Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in hep-ph on Wed, 29 Sep 21
[2109.13243] Miguel Arratia, Anja Butter, Mario Campanelli et al.: Presenting Unbinned Differential Cross Section Results
[2109.13249] Raffaele Tito D'Agnolo, Daniele Teresi: Sliding Naturalness: Cosmological Selection of the Weak Scale
[2109.13272] R. Picoreti, D. Pramanik, O.L.G. Peres et al.: Updating $ν_{3}$ lifetime from solar antineutrino spectra
[2109.13280] Marcos A. G. Garcia, Kunio Kaneta, Yann Mambrini et al.: Freeze-in from Preheating
[2109.13290] Rodrigo Alonso, Mia West: On the road(s) to the Standard Model
[2109.13321] Chowdhury Aminul Islam, Munshi G. Mustafa, Rajarshi Ray et al.: A consistent approach to study gluon quasi-particles
[2109.13363] Jeffrey Davis, Andrei V. Gritsan, Lucas S. Mandacaru Guerra et al.: Constraining anomalous Higgs boson couplings to virtual photons
[2109.13386] Pedro J. de A. Bicudo, Eduardo Garnacho Velasco, Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada et al.: Vacuum replicas in field-theory models of Coulomb QCD
[2109.13426] Andrew Fowlie: Comment on "Accumulating Evidence for the Associate Production of a Neutral Scalar with Mass around 151 GeV"
[2109.13454] Ian B. Whittingham: Scattering of low energy neutrinos and antineutrinos by atomic electrons
[2109.13503] Evan Rule, W. C. Haxton, Ken McElvain: Nucleon-level Effective Theory of $μ\rightarrow e$ Conversion
[2109.13597] Spyros Argyropoulos, Oleg Brandt, Ulrich Haisch: Collider Searches for Dark Matter through the Higgs Lens
[2109.13600] Andreas Crivellin, Jordi Folch Eguren, Javier Virto: Next-to-Leading-Order QCD Matching for $ΔF=2$ Processes in Scalar Leptoquark Models
[2109.13609] Ananya Tapadar, Sougata Ganguly, Sourov Roy: Non-adiabatic evolution of dark sector in the presence of $U(1)_{L_μ- L_τ}$ gauge symmetry
[2109.13622] Yilin Wang, Shun Zhou: Non-unitary Leptonic Flavor Mixing and CP Violation in Neutrino-antineutrino Oscillations
[2109.13710] Wen-Yuan Ai, Bjorn Garbrecht, Carlos Tamarit: Bubble wall velocities in local equilibrium
[2109.13729] Christopher L. James, Randy Lewis, Kim Maltman: A ChPT estimate of the strong-isospin-breaking contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
[2109.13779] Hiroshi Okada, Yong-hui Qi: Zee-Babu model in modular $A_4$ symmetry
[2109.13793] B. Kabirimanesh, H. Mehraban: X (3872) as a Universal and Composite State
[2109.13823] Enrico Morgante, Wolfram Ratzinger, Ryosuke Sato et al.: Axion Fragmentation on the Lattice
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Wed, 29 Sep 21","img":""}