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Which is the most accurate reason of why i've been upset with you?
I don't feel like you want to put effort into this relationship because you don't care
You didn't come visit me over spring break
You let malu help you with math
You've been too busy with school to talk to me
Which is a sign that we potentially don't love each other any more?
We're becoming indifferent to each other
We haven't seen each other in person in a while
We've both been too busy to communicate as much as usual
We're mad at each other
What is causing me the most distress?
Intentionally or not, you're allowing the connection between us to fade and neglecting me
I think you're cheating on me
You've said a lot of things that have seemed dishonest
You give an awfully large amount of attention to your female friends on twitter
What do I want you to do?
Do something to reassure me you love and care about me
Put in effort to make this work
Do your part to make sure we spend time together
All of the above
When is our anniversary?
October 29, 2016
October 31, 2016
November 16, 2016
December 29, 2016
What is a good way to help yourself remember something you're likely to forget?
Put a reminder in your phone calendar
Nothing will help; it's a lost cause
Write it on your hand
Just tell yourself not to forget about it
Which of the following statements is NOT true?
I want you to spend money on me
I am demanding all of your time
I want to be the center of your universe
All of the above
I am telling you these things because...
I don't love you anymore
I'm bored of you
I'm trying to hurt you
I love you and I care about you and I want this to work out
What was the only reason I was pissed at you for not coming up here over spring break?
It was a chance for you to demonstrate that you're willing to put in effort to see me and make me feel special and you didn't take it
You got sick
You aren't comfortable driving up here
All of the above
Which of the following is an assumption I have about you?
You don't care about me
You don't fully realize that this is happening
You are actively trying to hurt me
You don't love me
Why did I tell you all of those things?
I want to hurt you
I don't love you
I love you and I need to address some concerns I have so we can have the healthiest, happiest relationship possible
I want to make you feel bad
What are some things you can do to make me feel better? (select all that apply)
Be intentional about spending time with me
Do something nice and meaningful for me
Come see me instead of making me come see you
Send me at least a couple messages throughout the day
What does "putting in effort" look like to me? (select all that apply)
Not making me make all the plans
Not saying things that you know sound dishonest
Volunteering to come to my house instead of me going to yours
Anything that shows me that you care
I am... (select all that apply)
You are... (select all that apply)
Important to me
{"name":"Did you comprehend anything you just read?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"which is the most accurate reason of why i've been upset with you?, which is a sign that we potentially don't love each other any more?, what is causing me the most distress?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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