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Create a colorful and whimsical illustration showcasing an assortment of quirky characters engaged in various humorous activities, such as a juggling bartender, a dog show judge, and a metal-loving person, all in a playful, cartoon style

The Quirky Characters Quiz

Test your knowledge of unique and eccentric characters with our engaging quiz! Discover the surprising traits and backgrounds of our eclectic cast while having fun along the way.

  • 31 questions full of humor and imagination
  • Learn fun facts about fascinating individuals
  • Perfect for those who love quirky trivia
31 Questions8 MinutesCreated by CuriousFox321
King Evo does the following
Raises goats for cheese, milk and companionship
Raises chickens for eggs, milk and companionship
Raises chincillas for fur, milk and companionship
Raises fleas for a tiny circus, milk and companionship
Lucy is
The most renowned quilter and seamstress in three counties
A huge fan of dog shows and spends the show season on the road as a judge
A co-founder of a non-profit organisation dedicated to the preservation of vintage bottle caps
A Trekie and has been known to go to Star Trek conventions dressed has her favourite character, Deanna Troi
Ben has
Three nipples
A home haircut system known as Flowbee that attaches to any household vacuum cleaner and has saved, he estimates, over 1300 pounds on haircuts
Spent his free time inventing fantasy languages 'just in case'
A great interest in sharks, having amassed one of the largest collections of fossil teeth by a private collector
Is a shirtless bartender and juggles the bottles of booze just like in the movies
Has spent many summers in Australia where he worked with injured kangaroos
Allows rare bird species to nest on his roof where he provides high energy food so they can make the migration due to loss of habitat and natural prey
Restores vintage Vespa scooters and re-sells them on eBay
Katherine has
A fear of clowns so severe that even typing this sentence has triggered her
A lifetime membership in The Church of the Subgenius. Praise Bob!
An enduring admiration of the Backstreet Boys and thinks that they have some profound lyrics that go un-fucking-appreciated
Once set a police car on fire
The call him Metal Steve because
He has a metal rod in his leg after a skiing accident
He is so mercurial
He once drove a metal spike through a man's thigh for sitting in his chair
He has a tooth grill so that, if he smiles in the sunlight, you must avert your gaze lest you be blinded by the dazzling reflections
Iwan spends his time
Getting into bar fights when he visits Australia
Swimming competitively and almost qualified for the olympic team when he was younger
Re-creating old building with 3d models
Teaching martial arts
Whiteish stays out late
Cutting hair for vampires
Combing the beaches for driftwood for use in her art
Because she is a security guard who works the nightshit
Star gazing with her amateur astronomer kit. You can buy prints of her deep field images.
They call him Cupcake because
He force fed seals butter in order to make frosting for his cupcake business
He's so sweet
They are referencing a sub-culture fetish of his ironically referred to as 'Cupcaking'
His name sort of sounds like 'Cupcake' and it was just easier to say
Koen is
All of the above
Alan collects
Swiss watches
Books on taxidermy
Items used by the pirates of the Bahamas (including a sword that was used by Captain Harkin)
Trees, ore, chests and everything else openable
Lise spends her free time
Training for hotdog eating contests
In the tanning salon
Learning Japanese
Lighting houses on fire
Weasel is called such because
He has a beard and mustache that makes him sort of look like a weasel
He is a conservationist and works with different weasel species, trying to retain habitat and population
He is curious as a weasel
He once got chased around a campground by a weasel. He screamed so loudly in terror that his friends decided that weasels were his totem animal and called him that since
Luna is know to spend her free time
With drunken Australian (is that redundant?)
Collecting memorabilia from the film, Gremlins
At the gun range where she practices for competitive shooting
Making paper mache masks that she sells for fancy dress parties on eBay
King Evo is said to be well known for
His footballing skills
His subtle use of whips in the creation of paintings
His balloon bending prowess
His dog breeding program. His kennel is widely regarded as the best place to acquire a certain breed of dog
Sam will only
Eat onions if they are minced
Sing when at a swimming pool because he says the acoustics are superior there due to the water
Wear non-synthetic cloth because he wants to feel closer to 'mother earth'
Allow the usage of a garden hose if it meets certain flow per minute requirements
Lucy's signature expression is
I'm so chuffed, innit!
Fuckity do-da!
Shit! Shit! FUUUCK!!!
No! No No! FUUUUUCK!!!!
Luna loves
Balloon bending
Collecting ceramic replicas of celebrity legs
Steve once lost his shit after losing
A watch his great grandfather gave him when he was born
A video game to Iwan
His lucky shirt (he bought it at his first concert)
His car at the airport. He spent the night in jail after the scene he made, all along while in the wrong parking lot
Ben works in
A think tank sponsored by the Church of Scientology
An apiary. His passion for honey bees is pretty well established and he often speaks to them in made up languages
An adult book store. He is acknowledged as an expert in the erotic literature field
A museum. He corrects people's pronunciation of latin words
Lumu used to work as
An exotic dancer
A chimney cleaner
A party clown for kids
All of the above
Katherine is well known for her
Strict adherence to proper protocol
Strict adherence to the truth
Strict use of only dictionary approved words
Strict discipline
Skaggos studies
Tai Chi with a bunch of older women who worship him
Mathematics. He uses predictive models for micro-transactions in the stock market
Knots and various bondage techniques. He keeps rope in his windowless van in case he feels like practicing
Woodworking techniques used in the middle ages. He sells historical replicas of household furniture
Luna is
A wine snob who will only consider drinking certain vintages
Shy as fuck
A brown belt in judo currently
Originally from Perth, Australia where she is wanted for questioning by police
Koen once
Wrestled a crocodile
Lived in a hippy commune in Belgium
Ate all of the food meant for hungry orphans
Lived in a car in France
Iwan is
A militant, vegetarian food snob
An acknowledged jazz pianist
A dropout from the European Space Agency's manned exploration program
A furry. His favourite persona is Cwoppy Bear, a large, orange fuzzy bear
Weasel loves
Scotland. He spends all his holidays there
Grape jelly. It's just so good!
His nickname
Casting bronze statuary. His latest work is a peacock centerpiece for a water feature.
Mike would
Beat Descartes in a fist fight
Drink David Hume under the table
Shave with Occam's Razor
All of the above
Lucy believes that
If you logout without clearing your character's inventory, it will be forced to drag its backpack through the streets of Lion's Arch, crying
Oranges are not a fruit
Soylent Green is not people
The kids these days just don't get it. Things were better when she was young. People were better.
Lise shamelessly
Paints miniature figures
Engages in rogue embroidery
All of the above
None of the above
Never stops talking on Discord
Is a police officer
Has conducted experiments at the large hadron collider
All of the above
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