K12_AP WH-Unit 1 Review

Which statement offers the best rationale for studying world history?
World history promotes unity through an understanding of the diversity and distinctive features of the world's various cultures.
World history examines how past generations have surmounted challenges and offers insights for future courses of action.
World history demonstrates how nations cooperate with each other and presents a pattern for interactions among them today.
Studying history is politically correct and fosters peaceful coexistence, although the past exerts little influence in today's world.
All of the listed traits characterize the human species. Which one of them has been the most important in allowing human beings to adapt and flourish?
A well-developed brain
Opposable thumbs
An omnivorous diet
The ability to stand on two limbs
How did Paleolithic humans adapt to survive during the Pleistocene era?
They migrated to warmer climates farther from the advancing ice sheets.
They expanded their hunting practices to include fishing and small game.
They made more use of shelter and fire and developed warmer clothing.
They began to develop agriculture and adopted a sedentary lifestyle.
Which statement most accurately reflects the state of world affairs during the Neolithic revolution?
Growing wealth and power led to suspicion, envy, and sometimes warfare among civilizations.
Political systems developed to promote order and equality among the inhabitants of urban areas.
The main reason for contact between civilizations was to settle disputes over land stewardship.
The civilizations in the Middle East remained unaware of those in the Far East and the Americas.
Which statement most accurately describes the interplay of aesthetics, intellectual life, and religion during the Neolithic revolution?
The majority of people in the Neolithic world became literate, which promoted the rise of civilizations.
Organized religion in Neolithic times countered and stifled the growth of scientific and philosophical inquiry.
More advanced technology enabled more leisure time for men and women to engage in religion and arts.
Neolithic people studied the natural world to increase their understanding of the spiritual world.
Which statement offers the best rationale for studying world history?
World history promotes unity through an understanding of the diversity and distinctive features of the world's various cultures.
World history examines how past generations have surmounted challenges and offers insights for future courses of action.
World history demonstrates how nations cooperate with each other and presents a pattern for interactions among them today.
Studying history is politically correct and fosters peaceful coexistence, although the past exerts little influence in today's world.
All of the listed traits characterize the human species. Which one of them has been the most important in allowing human beings to adapt and flourish?
A well-developed brain
Opposable thumbs
An omnivorous diet
The ability to stand on two limbs
How did Paleolithic humans adapt to survive during the Pleistocene era?
They migrated to warmer climates farther from the advancing ice sheets.
They expanded their hunting practices to include fishing and small game.
They made more use of shelter and fire and developed warmer clothing.
They began to develop agriculture and adopted a sedentary lifestyle.
Which statement most accurately reflects the state of world affairs during the Neolithic revolution?
Growing wealth and power led to suspicion, envy, and sometimes warfare among civilizations.
Political systems developed to promote order and equality among the inhabitants of urban areas.
The main reason for contact between civilizations was to settle disputes over land stewardship.
The civilizations in the Middle East remained unaware of those in the Far East and the Americas.
Which statement most accurately describes the interplay of aesthetics, intellectual life, and religion during the Neolithic revolution?
The majority of people in the Neolithic world became literate, which promoted the rise of civilizations.
Organized religion in Neolithic times countered and stifled the growth of scientific and philosophical inquiry.
More advanced technology enabled more leisure time for men and women to engage in religion and arts.
Neolithic people studied the natural world to increase their understanding of the spiritual world.
Which sequence best describes the order of migrations of Homo sapiens from the Middle East after emerging from Africa?
Europe, North Asia, Australia, the Americas
North Asia, Australia, Europe, the Americas
Europe, Australia, the Americas, East Asian islands
South Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, East Asian islands
Which description best characterizes the economies of Paleolithic hunter-gatherer societies?
The gender-based division of labor enforced a stratified society where women performed most of the work.
The nomadic hunter-gatherer groups owned few possessions and probably had no concept of private property.
Hunter-gatherer groups stayed far apart and rarely made contact with each other except to fight over food resources.
Because of the limited cranial capacity of its members, a hunter-gatherer group's success depended more on luck than skill.
Which tools and artifacts found at a Stone Age site would clearly identify it as a long-term camp for an early Paleolithic hunter-gatherer group?
Fragments of charred wood, bits of discolored broken bone, an ax head, and traces of red ochre powder
A small fire pit, nut shells, chunks of rock scorched and tempered by heat, and multiple chips of obsidian
A large fire pit, three broken projectile points, ten worn-out scrapers, and multiple fragments of burnt bone
Scraps of animal hide, a fragment of a basket, wheat pollen, broken pottery shards, and two fine bone needles
Which item or items uncovered at an archaeological dig would indicate that the site probably dates from the Mesolithic era rather than the Paleolithic?
