What Type of Writer Are You?

A surreal landscape with a typewriter in the center, surrounded by different writing tools and books, symbolizing various writing styles and creativity. The image should evoke inspiration and creativity.

Discover Your Writing Style

Have you ever wondered what type of writer you are? Dive into this engaging quiz to uncover your unique writing style and discover the attributes that define you as a writer. Whether you enjoy crafting compelling narratives or engaging in detailed research, this quiz will provide valuable insights into your writing process.

  • Learn more about your writing preferences
  • Identify your strengths and areas for growth
  • Have fun while gaining a deeper understanding of yourself as a writer
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CraftingWord72
1. When you begin a writing project, how would you describe the beginning stages of your writing process?
I conduct a lot of research and spend a lot of time taking detailed notes and sketching outlines.
I watch a lot of videos trending on YouTube, or I binge-watch a show I am following on Netflix.
I go on a road trip, travel somewhere, or wander around my local park or my favorite museum.
I set up a meeting with my colleagues or meet a good friend at a coffee shop to brainstorm.
Why do you think someone would enjoy reading something you’ve written?
It has a thoughtful and well-constructed plotline, or it contains a lot of helpful information.
It will make them laugh, cry, or throw things, from the comfort of their couches or swivel chairs.
It will prompt them to do something new or stir them to appreciate their daily circumstances.
It will help them better understand people who are different, and to connect with others.
What type of writing do you enjoy reading the most?
A good mystery with a plot-twist, a work of nonfiction, or a well-written news article.
Anything that keeps me amused and distracted from the humdrum of everyday life.
Creative writing, or something that encourages me to intensely think about or feel something.
Works that have multiple writers and editors, or anything that’s on my book club’s reading list.
Why do you want to be a writer? Or why do you enjoy writing?
I love researching new topics and really like crafting outlines or exhaustive character personas.
I love being able to make people laugh uncontrollably, cry hysterically, or stare off in amazement.
I love encouraging people to be their best selves in life or to learn how to appreciate nature.
I love hearing what my writing group or class thinks, and really enjoy receiving others’ feedback.
What do you enjoy encountering most in a piece of fiction you’re reading?
Complex characters or real-life or historically accurate information I didn’t know before.
Funny or likeable characters with witty dialogue, explosions and action, or sarcastic anecdotes.
Colorful settings with whimsical and unique characters who overcome some major obstacles.
Characters that I can relate to or come to admire, who learn about themselves and others.
What is your general attitude toward conventional grammar rules?
They’re essential to anything you could ever write, and they should always be followed.
Eh, they’re okay when they can help me set up a good joke or a clever quip about something.
They were meant to be broken, especially if they don’t help me get my message across.
They’re great if and when they’re used so people can better understand one another.
While you’re working on a writing project, what do you usually spend the most time doing?
Researching and writing very detailed outlines.
Deleting and rewriting my first few paragraphs.
Looking at photos or reading influential quotes.
Writing multiple drafts and applying revisions.
What does your typical day look like when you’re working on a writing project?
I start at the same time every day and try my best to keep to a writing routine and schedule.
I procrastinate until something catches my attention or forces me to write, like a deadline.
I meditate, listen to music, or go for long walks before something compels me to begin writing.
I send new drafts to my colleagues to look over while I work out some kinks in previous drafts.
What is one of your biggest pet peeves as a writer?
Writing that isn’t fact-checked or has holes in its plotlines or has very unrealistic characters.
Writing that takes forever to get to the point and is mind-numbingly dull or boring.
Writing that is frivolous and not unique and doesn’t have a real meaning or significance.
Writing that doesn’t include various points of view or circumstances and is overtly hegemonic.
Where do you usually spend your time when you’re working on a writing project?
In my private office that has a closed door and is very quiet.
Wherever I am when I get a good idea or need to meet a deadline.
Outside on a patio, on a bench in my local park, or at the library.
At a coffee shop or shared working space with an open floor plan.
When you’re not writing, what do you most enjoy doing?
Visiting museums, scanning books in a library, taking an online course, or something else intellectually stimulating.
Going to musicals or concerts, engaging in improv, speaking in front of a group, or something else that’s fun and engaging.
Traveling to places I haven’t been, experiencing new cultures or food, wandering around in nature, or something else that’s inspiring.
Hanging out with my friends or family, going to book clubs or conferences, or doing something else that’s sociable and involves others.
If you get stuck during your writing process, what do you do most often to try to get “unstuck?”
Rewrite my outlines or conduct more research on my topic.
Brainstorm ideas or take a break to recharge my batteries.
Read or do something that gets me thinking or gets me motivated.
Call my colleague or send an email to someone asking for advice.
Do you think it’s acceptable to include slang or colloquialisms in your writing?
No, never.
Yes, always!
In a nutshell, how would you describe your writing style?
Informative, interesting, detailed, and flawless.
Amusing, entertaining, shock-inducing, and enjoyable.
Engaging, thought-provoking, and one-of-a-kind.
Inclusive, revealing, and a great depiction of real life.
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