Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 11 Jan 22
[2201.02630] Alessandro Trinca, Raffaella Schneider, Rosa Valiante et al.: The low-end of the black hole mass function at cosmic dawn
[2201.02631] Sameer, Jane Charlton, Glenn Kacprzak et al.: Probing the physicochemical properties of the Leo Ring and the Leo I group
[2201.02632] Ken Osato, Daisuke Nagai: Baryon Pasting Algorithm: Halo-based and Particle-based Pasting Methods
[2201.02633] C. Gómez-Guijarro, D. Elbaz, M. Xiao et al.: GOODS-ALMA 2.0: Starbursts in the main sequence reveal compact star formation regulating galaxy evolution prequenching
[2201.02634] Michael Korsmeier, Elena Pinetti, Michela Negro et al.: Flat spectrum radio quasars and BL Lacs dominate the anisotropy of the unresolved gamma-ray background
[2201.02635] S. J. Brennan, M. Fraser: The AUTOmated Photometry Of Transients (AutoPhOT) pipeline
[2201.02636] A. Pallottini, A. Ferrara, S. Gallerani et al.: A survey of high-$z$ galaxies: SERRA simulations
[2201.02638] Joshua J. Hibbard, Jordan Mirocha, David Rapetti et al.: Constraining Warm Dark Matter and Pop III stars with the Global 21-cm Signal
[2201.02640] A. Juráňová, E. Costantini, P. Uttley: Spectral-timing of AGN ionized outflows with Athena
[2201.02644] B. Vulcani, B.M. Poggianti, R. Smith et al.: The relevance of ram pressure stripping for the evolution of blue cluster galaxies as seen at optical wavelengths
[2201.02645] B. Gouhier, L. Jouve, F. Lignières: Angular momentum transport in a contracting stellar radiative zone embedded in a large scale magnetic field
[2201.02649] Matt Nicholl, Daniel Lanning, Paige Ramsden et al.: Systematic light curve modelling of TDEs: statistical differences between the spectroscopic classes
[2201.02650] Paige Ramsden, Daniel Lanning, Matt Nicholl et al.: The bulge masses of TDE host galaxies and their scaling with black hole mass
[2201.02652] Christopher C. Stark: ExoVista: A Suite of Planetary System Models for Exoplanet Studies
[2201.02657] Austin Corgan, Nathan Smith, Jennifer E. Andrews et al.: Massive stars dying alone: the remote environment of SN 2010jp and its associated late-time source
[2201.02673] James Paul Mason, Daniel B. Seaton, Andrew R. Jones et al.: Simultaneous High Dynamic Range Algorithm, Testing, and Instrument Simulation
[2201.02684] S. Ambily, Mayuresh Sarpotdar, Joice Mathew et al.: The Near Ultraviolet Transient Surveyor (NUTS): An ultraviolet telescope to observe variable sources
[2201.02685] Jacob Haqq-Misra, Benjamin P.C. Hayworth: An Energy Balance Model for Rapidly and Synchronously Rotating Terrestrial Planets
[2201.02686] Munazza K. Alam, James Kirk, Courtney D. Dressing et al.: The First Near-Infrared Transmission Spectrum of HIP 41378 f, a Low-Mass Temperate Jovian World in a Multi-Planet System
[2201.02696] Konstantin T. Matchev, Katia Matcheva, Alexander Roman: Unsupervised Machine Learning for Exploratory Data Analysis of Exoplanet Transmission Spectra
[2201.02708] Emily Moser, Nicholas Battaglia, Daisuke Nagai et al.: The Circumgalactic Medium from the CAMELS Simulations: Forecasting Constraints on Feedback Processes from Future Sunyaev-Zeldovich Observations
[2201.02724] Nat Gopalswamy, Pertti Mäkelä, Seiji Yashiro et al.: Solar Activity and Space Weather
[2201.02747] David Nesvorny, David Vokrouhlicky, Wesley C. Fraser: Dynamical Implantation of Blue Binaries in the Cold Classical Kuiper Belt
[2201.02762] Zachary Stone, Yue Shen, Colin J. Burke et al.: Optical Variability of Quasars with 20-Year Photometric Light Curves
[2201.02766] Naoki Seto, Koutarou Kyutoku: How many extra-Galactic stellar-mass binary black holes will be detected by space gravitational-wave interferometers?