A small dugout canoe
Clay pottery shard
A chipped-stone harpoon head
Several finely shaped bone needles
Which statement about Paleolithic religious beliefs can archaeologists verify with material evidence?
The fact that most cave paintings portray animals indicates that early hominids worshiped them.
Ritual burials of early hominids with food and possessions suggest that they believed in an afterlife.
The cave paintings record a calendrical system that dictated Paleolithic migrations and religious rituals.
Hominid hunter-gatherers discarded their belongings often to acknowledge their dependence on the gods.
Which statement offers the best rationale for studying world history?
World history promotes unity through an understanding of the diversity and distinctive features of the world's various cultures.
World history examines how past generations have surmounted challenges and offers insights for future courses of action.
World history demonstrates how nations cooperate with each other and presents a pattern for interactions among them today.
Studying history is politically correct and fosters peaceful coexistence, although the past exerts little influence in today's world.
All of the listed traits characterize the human species. Which one of them has been the most important in allowing human beings to adapt and flourish?
A well-developed brain
Opposable thumbs
An omnivorous diet
The ability to stand on two limbs
How did Paleolithic humans adapt to survive during the Pleistocene era?
They migrated to warmer climates farther from the advancing ice sheets.
They expanded their hunting practices to include fishing and small game.
They made more use of shelter and fire and developed warmer clothing.
They began to develop agriculture and adopted a sedentary lifestyle.
Which statement most accurately reflects the state of world affairs during the Neolithic revolution?
Growing wealth and power led to suspicion, envy, and sometimes warfare among civilizations.
Political systems developed to promote order and equality among the inhabitants of urban areas.
The main reason for contact between civilizations was to settle disputes over land stewardship.
The civilizations in the Middle East remained unaware of those in the Far East and the Americas.
Which statement most accurately describes the interplay of aesthetics, intellectual life, and religion during the Neolithic revolution?
The majority of people in the Neolithic world became literate, which promoted the rise of civilizations.
Organized religion in Neolithic times countered and stifled the growth of scientific and philosophical inquiry.
More advanced technology enabled more leisure time for men and women to engage in religion and arts.
Neolithic people studied the natural world to increase their understanding of the spiritual world.
Which sequence best describes the order of migrations of Homo sapiens from the Middle East after emerging from Africa?
Europe, North Asia, Australia, the Americas
North Asia, Australia, Europe, the Americas
Europe, Australia, the Americas, East Asian islands
South Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, East Asian islands
Which description best characterizes the economies of Paleolithic hunter-gatherer societies?
The gender-based division of labor enforced a stratified society where women performed most of the work.
The nomadic hunter-gatherer groups owned few possessions and probably had no concept of private property.
Hunter-gatherer groups stayed far apart and rarely made contact with each other except to fight over food resources.
Because of the limited cranial capacity of its members, a hunter-gatherer group's success depended more on luck than skill.
Which tools and artifacts found at a Stone Age site would clearly identify it as a long-term camp for an early Paleolithic hunter-gatherer group?
Fragments of charred wood, bits of discolored broken bone, an ax head, and traces of red ochre powder
A small fire pit, nut shells, chunks of rock scorched and tempered by heat, and multiple chips of obsidian
A large fire pit, three broken projectile points, ten worn-out scrapers, and multiple fragments of burnt bone
Scraps of animal hide, a fragment of a basket, wheat pollen, broken pottery shards, and two fine bone needles
Which item or items uncovered at an archaeological dig would indicate that the site probably dates from the Mesolithic era rather than the Paleolithic?
A small dugout canoe
Clay pottery shard
A chipped-stone harpoon head
Several finely shaped bone needles
Which statement about Paleolithic religious beliefs can archaeologists verify with material evidence?
The fact that most cave paintings portray animals indicates that early hominids worshiped them.
Ritual burials of early hominids with food and possessions suggest that they believed in an afterlife.
The cave paintings record a calendrical system that dictated Paleolithic migrations and religious rituals.
Hominid hunter-gatherers discarded their belongings often to acknowledge their dependence on the gods.
Which factors would be most likely to influence a Neolithic group to give up hunting and gathering and engage in agriculture?
The assurance of an adequate, constant food supply
Folktales about the privations of the Pleistocene era
A desire to gain property, status, and material wealth
The prospect of remaining together as a kinship group
Which statement describing technological and agricultural innovations during the Neolithic era is most accurate?
Ground-stone tools improved so much in quality that they rendered chipped-stone tools obsolete.
Agriculturalists practiced slash-and-burn farming so as to replenish the soil without having to move.
To improve their agricultural endeavors, people began to study physics, astronomy, and meteorology.
The development most critical to the success of Neolithic agriculture was the invention of the wheel.
Which statement best characterizes the effects the Agricultural Revolution and the world environment had on each other?
Agriculturalists congregated in villages and towns in an effort to decrease their impact on the world environment.
