Risk measures and Termanology

A cohort study examined the association between smoking and lung cancer after following 300 smokers and 700 non-smokers for 15 years. At the conclusion of the study the investigators found that 170 smokers had lung cancer and 120 non-smokers developed lung cancer. Find the risk of getting lung cancer among smokers and non-smokers. Count EER.
What is the correct way to calculate relative risk?
Incidence rate of disease in those exposed to risk factor ÷ incidence rate of disease in those not exposed to risk facto
Incidence rate of disease in those not exposed to risk factor ÷ incidence rate of disease in those exposed to risk factor.
Control event rate divided by experimental event rate.
Which of the following best represents the law of absolute risk reduction ?
Screening test is highly sensitive test because of:
High false positive
Low false positive
High false negative
Low false negative
Lisinopril is a drug that lowers blood pressure in patients with hypertension. If a physician treats 400 patients with this drug and 90 of them suffer from peripheral edema over a period of 12 months. In the same course of time, he gave 400 patients a placebo and 22 of them suffered from peripheral edema. Calculate odds ratio
{"name":"Risk measures and Termanology", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"A cohort study examined the association between smoking and lung cancer after following 300 smokers and 700 non-smokers for 15 years. At the conclusion of the study the investigators found that 170 smokers had lung cancer and 120 non-smokers developed lung cancer. Find the risk of getting lung cancer among smokers and non-smokers. Count EER., What is the correct way to calculate relative risk?, Which of the following best represents the law of absolute risk reduction ?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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