Modified Keirsey Temperment Sorter

At a party do you
Interact with many, including strangers
Interact with a few people you know well
Are you more comfortable
After a decision
Before a decision
Do you tend to choose
Rather carefully
Somewhat impulsively
At parties do you
Stay late, with increasing energy
Leave early, with decreasing energy
Do you tend to
Look for the orderly
Whatever turns up
In phoning do you
Rarely think about what you will say
Rehearse what you'll say
Do you prefer the
Planned event
Unplanned event
In your social groups do you
Keep abreast of other’s happenings
Get behind on the news
Would you say you are more
Serious and determined
Easy going
In company do you
Initiate the conversation
Wait to be approached
Are you more
Does new and non-routine interaction with others
Stimulate and energize you
Leave you feeling tired
Do you prefer
Many friends with brief contact
A few friends with more lengthy contact
Is it preferable mostly to
Make sure things are arranged
Just let things happen
Do you
Speak easily at length with strangers
Find little to say to strangers
Should one usually let events occur
By careful selection and choice
Randomly and by chance
When the phone rings do you
Hasten to get it first
Hope someone else will answer
Is it worse to
Be someone who likes variety and new ideas
Be someone who likes predictable routine
Are you more inclined to be
Easy to approach
Somewhat reserved
Do you tend to be more
Deliberate than spontaneous
Spontaneous than deliberate
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{"name":"Modified Keirsey Temperment Sorter", "url":"","txt":"At a party do you, Is it worse to, Do you tend to choose","img":""}
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