Bible Events Children should know.

What happened at the Garden of Gethsemane the night Jesus was arrested?
Peter cut off the ear of a Soldier.
Judas Isacariot killed himself.
Peter denied Jesus three times.
Saul was converted and became a follower.
Who did Moses speak to on Mount Sinai?
The Lord Jesus.
Noah the Ark builder.
Almighty God.
Father Abraham.
What did Jesus do at a wedding in Cana? Check
Healed a man of Blindnes.
Cured a woman of Leprosy.
Turned water into Wine.
Gave his first Sermon.
What happened on the Sea of Galilee when Jesus was on a boat and called Peter to join him.
A very large storm appeared.
Jesus and Peter both walked on water.
A giant fish transported Peter to the boat.
The moon shone very bright so Peter could see the boat.
What happened in Egypt when Moses told the Pharaoh "Let my people go."
Pharaoh ordered that Moses be killed.
Pharaoh converted to Judism.
Pharaoh's army killed all the Hebrews.
God caused Ten Plaques to occur to Egypt.
What happened three days after Jesus was crucified?
Jesus rose from the dead.
The family of Jesus annoited Him in oil.
It was Sunday and the family had services at His tomb.
An earthquake destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem.
What happened in the upper room the night Jesus was arrested?
Jesus held the Last Supper and served bread and wine.
Many people came to be healed.
Judas stole all the disciple's money.
The moon and sun stood still.
What did Jesus do when he came by boat to a private beach and met 5000 believers.
He fed them with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.
He performed his first sermon.
He held a revival and cast out demons.
He came to attend a wedding there.
What happened to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego when they did not worship the King.
They were banned from the land by the King.
The priests had them whipped.
They were thrown into a fiery furnace.
They were thrown into a lions den.
What happened to Moses one day while he was attending sheep?
He accidently fell into a well.
He talked to God through a burning bush.
God gave him some stone tablets.
Moses first met his future wife.
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