Agriculture and pastoralism caused the human population to increase, which destroyed the world's natural resources.
Human beings turned to agriculture and pastoralism to give animal species a chance to recover from excessive hunting.
Agriculturalists and pastoralists had to exercise careful management of earth's natural resources to avoid depleting them.
What is the most important change that surpluses of produce brought about in agricultural societies?
Agriculturalists could store excess produce in their towns and villages for use in times of famine or warfare.
Farmers could allow merchants to exchange their surplus produce with that of other farmers in far-off places.
Agricultural societies could afford to support specialist artisans by trading excess food for goods and services.
Villagers could vary their diet by trading their surplus to hunter-gatherer groups for fresh game and wild produce.
Who were the wealthiest and most prominent members of an agricultural society?
Clan chiefs
What primary factor determined a man's social class in Mesopotamian civilization?
The amount of his personal wealth
His familial relationship to the lugal
His skill in warfare or civic leadership
The status conferred by his livelihood
What effect did Menes' unification of Upper and Lower Egypt have on its governmental system?
Menes' family and friends became the Egyptian aristocratic class, and most other citizens became government workers.
Village governments in the small communities of Upper and Lower Egypt remained mostly intact but had no real authority.
The nation became a giant bureaucracy, with villages responsible to regions, which were responsible to the central government.
Because Menes came from Upper Egypt, he allowed the governments of its city-states more autonomy than those of Lower Egypt.
How did the construction of irrigation systems and other public works influence the development of political institutions in early river civilizations?
The rivalries between factions involved in the projects allowed military leaders to take control and declare themselves kings.
The communities needed to establish a central government to plan and execute the necessary construction projects.
The finished public projects and increased population required a more complex, centralized government to provide leadership.
The experience of uniting to complete the projects gave communities the skills to establish good working governments.
In all the Old World river civilizations, what relationship exists between specialization of labor and social structure?
The occupations that individuals chose as specializations determined their social class and that of their families.
Specialized labor contributed to the rise of social classes with products that customers bought for their prestige value.
Specialization of labor produced wealth, which enabled merchants and artisans to move into the upper classes in society.
Specialization of labor led to competitive marketing practices among artisans, which created an upwardly mobile middle class.
What right did women in both the Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations retain?
Control over their real and personal property
Permission to marry and divorce as they chose
The opportunity to work in government service
The right to deny husbands from taking more wives
What type of governmental leadership did the Mesopotamians develop?
Rule by a single monarch with ultimate power
Rule by a triad of elected officials
Rule by a council of religious authorities
Rule by a pair of monarchs who shared power
Which of the following best describes how King Hammurabi affected his society?
He developed a law code that punished criminals.
He instituted the system of building pyramids.
He introduced polytheistic religious practices.
He built one of the world's first libraries.
Which of the following best describes the difference between the Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations?
The Mesopotamians were monotheistic, while the Egyptians were not.
The Mesopotamians invented cuneiform, while the Egyptians did not.
The Egyptians used bronze to make weapons, while the Mesopotamians did not.
The Egyptian common people believed in magic, while the Mesopotamians did not.
Which of the following record-keeping strategies did the Egyptians use?
Inscriptions of images on thin reed-based material
Inscriptions of images on small golden seals
Inscriptions of images on thin tablets made of clay
Inscriptions of images on fine woven cotton
What key feature of Egyptian culture is described in "The Judgment of the Dead"?
The process of mummifying a dead person
The struggles all heroes must endure to triumph
The rites to be used when praying to Amon and Re
The evaluation of a dead person's soul by the gods
In which ancient civilization did the cities of Carthage and Tyre develop?
Which ancient people relied on the Huang Ho River?
The Chavín
The Shang
The Indus
The Harrapan
Which of the following was true of ancient Chinese civilization?
Ancient Chinese civilization had a five-part social hierarchy.
Ancient Chinese civilization's trade relied on cedar and dye.
Ancient Chinese civilization's greatest crop was cotton.
Ancient Chinese civilization relied on human, not animal, labor.
Which of the following best describes the cultural relationship between ancient Chinese and Phoenician cultures?
Both the Phoenicians and the Chinese developed the use of obsidian in weapons.
Both the Phoenicians and the Chinese developed writing systems that would have lasting effects.
Neither the Phoenicians nor the Chinese relied on sea travel as a means of exchanging goods.
Neither the Phoenicians nor the Chinese relied on a government led by a single monarch.
What was an essential difference between the Olmec and the Chavín peoples?
The Chavín relied on obsidian for weapons and tools, while the Olmecs did not.
The Chavín had an authoritarian government, while the Olmecs did not.
The Olmecs left behind communication records, while the Chavín did not.
The Olmecs did not build their society close to a river, while the Chavín did.
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