What is your conflict fighting style?

You arrive at a meeting, and are immediately asked by your boss about how you plan to downsize your team by 30%. You have a team of 10, this is the first you have heard of this being an issue.
You speak out about being ambushed with no warning and how inconsiderate it is
You stay silent and think about how hard it will be to let 3 people go
You take a moment to collect your thoughts and ask what is the timeline
You respond that you would like to know the reason behind the downsize in order to select the appropriate individuals.
Your "B" student just got home and hands you a report card that is full of D's and some C's, what do you do?
Go and find the other report card and lay them side by side and ask them what happened?
Tell the child to go to their room, while you calm down.
Sit down with them and ask if anything else has been going on at school?
Tell them you are surprised by this report card, and ask why they think they did so poorly this term?
Your boss pulls you into his office and explains that someone has reported that you are incompetent. He is concerned that the team will underperform if they lack confidence in their leader.
You quickly and smartly call out the individual you suspect, and outline the "truth" about their performance faults.
You struggle not to cry, but you ask who would think that of you?
You state that you are also concerned that your team might lack confidence in you. You ask for specific guidance in setting the record straight.
You ask your boss, how would you handle the situation?
Your spouse calls you as you are walking into your child's band concert that they are being held up at work. This is the third time something like this has happened in six weeks.
You reply, "Ok, I know they will be disappointed but I understand."
You ask, "Are you serious? Is there no one else that works late at that company?"
You ask if there is anyway they could make it late? It's better late than never.
You respond with "Fine." and hang up
Your friend makes a comment at a party that they don't know you heard, stating you never volunteering to help with anything. Your life is packed with work at the moment.
You pull her aside later in the evening to explain why you are not able to help with much right now.
You invite her to a coffee date later that week, and you let her know you heard what she said and why that hurt your feelings.
You don't want to lose her as a friend, so you say nothing. After all, she is kind of right.
You call her out right then and there and tell her you'd love to volunteer. That is of course, when you get the freedom to not work like the rest of the girls in the gang.
You come home to find your spouse hanging a new TV in your living room, even though you have been saving for a couple's getaway.
You say with a smile, "Nice TV...you must have gotten it for free, because you know we are saving for a trip right?"
You ask if your spouse won the lottery
You go to your room and lay down exhausted by the thought of how long you will wait to getaway now.
You ask if there is a return policy?
Your daughter is headed out for a date wearing a dress that appears to be two sizes too small. What do you say?
Ummm...excuse me? Go change right now.
Whose clothes are you wearing, I am fairly certain I didn't buy that for you.
Hey I know that all your friends probably wear stuff like that, but it isn't very flattering for such a nice girl.
Wow, you look so beautiful. Have fun and please be careful.
Your work colleague just requested off the same week you just told her you were planning a trip to Mexico.
You rush into your manager's office and plead to honor your request because you already bought flights.
You pop by your colleague's desk and ask what she has planned for that week, and if they are flexible? Maybe she forgot you were headed out of town.
You do an online search to see if you can get a refund, and reschedule.
You send HR a message about unfair vacation policies, and how more than one person should be allowed to be off at a time.
Your toddler has a complete meltdown in the cereal aisle because you won't buy their favorite sugary cereal, and an older woman clucks her tongue at you and your child in disapproval. What do you do?
You scoop up your child, hold them close and explain that if they continue we will not be buying cereal today at all.
You let the child flop wildly on the floor as you push your cart down the aisle.
You retort by saying sarcastically, "Really? Hey nobody is perfect!".
You put the sugary cereal in the cart, then secretly put it back when the child has calmed down.
You open a piece of mail and find that your spouse has opened up a private bank account. What do you do?
You make 4 copies of the account details and send them to all of your relatives to ask how they would respond.
You wait until a good moment and show them the statement and ask if they had special plans for this account?
You trust your spouse and assume they are saving for something special for you.
You ask them why they opened the account, and let them know it makes you mistrust them.
{"name":"What is your conflict fighting style?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"You arrive at a meeting, and are immediately asked by your boss about how you plan to downsize your team by 30%. You have a team of 10, this is the first you have heard of this being an issue., Your \"B\" student just got home and hands you a report card that is full of D's and some C's, what do you do?, Your boss pulls you into his office and explains that someone has reported that you are incompetent. He is concerned that the team will underperform if they lack confidence in their leader.","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/42-1398161/hermes-rivera-265372-unsplash.jpg?sz=1200-00000000001000005300"}
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