Case Management Expertise Quiz
Welcome to the Case Management Expertise Quiz! This quiz is designed to test your knowledge and skills in the field of case management, focusing on best practices, ethical standards, and effective client engagement.
Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting your journey, challenge yourself with our comprehensive set of questions!
- 66 carefully crafted multiple-choice questions
- Instant feedback on your answers
- Improve your case management competencies
A formal process that facilitates the clinically appropriate movement of clients from one level of care to another, including from one practitioner to another is called:
Initial Services Plan.
Transitional planning
In a person-centered practice, what is the best way for you, as the case manager, to begin the engagement process to ensure that clients understand how case management can assist them?
B. Encourage client to engage in treatments because it is the best option to improve the needs.
C. Review network resources as primary information to assist client in achieving the goals.
Review self-advocacy skills with clients so they can express what they want from case management services
When conducting a home visit your client tells you she no longer wants to work on one of her service plan goals even though the goal has not been achieved. As her case manager, how should you respond
Encourage the client to continue working in this goal because it is mandatory for the agency rules and procedures.
Change the service plan goals and objectives based on her wants and needs to ensure better outcomes.
Explain her that the services plan goals must be achieved as agreed in initial services plan.
In order for case managers to be competent in providing services to persons from many different cultures, they should be able to do all of the following EXCEPT:
Gain knowledge about client’s cultures
Communicate in the client’s native language
Complete a deep assessment exploring cultural information
Acase manager get must maintain progress notes that include..
Clear link between the identified service needs and the services delivered
Clear detail report of all information obtained in services delivered
Clear write all information authorized by client about the services delivered.
When developing goals with clients, a case manager should help the client set goals that
Are achievable and reflect the client’s strengths, needs, abilities and preferences.
Are asked by significant others involving in client’s services to achieve the goals.
Are priority and discusses by the staffs involved in case management services.
Strength-based treatment referred means to
When clients choose their service array and participate in all decisions regarding their care.
On the following which action is NOT in the scope of practice for a case manager?
Providing services ongoing.
Providing therapy.
Providing education
66. You receive a call from your best friend whose 16-years-old daughter has been asked to the prom by a boy who is a former client of your agency. She wants to know a little more about him before allowing them to go to the dance. What is your BEST response?
Tell your friend that you will contact the client to request a consent to release this information in compliance with client’s right
Tell your friend that this is against the law and professional ethics to share any information about any current former clients, regardless of the reason.
Tell your friend that they must contact the client to ask this information.
On the following which statement is the MOST EFFECTIVE way to verbally assess client progress related to locating different housing?
How is everything going with your housing
Are you monitoring the housing in the community?
Did you search housing in the community?
You are assigned a client whose cultural background is not typically served by your agency. What should you do?
Work with this client in same manner with others
Be objective and work with the client focus in the need
Gain knowledge about and competence with the client’s
The main objective of a service plan review is to.
Continue assisting clients in achieving goals as requested by them.
Ensure that resources available in the networks are working to assist clients in achieve their goals.
Ensure that services, goals, and objectives remain appropriate to the clients needs.
Your client asks you to attend a picnic that is a benefit for her church. The tickets cost $15.00 each. How should you respond?
Accept the invitation and use this picnic to obtain information about relatives other in order to assist client in achieve the goals.
Decline the invitation and explain the concept of dual relationship.
Decline the invitation.
Best practice when documenting case management activities is to
Transcript word by word all information received during the services
Record facts with enough detail to ensure clarity.
Document information giving by significant others.
You are friendly with another case manager at your agency. Over lunch, she tells you about a new business that she just launched with a former client. She tells you that he is an artist and she offered, and they will split any profits from his sales. What is the BEST response to your colleague?
Let her know that this is a good business, but she must do it out of work hours to avoid dual relationship
Let her know that this is a violation of ethical and professional conduct and she needs to remedy the situation immediately.
Encourage her to seek a family or friend to work with her client, she cannot work with her client directly because this is a violation of ethical and professional conduct.
