What Kind of Contact Tracer are You?

A colorful illustration of a friendly contact tracer on the phone, sitting at a desk with various digital tools and a warm, inviting home office background.

Discover Your Contact Tracing Style

Are you a natural at connecting with contacts, or do you find it challenging to get the information you need? Take our quiz to find out what kind of contact tracer you are!

  • Gain insights into your communication strategies
  • Understand your strengths and areas for improvement
  • Learn how to enhance your contact tracing effectiveness
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by ConnectingCare418
Do you use your name when introducing yourself on a call?
Yes, building rapport 101
That is on a need to know basis, only if they ask
Most of the time, but to be honest sometimes I forget to include my name
Of course! It's an easy way to remind them I am a human too
What is your go to strategy for contacts who are hesitant to give information?
Validation- you do your best to reiterate their concerns to show you understand what their worried about
Reassurance- addressing their concerns head on, providing answers that ease their worries
Double trouble- validation followed by reassurance
Honesty- let them know you hear their concerns, but that you need this information to keep communities safe, however if they are unwilling you must mark it in their file
Insight- explain why you're collecting the information. You understand their concerns, but the goal is to keep their community safe
Which is your favorite platform or app used in your job as a contact tracer?
In the spirit of honesty- none :D
I like them all
Follow up, which is your least favorite platform or app?
I don't have a least favorite!
Respectfully, they're all my lead favorite
How much do you interact with your team members?
I check in, check out, and ask questions or give answers when I need to
I like to chat with them here and there when things are slow
We're besties!
Probably much more than I should
When you leave a contact a voicemail, how are you most likely to end the message?
"We'll try to reach you later, thank you so much in advance for your help, have a lovely day"
"We'll try to reach you later, we appreciate your help in advance"
"We will try to reach you later, have a good day"
"We will try to reach you later on, thank you"
What helps you get through days where you have tough calls?
Reminding myself why this job is important, that I am making a difference
Looking back at positive experiences I have had with contacts in the past
Remembering not to take things personally, unpleasant contacts are human too
Talking/expressing my feelings to my team or supervisor about the call, in a respectful and professional manner of course
We all work from home, but where in your home do you work?
In my office
At my desk in my bedroom, limited space
At a kitchen/dinning room table
Listen, it depends on the day and who is home. There's a lot going on in this household
It changes from day-to-day, but I'm content working wherever is best at that moment
What have you struggled with most during the pandemic? [apologies if you're biggest struggle was not listed, select the one that best fits]
Balancing work with my family. It's been hard on my kids/family, adjusting to all of us being home has been a process
Feelings of isolation or literally being isolated-Not being able to see friends or family, isolation is mentally, emotionally and physically damaging.
Depression and Anxiety- It's difficult to stay positive when so many people are struggling, I constantly feel unsettled, hopeless, and anxious all the time
Staying motivated- life has become so tedious, I feel restless.
How this is effecting my loved ones. I worry about the people close to me and how they are managing during this time
What would you say to someone struggling or feeling hopeless during the pandemic?
Fake it 'till you make it. Even when it feels like all hope is lost, we must act as if it is not. It is not easy but we must persevere, if not for ourselves, for the ones we love.
If you cannot go around it, you must go through it. Through going through it is painful and scary, it is how we grow as people and as a society.
The pandemic may have shown some peoples' selfishness, but it has also shed light on the kindness of others. People like myself and other CTs who want to do their part to keep communities safe. There will always be negativity in the world, but you do not have to be part of it.
It's okay to feel hopeless, it's okay to struggle. Our feelings are important, but we cannot let them dictate how we behave. Take those fears and worries and use them to motivate yourself to continue taking care of yourself and doing your part to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Accept that you can only control yourself. You cannot control what others say or do, but you can share your opinions and knowledge with the hopes of inspiring others to want to do their part
{"name":"What Kind of Contact Tracer are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you a natural at connecting with contacts, or do you find it challenging to get the information you need? Take our quiz to find out what kind of contact tracer you are!Gain insights into your communication strategiesUnderstand your strengths and areas for improvementLearn how to enhance your contact tracing effectiveness","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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