Escape the Matrix Quiz

1. Do you feel fulfilled and happy in your current job or career?
A. Yes, I love my job!
B. It's alright, but it doesn't light my fire.
C. My job is a soul-sucking abyss.
D. What is this "fulfilled and happy" you speak of?
2. Have you ever considered leaving your job to pursue a more meaningful or spiritual path?
A. Yes, I dream about it every day.
B. No, I'm comfortable where I am. c) I'm not sure, but I'm open to exploring new options. d) Yes, but I won’t until I have a plan
C. Not very open – I prefer to stick to what I know
D. Not open at all – I don't see the need for personal growth
3. What is your main motivation for wanting to escape the Matrix and create abundance?
A. To live a life of true purpose and meaning.
B. To have more time and freedom to pursue my passions.
C. To make a positive impact on the world and help others.
D. To achieve financial independence and security.
4. What are some of the challenges or fears that are holding you back from pursuing your dream career or business?
A. Fear of failure and self-doubt.
B. Financial instability and risk.
C. Lack of support from friends and family.
D. My cat won't let me leave the house.
How often do you feel a strong connection to your spiritual or intuitive side?
A. Always – I'm very in tune with my spiritual gifts
B. Sometimes – I feel connected during certain activities or moments
C. Rarely – I struggle to connect with my spiritual side
D. Never – I don't believe in spiritual gifts or intuition
6. Do you believe that your spiritual gifts or talents can be used to create abundance in your life?
A) Absolutely, I know I have something special to offer.
B) Maybe, but I'm not sure how to apply my gifts.
C) I don't think I have any special talents or gifts.
D) I'm still waiting for my spiritual gifts to arrive in the mail.
7. How open are you to Manifesting the Next Level of your reality and learning How to Escape the Matrix?
A) Completely open, I'm ready to level up and manifest my wildest dreams!
B) Pretty open, as long as it doesn't require too much effort or sacrifice.
C. Not very open – I prefer to stick to what I know.
D. Not open at all – I don't see the need for personal growth.
{"name":"Escape the Matrix Quiz", "url":"","txt":"1. Do you feel fulfilled and happy in your current job or career?, 2. Have you ever considered leaving your job to pursue a more meaningful or spiritual path?, 3. What is your main motivation for wanting to escape the Matrix and create abundance?","img":""}
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