route to the hospital
A sudden increase in end-tidal CO2 may be the earliest indicator of
Inadvertent ET tube dislodgment
Return of spontaneous circulation
Ineffective chest compressions
Developing respiratory alkalosis
After delivering a shock to a patient in pulseless ventricular tachycardia you should:
Resume CPR
Deliver two effective ventilations
Reassess the cardiac rhythm
Check for a pulse
An adult who opens her eyes in response to verbal stimuli, is disoriented and pushes your hand away when you palpate a painful area has a Glasgow Coma Scale score of:
Organic brain syndrome is a term used to describe a condition in which a person's abnormal behavior is:.....
Irreversible and cannot be linked to a.....
Caused by premature brain cell deterioration that is progressive and cannot be reversed
Caused by a physical illness or the influence of a substance that interferes with normal cerebral function
Directly related to an endocrine disturbance that results in the underproduction of key hormones
Frothy sputum that has a pink tinge to it is MOST suggestive of:
Antihistamine use
Chronic bronchitis
Congestive heart failure
In contrast to somatic pain, visceral pain
Is well localized
Indicates peritonitis
Increases with movement
Is difficult to localize
Bedridden patients with excessive pulmonary secretions are MOST prone to developing
A pneumothorax
A pulmonary embolism
In contrast to stable angina, unstable angina.....
Occurs following periods of strenuous exertion
Indicates that myocardial necrosis ......
Is less frequent but is associated with more pain
Often awakens the patient from his or her sleep
Untreated ventricular tachycardia would MOST likely deteriorate to
Pulseless electrical activity
Torsade de pointes
Ventricular fibrillation
The presense of a J wave (Osborn wave) on the ECG is an indicator of
A delta wave
Cardiovascular effects of anaphylaxis include
Diaphoresis, bradycardia and edema
Tachycardia, flushed skin and hypoten....
Peripheral vasoconstriction and cool skin
An irregular pulse, pallor and pruritus
Filtering of blood and recycling of dead red blood cells are functions of the......
Virulence is defined as the
Severity of infection once an organism enters the body
Degree of difficulty that is takes to destroy an organsim
Ability of an organism to invade and......
Amount of time that it takes for an organism to infect the host
You are assessing the 12-lead tracing of a 40 year old man with chest pain and note ST-segment elevation in leads II, III and a VF. Lead V4R shows 2mm ST-segment elevation. The patient's blood pressure is 88/58 mm hg and his heart rate is 72 beats/min and regular. He denies any significant past medical history but is allergic to salicylates. After placing the patient on oxygen and starting an IV line of normal saline, you should:
Administer up to 325 mg of baby aspirin
Start a dopamine infusion at 2 mcg/kg/min
Give 2 mg increments of morphine sulfate
Give crystalloid boluses to increase....
Patients with decompensated asthma or COPD who require positive pressure ventilation
May develop a pneumothorax or experience....
Should be intubated promptly and ventilated at a rate of 20 to 24 breaths/min to eliminate excess carbon dioxide
Should be ventilated routinely at a rate that is slightly faster than the rate for a patient without an underlying pulmonary disease
Should be given forceful positive pressure breaths because their primary problem is difficulty with inhalation
__________antibodies respond in allergic reactions and are located ______________
LgG, in the blood, lymph and intestines
LgD, in the lymph and blood
LgA, in tears, saliva, blood and lymph
LgE, on the mast and basophil cells
A synapse is
The point where a nerve cell terminates
A cluster of sensory nerve cells
A slight gap between nerve cells
The body's main neurotransmitter
A regular cardiac rhythm with a rate of 104 beats/min, upright P waves, a PR interval of 0.14 seconds and ORS complexes that measure0.10 seconds should be interpreted as
Sinus tachycardia
Junctional tachycardia
Supraventricular tachycardia
Normal sinus rhythm
The MOST common sign of an infectious disease is the presence of......
A fever
A headache
Abnormal breath sounds associated with pneumonia and congestive heart failure are MOST often heard in the......
Bases of the lungs
Apices of the lungs
Right middle lobe
Midaxillary line
A classic sign of atrial flutter is
The presence of sawtooth F waves
A ventricular rate less than 100 beats/min
A constant 2:1 conduction ratio
An irregular but consistent R-R interval
_________cells are found in the lining of the airways and produce a blanket of mucus that covers the entire lining of the conducting airways
{"name":"Medic 3", "url":"","txt":"Drugs that have alpha or beta sympathetic properties are called, A patient with orthopnea, Aqueous humor","img":""}
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