What is the PRIMARY reason professional networks are important to case managers?
Professional networks are centered of the services plan.
Professional networks increase familiarity with the community resources and offer more options to improve client outcomes.
Professional networks works actively with case manager in the services plan to achieve client’s goals.
. A client is on treatment to a Marchman Act order initiated by the client’s mother with whom he lives. The client’s mother has left several telephone messages saying she wants to know how he is doing in treatment and wants to confirm her payment for a hallway house post treatment. After checking the clinical record, you find there is no Release of information pertaining to the mother. Which of the following is the BEST response
Release information to client’s mother because it is a client’s right.
Speak with the client and ask he is willing to complete a Release of information that will allow you to speak with his mother
Contact the mother to sign the release and give her the information.
Acting intended to influence decisions or achieve certain outcomes on behalf of an individual, group, organization or cause is known as
Ongoing monitoring should include information from..
All active participants involved in the client’s service plan
All resources available at community.
Medical, family and educational resources available at community
You are working with a client who is reluctant to engage in services. You are frustrated and starting to dread upcoming sessions with this client. What should you do next?
Transfer and refer the client to another case manager.
Discharge the client.
Seek training to increase your engagement skills
You go to visit your client's school to monitor the progress. Client is 11-year-old what will be the right
Obtain a signed release information from any family.
Obtain a signed release information from parent or legal tutor
A release of information is not mandatory when case manager requests information from client’s school.
The purpose of developing a service is to
Provide client with resources and do the services on his behalf
Provide a roadmap to assist clients in reaching goals.
Provide significant others with roadmap to assist clients in reaching goals.
The BEST way to learn about current, new, and changing community resources is by
A. Engaging in face-to face networking at professional and community events.
Encourage client’s relatives to search community services in the network.
Transfer client to another level of care in order to find the community resources available.
In the field of behavior health, the term "empowerment" refers to the process by which the helper
Assists clients in discovering strengths and capacities that make them more able to control of their lives.
You are meeting with your client for the first time. She states that she spends a lot of time at home due to her anxiety and depression and would like to become more social. Your client has identified which element on the case management plan?
When discussing case plans with your client you ask why she no longer wants to see Doctor Jones. She corrects you and says that she wants to continue seeing the doctor. You realize you made an error when you were writing up your notes from your last meeting. How do you respond?
Write a new note and change the note in record, sign and date the note and continue the meeting
Document a new note, sign and date the note and continue the meeting
Mark through the first note, write in the correct information with an explanation, sign and date the note and continue the meeting
Your client is hearing impaired and has an appointment at a federally qualifies health center. He has been told he must bring an interpreter. What should you do?
With the client's permission, call the health center to advise them that the client has the right to have the interpreter provided at no cost to the client.
Encourage and assist client to find an interpreter in the community
Case manager will be the client interpreter because the client has the right to do it.
You are in a team meeting where the focus of the discussion is on medication management for your client, who has complained to you about his medication's negative side effects. Team members have different opinions about how to address your client's complaints. As his case manager what is your role?
To ask to change the medication because you think that it is not the adequate treatment for your client
To share your client's concerns and questions about the side effects and medication management.
To share all information about client in relation with medication side effects, and family's relationships.
The MOST IMPORTANT reason for ongoing collaboration between service and treatment team providers is to assess
Client and significant others participation in services.
The client's participation in services.
The client’s goals achievement.
When assessing and promoting the resource needs of an individual, the case manager should consider that…
A mix of informal and formal resources usually results in the most appropriate care for an individual's needs
A family formal and informal resources centered service plan results in the most appropriate care for an individual's needs.
Medical providers resources only results in the most appropriate care for an individual's needs.
You are considering quitting your job because you cannot keep up with service delivery and documentation requirements. What would be your BEST response to this problem?
Change to another agency with other rules and procedures
Ask senior staff for guidance about how to balance workload requirements.
Ask coworker for guidance about how to balance workload requirements.
What are the basic components of a case management service plan?
Problem, goal, objectives, interventions.
