Medical LOK

An illustration of a medical first aid kit with emergency supplies, paired with images representing heat-related injuries, such as heat stroke and heat exhaustion, and medical responders attending to patients.

Medical LOK Quiz

Test your knowledge on medical emergencies and first aid with our engaging quiz! Perfect for anyone looking to sharpen their skills in emergency response and healthcare.

  • Simple, multiple-choice questions
  • Covering various medical scenarios
  • Learn while you play!
25 Questions6 MinutesCreated by CaringHeart204
What is the definition of heat cramps?
Electrolyte imbalance that can occur with exercise or from working in a hot environment
Feeling nauseous due to not eating
Vomiting from over eating
Passing out while doing strenuous activity
What are the three types of burns from minimal depth (least severe) to maximum depth (most severe)?
Sunburn, blister, full thickness
Blister, sunburn, full thickness
Distal, proximal, global
Full thickness, blister, sunburn
Which of the following is the most common heat-related condition caused by working in hot environments?
Heat stroke
Heat stress
Heat exhaustion
Heat cramps
Which litter is used to transport casualty from the boats?
Miller board
Army litter
Reeves sleeves
Stokes stretcher
What is the appropriate dressing to apply to a Facial Laceration?
Dry sterile ETD
Moist sterile ETD
Modified Barton
What heat stress injury is a result of an electrolyte imbalance that can occur with exercise or from working in a hot environment?
Heat cramps
Heat stroke
Heat stress
Heat exhaustion
To control bleeding, which of the following methods should you try first?
A tourniquet
Pressure points
A battle dressing
Direct pressure
The most serious heat related injury due to high mortality rate and is always considered a medical emergency is known as....
Heat stroke
Heat stress
Heat cramp
Heat exhaustion
Which condition is the most commonly caused by working in hot environments?
Heat stroke
Heat exhaustion
When should a casualty undergo a secondary assessment to reassess medical interventions?
After the casualty has been stabilized and while waiting for medical personnel to arrive
Prior to stabilization and while waiting for medical personnel to arrive
Only when requested by medical personnel
Never perform a secondary assessment
When performing triage on an injury that is life-threatening, whose general condition permits deferral in treatment without unduly endangering life, what category and color is indicated on the triage card?
Green, minimal
Yellow, delayed
Black, expectant
Red, immediate
Under normal conditions, which heat injuries are preventable?
Heat freeze
Heat exhaustion
Heat sweats
Heat hypertension
As a responder to a casualty, it is imperative that you ensure what before entering the location?
Figure out who the patient is
Scene is safe
Request medevac
Faulty power turned on
What is hypothermia?
Over consumption of water which disrupts the normal ratio of electrolytes within the body
Cold and clammy skin
A medical emergency that occurs when the body heat is lost faster than t is produced resulting in dangerously low temperature
The fear of needles
When administering first aid, which task is NOT performed?
Prevent shock
Maintain breathing
Stop bleeding
Give medication
What is defined as a state of inadequate tissue perfusion resulting in a decreased amount of oxygen to vital tissues and organs?
Heat stress
Which litter can be used for multi deck transport with belay line?
Reeves sleeve
Rescue sling
Army litter
Superman carry
Which of the following is NOT a treatment for heat exhaustion?
Apply cool, wet cloth
Loosen clothing
Move victim to cool space
Immerse the victim in cold water
With an abdominal evisceration after treatment what position do you place your patient in?
Head elevated
Flat on their back
On their side
On back, knees raised
What is the definition of Shock?
Cool, clammy skin on contact
Inadequate tissue perfusion resulting in a decreased amount of oxygen reaching the tissues and organs
Not being able to regulate body temperature
Pale skin
Which of the following is the appropriate treatment for a penetrating eye injury?
Flush the eye out with water, copious amounts of water
Apply direct pressure with your hand
Cover the eye with a ETD
Try to remove any debris or particles
What are the three major types of shock?
Hypovolemic, distributive, cardiogenic
Respiratory, neurogenic, psychogenic
Hypovolemic, cardiogenic, metabolic
Anaphylactic, metabolic, septic
When treating a smoke inhalation casualty, how long must they remain in fresh air?
10 minutes
20 minutes
30 minutes
As long as it takes
All of the following are First Aid treatments for an abdominal evisceration EXCEPT...
Secure ETD in place with a second moist ETD as needed to cover the entire area
Place the patient in recovery position with knees raised and secured with a tie
Reinsert intestines back into casualty's abdomen
Apply moist sterile large Emergency Trauma Dressing
Which is not an objective of first aid?
Save a life
Prevent further injury
Limit infection
Give water
{"name":"Medical LOK", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on medical emergencies and first aid with our engaging quiz! Perfect for anyone looking to sharpen their skills in emergency response and healthcare.Simple, multiple-choice questionsCovering various medical scenariosLearn while you play!","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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