Know Your Brands - NatWest

Create an image illustrating the themes of banking, confidence, and teamwork, featuring athletes, historical figures, and financial symbols in a vibrant, engaging style.

Know Your Brands - NatWest

Test your knowledge about NatWest and its branding in this fun and engaging quiz! Answer questions related to famous events, historical figures, and financial confidence.

  • 5 thought-provoking questions
  • Multiple choice and checkbox formats
  • Score and learn as you go!
5 Questions1 MinutesCreated by FinancialFox21
What event is taking place when one athlete helps the other?
Which famous Prime Minister do we see?
Winston Churchill
William Gladstone
David Lloyd George
What outfit is the guy who has lost his wallet wearing?
What are we going to educate kids today?
How to prepare for banking tomorrow
How to be more confident in banking tomorrow
To be more financially confident tomorrow
What is the new strapline for NatWest?
We will be the best
We do our best
We are what we do
{"name":"Know Your Brands - NatWest", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge about NatWest and its branding in this fun and engaging quiz! Answer questions related to famous events, historical figures, and financial confidence.5 thought-provoking questionsMultiple choice and checkbox formatsScore and learn as you go!","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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