Problem, goal, objectives
Problem, goal, objectives, interventions, progress, no progress,
What should you do if your client does not seem to be making progress on achieving service plan goals?.
Discharge the client.
Transfer the client to another provider in order to achieve the service plan goals.
Conduct a reassessment and update the service plan with alternative strategies and interventions.
Of the following which statement may indicate that the current service plan is NOT effective in meeting client needs?
Mark was progress on his service goals, but he said, “I have a new need”
Mark has made no progress on his service goals for the last two months and says he "feels like giving up“
Mark has made progress on his service goals and says he “feels happy with the services but has a new need”.
A client tells you that her therapist has a rude manner and makes her uncomfortable. How can you BEST help the client in addressing her concerns
Encourage the client to change to another therapist.
Contact the therapist's supervisor and ask the client to explain her concerns.
Cancel the Therapy session and transfer the client to another
When identifying problem areas and categorizing service deficits after a client assessment which three areas should be addressed as a baseline?
Community, Family and partners
Community, network and medical providers.
Personal interpersonal and community
During an assessment you learn that your client is on probation and must complete a program in anger management. The probation program uses two management providers to meet this requirement, but neither is within driving distance from the client's home. As the case manager, what is the BEST response?
Explained to client that he must attend the anger management meeting in the location imposed by the probation program
Encourage the probation office to include other service providers offering anger management programs on their list of options for the client
Encourage the client to attend the anger management program in other location that must be seeking by client.
You have been assigned a new case in which the mother has been investigated for child abuse, however, her son was not removed from the home. In analyzing assessment and collateral data in this case, what type of strategy do you need to use in formulating a service plan
Case manager will work in living environment, health, and economic needs avoiding the child abuse
Case manager will locate resources for the mother such as a family therapist and parenting classes to address deep-seated causes of the child abuse.
Case manager will confront the mother about the child abuse
As part of your assessment process you plan to contact your client's landlord, her friend who provides transportation, and a family member who lives in a nearby county. You do this in order to
Assess client’s needs to complete a service plan.
Incorporate your client's environmental/natural supports in the case management activities
Incorporate client’s needs and domains in the assessment.
A client presents with severe alcohol use disorder unemployment and strained relationships with family members. He states that he is only interested in getting back to work so he can reconcile with family. What is your BEST Response?
Encourage client to stop drinking in order to safe her work and family relationships.
Broach the idea that the alcohol use may affect employability and suggest he first obtains an alcohol and drug assessment.
Link client with a substance abuse crisis center
Under what circumstances can a client provide verbal consent instead of written consent?
Never will provide a verbal consent instead of written consent.
Only if the client is agreed to do it
Only when the consent would delay the delivery of critical information that is necessary to prevent imminent harm.
What does the term "evidence-based practices" mean?
Clinical and administrative interventions that have been proven through research to consistently produce specific, intended results. Thepractice of health care basedoninformationgatheredbyasystematicandcriticalreviewofpublishedliterature
What is the BEST way to identify the strengths and needs of the client?
Review educational and sociocultural needs
Review the client's treatment and personal history outcomes to identify successes and ongoing needs.
Review the client’s mental history as primary way to assess the needs and strengths.
Which of the following phrases BEST describes the concept of "the client's natural environment"?
The family support.
The community in which the client lives.
The network in which the client solve the health needs.
What is "shared decision-making" in the assessment process?
An approach in which case managers present potential service options and clients share preferences to achieve informed decisions about the direction for service plans
When a case manager contemplates terminating case management services, it is CRITICAL that case he consider the
Available community-based and natural supports the client can access to maintain wellness.
Client achieved all the needs.
Available family support to maintain wellbeing.
A prioritized need refers to something that
The individual desires for personal wellbeing
The individual wants to work on first.
The case manager considers it the first need to work.
How should a case manager proceed if a collateral service provider wants to update the service plan without the client being
Work with the collateral service provider to update the service plan.
Present the potential change to the client to determine their interest in changing the service plan after updating the service plan without the client being present.
Present the potential change to the client to determine their interest in changing the service plan before updating the service plan without the client being present.
