In the experiential approach, innovation occurres in a _____________ environment
The key to innovation is to use _______, _______ and _______?
Testing, planning and hands on experience
Intuition, hands on experience and flexible options
Intuition, planning and powerful leaders
Hands on experience, flexible and creativity
What are the five aspects in the experiential approach?
Testing, Design iterations, powerful leaders, milestones and multifunctional teams
Planning, involving suppliers, design interations and powerful leaders
There are only 4
Lower costs, unfreezing, small consistent improvements, testing and planning
What are the goals of this approach?
What are the goals of this approach?
Three aspects exist to the experiential approach strategy. They are ___, ___ and ____
Small consistent improvements, unfreezing, using overlapping steps
Planning, empowering workers and consistent improvements
Build something different, better and new
Improve performance, use intuition and create a hands on experience
A cycle of repetition where a company tests a prototype
Involving suppliers
Design iterations
Name three aspects of milestones
Keeping everyone on task and instilling urgency falls under which of the five aspects?
Design iterations
Powerful leaders
Name and and describe in brief five aspects of the experiential approach (10 marks)
Name and and describe in brief five aspects of the experiential approach (10 marks)
The compression approach brings about what type of change?
Time bound
What are the goals of the compression approach? (2 marks)
What is NOT an aspect of the compression approach?
Powerful leaders
Involving suppliers
Using overlapping steps
Shortening time of individual steps
What are the goals of this approach? a) lower costs b) incremental improvements c) establishment of a new dominant design d) to create powerful leadership
A) and c)
B) and c)
A) and b)
They are all goals
All the options suck!
What is NOT one of the five parts of this approach?
Involving suppliers
Using overlapping steps
Which of the five parts are based on outsourcing work?
Involving suppliers
Design iterations
What is the strategy behind the compression approach? (3 marks)
What is the assumption behind the compression approach? (1 mark)
What is the assumption behind the compression approach? (1 mark)
Kurt Lewin posits that the process has three steps. _____, _____ and _____
Unfreezing, freezing and multifunctional teams
Testing, intuition and flexible options
Unfreezing, change and design iterations
Unfreezing, change and freeze
What is NOT a way to manage resistance to change?
Educate/ communicate
They are all ways to manage resistance
None of them are ways to manage resistance
There are six characteristics to the freeze phase. Name them. (6 points)
What should you do when managing change? a) create strong guiding coalition b) remove obstacles to new vision c) plan and create short term wins d) provide a hands on experience
A) and d)
A) and b)
A), b) and d)
A), b) and c)
They are all terrible ways and you should not teach this course. I hate you prof
Which is NOT a change tool and technique
GE workout
Multifunctional teams
Organizational development
Results driven change
There are 9 things that managers shouldnt do when managing change. Name 5 ( 5 points)
To attain results driven change one must
Set SMART goals
Get help from consultants
Test action steps and evaluate results
Stress the importance to improve immediately
All of these things must be done
Four characteristics of the GE workout are... (4 marks)
Organizational development is ? a) long range approach to change b) a short term approach to change c)assumes that intuition is the key to change d) assumes that top management is needed to support the cause
A) and b)
A) and d)
B) and c)
All of the above
None of the above
There are seven sequential steps with a change agent. Please list them in order. (7 marks)
What are intraorganizational processes? (1 mark)
What does it mean to empower workers and how can one empower their workforce? (2 mark)
There are three ways to empower workers. They are ____, ______ and _______
Information, knowledge and power
Organizational structure, decision making authority, knowledge
Information, resources and decision making authority
Resources, powerful leadership and information
What is empowerment?
Organizational culture does NOT encompass
Key values
Attitudes shared by members of the org
OC is based on:
Testing, research, design iteration and consistency
Empolyee empowerment, company vision, adaptability and consistency
Company vision, adapdability, employee involvement and consistency
All of the above
OC exists ono three levels:
Surface, expressed values and beliefs and involvement
Unconcious beliefs, surface and consistency
Expressed values and beliefs, surface level and unconscioous assumptions and beliefs
None of these are correct
What is NOT one of the five types of organizational structures?
One of the advantages of the product structure is that it is easier to assess work unit performance.
Duplication of resources is a drawback of which structural approach?
Cross department coordination is easier in the functional structure?
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