Duties and Obligations of Drivers

In which of the following situations is it forbidden to stop?
On European national roads
On road sectors not illuminated
At a distance of 5m from the rear of a tram
What obligations do you have, if you encounter a police vehicle with clue warning signal lights and siren?
No obligation, because the blue signal is addressed to official vehicles
Stop as close as possible to the margin of the road
Reduce speed, ride as close to the kerb or margin and grant priority to the vehicle
What measures should you take when driving in weather conditions that prevent good visibility?
Drive short distances with the position lights in operation
Use the position lights and drive closer to the right edge of the road
Use the low beam
Can you change the position of the vehicle if you are involved in a car accident?
Yes, after you have administered first aid to the victioms
Yes, after you have called the police
Yes, if the accident resulted only in damage
Are you required to submit biological samples, in case of a traffic accident that results in death or injury of people?
Yes, but only if you are guilty of causing the accident
No, if you have been tested with an authorised device
It is prohibited for drivers:
To carry in, or, on the car, objects whose length or width exceeds, along with loads, the dimensions of the vehicle
To apply chemical treatments or foils on the windscreen, rear or side windows, that reduces visibility
To drive a damaged vehicle for more than 30 days
How does one ensure that there is no danger when reversing a car?
Switch on the rear fog lamp
Horn before reversing
Ensure from the front, rear and side
Is it allowed to use fog lights at night, if the sky is clear?
The law does not specify,
What obligations does a driver have if his vehicle is immobilised in an underground passage?
To switch off the engine and turn on the hazard warning lights
To tow the vehicle up to the exit of the underground passage
To immediately notify the department of the area
What are the obligations when driving on roads covered with snow or ice?
Not to drive in such sectors without the authorisation from the administration of roads
To drive a vehicle, whose total mass is more than 3.5 tons, only after mounting antiskid chains or other approved equipment on the wheels
Not to overtake
Wearing a seatbelt is mandatory when driving on roads outside towns?
The law does not provide an answer
Drivers can use their own means to detect devices that measure speed?
That is not legally established
When are you allowed to be aggressing while driving on public roads?
When the car in front is running at low speeds, without good reasons
In no situation, no matter what happens to other road users
When the driver in the car in front is gesticulating obscenely
The voluntary stopping of vehicles is prohibited:
On one-way roads
In residential areas marked as such
Less than 25m before and after public transport stops
In which of the following situations is it forbidden to U-turn?
Un curves with visibility reduced below 50m.
At meeting the indicator "Road with priority"
At meeting the indicator "narrow road"
In which of the following situations it is prohibited to stop vehicles on public roads?
In roundabouts
In the action area of the indicator "Prohibited Stationing"
On roads with a single direction of movement
You are prohibited form driving on public roads when:
The noise, while moving or stationary, exceeds the legally allowed limit
The mirrors are large
The sound warning device is not appropriate
While driving on public roads, the vehicle is more visible to other road users if:
It is adorned with stickers or colourful accessories fixed on the windshield and rear window
White or yellow paint is applied on the front and rear of the car
You clean the outside of the car, the number plates and lights
When it snows a lot, you will use:
The position lights
The horn
The low beam while driving
Drivers of vehicles are prohibited:
From uttering insults
From performing obscene gestures
From addressing other road users with offensive or vulgar language
Specify which vehicles are exempt from the obligation to grant priority to pass;
Vehicles that begin to move in the way of those already circulating
Public transport servies, which are exiting stations provided with bays
Vehicles which exit yards, passages or garages
Drivers are prohibited while driving:
To smoke
To throw objects on public roads
To sound the horn
{"name":"Duties and Obligations of Drivers", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"In which of the following situations is it forbidden to stop?, What obligations do you have, if you encounter a police vehicle with clue warning signal lights and siren?, What measures should you take when driving in weather conditions that prevent good visibility?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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