Case Manager must continually assess their client's safety and wellbeing in order to ensure they are
Working with collateral resources to achieve client’s needs
Using interventions that are adequate to maintain client safety and well-being.
Attending task of the services plan.
A client is being referred to another provider to step down into a lower level of care. Your client has agreed to the referral. What information can be disclosed to the new provider
The intake, assessment, services plan and service notes information.
Only the information that is specifically identified in a signed release of information.
The information requested by newprovider.
What is the main purpose for reviews of assessment data in case management services?
Change any data in the initial assessment if it is necessary.
Ongoingassessed needs and new ones.
Develop a review service plan.
Case managers had scheduled to complete a home visit with the client before starting the assessment process. The client called case manager 30 minutes before to the schedule because he received unexpected houseguests. What is the case manger BEST response
Encourage the client and explain that it is mandatory to complete the home visit today.
Cancel the home visit and reschedule the appointment for a time when houseguests will not be present
Explain that a home visit must be attended today in compliance with agency regulations.
A client recently missed an appointment to get his medication refilled. Your client asks if you can call his doctor to help him get a new follow-up appointment. What is the next step?
Assist the client in scheduling a new appointment to obtain the refill.
Advocate for a client to ger his medication and assist him in follow up.
Ask your client to sign a release of information so the authorization is documented.
The principal purpose of involving collateral sources in case management activities is to
Assist client in obtaining benefits.
Obtain resources necessary to assist the client in meeting long-and short-term goals.
Assist client to assess the needs
A client is seeking assistance with reemployment. He was a licensed commercial and residential reconstruction before he had to leave the workforce to attend to his behavioral health issues. Your client needing to hire a handyman and offers to do the work for your family. What is your BEST response?
Politely decline his offer by explaining the concepts of dual boundaries.
Thanks by the offer
Explain that you will assist him in solve this needs.
What is the purpose of ongoing assessment by the case manager?
Monitoring client progress
Update client’s demographic, health and principal resources information.
Completing an assessment summary
When a case manager locates a reliable resource for a common client need, such as family budgeting skills, the case manager should
Instruct the client to obtain the service
Educate the client to obtain the service.
Ensure the services offered match client needs, then make the referral
Many program funders regulatory agencies, and others set documentation timelines. Regardless of the client, which hierarchy must case managers follow when determine the agency to assist the client.
Laws and statutes, agency operating procedure, funder requirements.
HIPAA statutes
Laws and statutes of the state
Your client has just revealed that she has been in an abusive relationship for two years and doesn't know how to safety leave. What would be an appropriate response
Encourage the client’s partner
Engage the client in developing a safety plan
Explain that case manager can’t assist in familiar issues.
Your clients tell you that his sister, who pays her rent and household expenses, moved unexpected to another state last week. The client doesn’t have money to afford the rent. Your client doesn't know how she will be able to obtain financial assistance to solve her actual need. What is the first steps to help his client
Find financial resources at community to pay client rent
Conduct an assessment and service plan update to include her new financial needs.
Conduct an individualize service plan.
Reported the new problem in a service note only.
Which of the following should the case manager know before making formal and informal referrals to service providers?
If the client can afford the service fee
The eligibility criteria of resource agencies and service providers
The staff in the services providers.
A progress note should include:
Detail statement of all words reported by client during a service.
Actual events, important client statements, and dates
An interpretative summary about the client statements
Of the following which is not considered a client need?
Social skills
Living environment
Vocational orientation
Bank assistance
The MOST IMPORTANT reason to communicate with collateral resources during initial assessment and ongoing planning is to
Ensure you have a complete client assessment.
To inform the resources about case management services
Help client to request assistance for the resources in advocacy process.
When can you share information about a client with a third party WITHOUT a valid release of information on file?
Never, information can only be released when the release is on file.
With a court order.
To a family.
Under what circumstances can substance use information be disclosed?
It is not required in substance abuse treatment.
Whenever a release of information is signed to disclose information to another part
If a client’s family request information about the treatment
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