Custom Recurrences

Custom recurrences allow the creations of jobs with respect to:
Tip outlet, Quantity & Number of Job
Outlet, Tonnage & Ticket No
Outlet & Number of Jobs
What must be done before a customer recurrence page can be accessed?
Dance naked under a full moon
Save the order
Make sure there is a skip value
What does the weekly plan link provide?
A page which display the weekly schedule
A break from all the busy weighsoft pages.
A csv export containing the planned weekly schedule
What does the creation day offset do?
Tells the system to create the job(s) x days before it needs to be actioned
Tells the system to delay the job(s) by x days so they can be confirmed first
Ensures the number of jobs created doesn't exceed x more than the quantity needed for the day
How can recurrent jobs be auto-scheduled?
By asking the operator to do it
By providing the vehicle on the recurrence tab
By Click on "Generate Schedules" under Systems Settings > Functions
What does the "Schedule Order" option on the recurrence tab mean
Indicates in which order the schedule should fire relative to the others
Ensures the job is placed in that number in the queue
{"name":"Custom Recurrences", "url":"","txt":"Custom recurrences allow the creations of jobs with respect to:, What must be done before a customer recurrence page can be accessed?, What does the weekly plan link provide?","img":""}
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