[2201.02780] Jae Woo Lee, Kyeongsoo Hong, Jang-Ho Park: The Pre-He White Dwarfs in Eclipsing Binaries. III. WASP 1625-04
[2201.02794] Kazumasa Ohno, Jonathan J. Fortney: A Framework for Characterizing Transmission Spectra of Exoplanets with Circumplanetary Rings
[2201.02847] Xiaodong Liu, Jürgen Schmidt: Configuration of the Martian dust rings: Shapes, densities and size-distributions from direct integrations of particle trajectories
[2201.02851] Shreeya Shetye, Sophie Van Eck, Alain Jorissen et al.: Tc-rich M stars: platypuses of low-mass star evolution
[2201.02875] V.S.Beskin, P.E.Litvinov: Pulsar death line revisited -- I. Almost vacuum gap
[2201.02879] Sohrab Rahvar: Gravity-Assist as a Solution to Save Earth from Global Warming
[2201.02881] B. Cuevas-Otahola, Y. D. Mayya, I. Puerari et al.: nProFit: a tool for dynamical models fitting
[2201.02882] Chamani Gunasekera, Xihan Ji, Marios Chatzikos et al.: Selective Element Depletion in the Orion Nebula]{Self-consistent grain depletions and abundances I: The Orion Nebula as a test case
[2201.02892] Sun Kwok: The Mystery of Unidentified Infrared Emission Bands
[2201.02894] Chen Shi, Marco Velli, Anna Tenerani et al.: Influence of the heliospheric current sheet on the evolution of solar wind turbulence
[2201.02909] Xinkai Bian, Chaowei Jiang, Xueshang Feng et al.: Homologous Coronal Mass Ejections Caused by Recurring Formation and Disruption of Current Sheet within a Sheared Magnetic Arcade
[2201.02910] J. I. Katz: The Absence of Periodicity in Repeating FRB
[2201.02945] Taichi Kato: Evolution of short-period cataclysmic variables: implications from eclipse modeling and stage A superhump method (with New Year's gift)
[2201.02976] Stephan Loveless, Dina Prialnik, Morris Podolak: On the structure and long-term evolution of ice-rich bodies
[2201.02999] P. F. Rohde, S. Walch, D. Seifried et al.: Protostellar Outflows: a window to the past
[2201.03008] G. Cosentino, I. Jiménez-Serra, J. C. Tan et al.: Negative and Positive Feedback from a Supernova Remnant with SHREC: A detailed Study of the Shocked Gas in IC443
[2201.03024] Rebecca G. Martin, Stephen H. Lubow: Eccentric dust ring formation in Kozai-Lidov gas disks
[2201.03085] G. Musoke, M. Liska, O. Porth et al.: Disk Tearing Leads to Low and High Frequency Quasi Periodic Oscillations in a GRMHD Simulation of a Thin Accretion Disk
[2201.03094] Chenliang Huang, David R. Rice, Jason H. Steffen: MAGRATHEA: an open-source spherical symmetric planet interior structure code
[2201.03112] Cullan Howlett, Khaled Said, John R. Lucey et al.: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Peculiar Velocity Catalogue
[2201.03131] Sanchari Dhar, Lior Shamir: Systematic biases when using deep neural networks for annotating large catalogs of astronomical images
[2201.03137] Joel Pfeffer, Kenji Bekki, Warrick J. Couch et al.: The age gradients of galaxies in EAGLE: outside-in quenching as the origin of young bulges in cluster galaxies
[2201.03138] P. Kaaret, J. Bluem, A.H. Prestwich: Rapid turn-on of a luminous X-ray source in the candidate Lyman continuum emitting galaxy Tol 0440-381
[2201.03148] Ruobing Zheng, Yuming Wang, Xiaolei Li et al.: Statistical Study on the Sources of Jovian Decametric Radio Emissions Based on the Radio Observations of Remote Instruments
[2201.03149] Wen He, Qiang Hu, Chaowei Jiang et al.: Quantitative Characterization of Magnetic Flux Rope Properties for Two Solar Eruption Events
[2201.03152] B.-Q. Chen, H.-L. Guo, J. Gao et al.: Dust distributions in the Magellanic Clouds
[2201.03154] Shammi Tahura, Zhen Pan, Huan Yang: Science Potential for Stellar-mass Black Holes as Neighbors of Sgr A*
[2201.03155] Hua Feng, Philip Kaaret: The HaloSat and PolarLight CubeSat Missions for X-ray Astrophysics
[2201.03196] Hung-Yu Jian, Lihwai Lin, Bau-Ching Hsieh et al.: Star Formation Properties of Sloan Digital Sky Survey BOSS Void Galaxies in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey
[2201.03208] Matthias Hoeft, Kamlesh Rajpurohit, Denis Wittor et al.: On the Polarisation of Radio Relics
[2201.03218] Kwan-Lok Li: Evidence for Gamma-Ray Pulsations from the Classical Nova ASASSN-16ma
[2201.03222] Nicola Locatelli, Gabriele Ponti, Stefano Bianchi: disnht: modeling X-ray absorption from distributed column densities
[2201.03252] M. Fouesneau, R. Andrae, T. Dharmawardena et al.: Astrophysical Parameters from Gaia DR2, 2MASS & AllWISE
[2201.03260] Brajesh Kumar, Avinash Singh, D.K. Sahu et al.: Investigating the observational properties of Type Ib supernova SN 2017iro
[2201.03294] F. Spiegelman, N. F. Allard, J. F. Kielkopf: Collision-induced satellite in the blue wing of the Balmer-beta line and consequences on the Balmer series
[2201.03296] Bethan Easeman, Patricia Schady, Stijn Wuyts et al.: Investigating the Origin of Observed Central Dips in Radial Metallicity Profiles
[2201.03328] S. C. C. Barros, B. Akinsanm, G. Boué et al.: Detection of the tidal deformation of WASP-103b at $3\,σ$ with CHEOPS
[2201.03344] Tjark Miener, Daniel Nieto, Viviana Gammaldi et al.: Constraining branon dark matter from observations of the Segue 1 dwarf spheroidal galaxy with the MAGIC telescopes
[2201.03355] Debanjan Sarkar, Jordan Flitter, Ely D. Kovetz: Exploring delaying and heating effects on the 21-cm signature of fuzzy dark matter
[2201.03383] Bergez-Casalou C., Bitsch B., Kurtovic N.T. Et al.: Constraining giant planet formation with synthetic ALMA images of the Solar System's natal protoplanetary disk
[2201.03393] F. Rastegar Nia, M. T. Mirtorabi, R. Moradi et al.: Deep Learning in Searching the Spectroscopic Redshift of Quasars
[2201.03396] G. Zsidi, C. F. Manara, Á. Kóspál et al.: Accretion variability from minutes to decade timescales in the classical T Tauri star CR Cha
[2201.03417] T. L. Svalheim, K. J. Andersen, R. Aurlien et al.: BeyondPlanck X. Bandpass and beam leakage corrections
[2201.03422] Andrés Castillo, Jorge Martin-Camalich, Jorge Terol-Calvo et al.: Searching for dark-matter waves with PPTA and QUIJOTE pulsar polarimetry
[2201.03434] Marta De Simone, Claudio Codella, Cecilia Ceccarelli et al.: A train of shocks at 3000 au scale? Exploring the clash of an expanding bubble into the NGC 1333 IRAS 4 region. SOLIS XVI
[2201.03439] Bernardo Campilho, Morgan Deal, Diego Bossini: Atomic diffusion in solar-like stars with MESA. Comparison with the Montreal/Montpellier and CESTAM stellar evolution codes
[2201.03467] Jennifer B. Bergner, Andrew M. Burkhardt, Karin I. Oberg et al.: First images of phosphorus molecules towards a proto-Solar analog
[2201.03478] M. Galloway, M. Reinecke, K. J. Andersen et al.: BeyondPlanck VIII. Efficient Sidelobe Convolution and Correction through Spin Harmonics
[2201.03479] Guillaume Bonnet, Emmanuel Nezri, Katarina Kraljic et al.: Morphology of dark matter haloes beyond triaxiality
[2201.03500] Jorge A. Rueda, Remo Ruffini, Rahim Moradi et al.: A Brief Review of Binary Driven Hypernova
[2201.03506] Eduard Salvador-Solé, Alberto Manrique, David Canales et al.: An Accurate Comprehensive Approach to Substructure: III. Masses and Formation Times of the Host Haloes
[2201.03509] M. Galloway, K. J. Andersen, R. Aurlien et al.: BeyondPlanck III. Commander3
[2201.03526] M.liska, G. Musoke, A. Tchekhovskhoy et al.: Formation of Magnetically Truncated Accretion Disks in 3D Radiation-Transport Two-Temperature GRMHD Simulations
[2201.03530] D. Herman, B. Hensley, K. J. Andersen et al.: BeyondPlanck XV. Limits on Large-Scale Polarized Anomalous Microwave Emission from Planck LFI and WMAP
[2201.03532] Matthew C. Nixon, Nikku Madhusudhan: AURA-3D: A Three-dimensional Atmospheric Retrieval Framework for Exoplanet Transmission Spectra
[2201.03547] J. Ryan Peterson, Siegfried Glenzer, Frederico Fiuza: Magnetic field amplification by a plasma cavitation instability in relativistic shock precursors
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 11 Jan 22","img":""}
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