Schogarde sorting

A fantasy landscape featuring an enchanted forest filled with mythical creatures like pearlmysts and flying feesh, with magical lights and a whimsical atmosphere.

The Enchanted Encounter Quiz

Are you ready to explore a magical world filled with whimsical creatures and challenging scenarios? This quiz will take you on a thrilling journey where your choices shape your story. Each question brings you closer to understanding your character's traits and how you would react in fantastical situations.

Discover your inner adventurer! In this quiz you will:

  • Face moral dilemmas with enchanting creatures
  • Identify your personality through unique scenarios
  • Uncover hidden aspects of your character
48 Questions12 MinutesCreated by WanderingWisp42
you ecounter a pearlmyst wandering around in a place that appeared to be an abandoned jail. It spotted you from a distance, what will you do?
[pearlmysts information: name does not sound scary, it is scary and will kill. They are white and sorta transparent, like ghosts. The difference is ghosts actually have faces and they do not. The only thing that exists in where their face is supposed to be is a very big mouth. When closed it is invisible, but when open the inside is full of sharp bloodstained teeth, also their mouth is similar to a snail's mouth. It is said that they are more likely to eat adults than children or old people, probably because of the taste and magic. Although included as magical creatures, they are immortal and unable to reproduce. They are used to guard apalah penjara(a jail). They are always hungry, and refuse to eat anything besides humans and humanlike creatures. It is said that they were born from the organs of people long time ago that starved to death as punishment, which is why they are always hungry. ]
I will try to sneak away and run, best not to mess with a pearlmyst.
I will use my wand right away to attack the creature in order to protect myself.
I prepare myself so that I will be ready to protect myself if it attacks. otherwise I will not do anything to the pearlmyst.
I will use a spell on myself that will help teleport me away.
I want to see its mouth so I stayed and only got out alive because my friend saved me.
you are told to represent your house to enter a[sports name] tournament. Will you accept?
If I am good at sports then sure, an opportunity to get better, but if not I will most likely refuse, because I do not need it. But if necessary then I will join.
Obviously yes! I am very excited for it! It will be very nice to represent my house!
I will most likely accept, but I do not want to embarrass my house so no.
I do not want to represent my house because I fear failing.
I will join because it sounds fun.
I am confident that no one using their frontal lobe properly will ever ask me to represent the house in a tournament.
you are going to have a hard test soon, what are you going to do?
No worries, I have lots of friends. They will help me do the test.
I will study everything I need to, expect for the worst to happen and have no hope.
I am sad I give up I leave the rest to my luck and how the test will be.
I will study a few days prior to the test, I must not fail.
you are going to make an important decision soon, how will you do it?
Panic! I cannot think rationally under pressure.
I usually discuss with other people to find out which decision is the best.
I use my brain properly to find the best decision possible.
I do not plan about my choices, when the time comes I will decide on a whim.
I imagine the outcome of each decision and decide from that.
you see someone getting bullied, what will you do?
I will report to the teacher about it.
To prevent more unecessary conflicts, I look at the problem objectively. If needed I will step in and help.
I am the one bullying.
I will slowly stay away, I do not want to get involved
I will defend the one getting bullied even if I will get hurt.
I enjoy this free movie and disappear at once when I hear teachers' footsteps.
a teacher wrongly accused you of cheating. How would you react to that?
Argue with the teacher until they agree with me that I do not cheat at all.
Stay silent. Silence is the best reaction.
Give facts to prove that I am not cheating.
Explain everything accurately and if the teacher still does not believe I do not mind. It is natural because many people today are liars.
Rest in peace my grades since even though I want to explain I am just too scared to do it.
which delivery bird would you rather own?
- mueralg
- owl
[mueralg information: although they were originally a wild species, they have been bred because of how useful they are for a long time. They are diurnal birds with a beak suited to carrying letters, powerful flight muscles and talons much stronger than the human jaw. Each foot can hold up to 10kg of weight, making them perfect for carrying packages too. They have smooth brown feathers that help them fly more efficiently. They can adjust their tail feathers according to the direction they are flying and they have really good eyesight. They can see a rodent on the ground from up to 2km in the air and 10km of distance from their location. It has been proven that their good eyesight comes from their vitreous bodies. This is why when they die mags harvest their vitreous bodies to be inserted to adjustable magnifying lens.]
I will own an owl because they are nocturnal just like I am. Owls are pretty cool to be non magical creatures used in helping mags. I also love mueralgs though.
Definitely an owl. Mueralgs are originally wild species, I am worried about its danger.
Both are fine but I will just own an owl because they do not stand out.
An owl since they are easier to find and there is more food for than than mueralg
A mueralg that can protect me from strangers using their electricity.
I want mueralgs so that I can look different from the others.
A mueralg because one mueralg can carry more than one owl.
I want to have a mueralg that I can study since they are weird, interesting creatures.
what is your favorite pasttime in school?
[ethewisp taiga information: a coniferous mysterious forest where the trees grow tall and dense that at the deepest parts of the forest no light reaches the floor. The outer parts with less tall and dense trees create a really nice place with komorebi. The forest is often covered by a thin fog which becomes thicker in/after the rain. Many magical creatures live here. It is said that one of the animals here that makes up most of the animal population is flying feesh.]
[flying feesh information: a 4 legged feesh with a body like a flying fish but bigger, and they can really fly. Usually the size of a small dog but the biggest can be as big as a bear. They are a bit translucent and they glow sky blue in dark places. Their mouth is shaped like it is smiling, and it has really uwu eyes. harmless, they are quite shy with people, and often disappear when they see one. Since their scales are beautiful many people collect fallen scales to make jewelry, but it actually has its usages as a potion ingredient. When melted and a bit diluted they can be used to cover fragile objects like jars for breaking prevention. They come out in the rain and hibernate in summer. They live in schools of around 100-100 000 feeshes. They mainly eat any edible non magical fish(including pets like goldfish or koi), but also love eating human and humanlike liquids(blood, mucus, urine, saliva, sweat, etc) for some reason. ]
Going to the garden and sitting under the tree to draw or just enjoy the view.
Enjoying recess fully or studying an exciting, interesting topic in class.
Sleeping or just simply relaxing because I am old and tired.
Taking walks alone to the ethewisp taiga and spending time with my pet or other animals. I also enjoy studying a favorite subject, or just being lazy.
I go to the lake and swim because the water is nice.
I eat the snacks I secretly hide in my room.
which book are you most likely to read in the library?
A leather bound book that appeared to be someone's diary.
A picture book, I lose interest easily if there are no pictures
I do not read
A book with a black cover and weird gold letter that is in the illegal section
I will read books that are related to the subjects I am studying. Nothing wrong with studying more
your long time enemy was said to be missing after they wandered off into the woods. What will you do?
[magiregulators are like homo sapiens police but for mags]
I will look for them if I must, but I rather not.
Nothing because I hold grudges for a millenium
I will look for them right away, in hopes that I succeed in finding and helping them so now they are my friends.
Go to the woods not to help but to find out how and why they went missing, also I am curious what is inside the woods because it is interesting to know the whole process.
I celebrate because my enemy is gone.
Tell both magiregulators and homo sapiens police about this
a teacher in school keeps on asking you to assist them even though it is already your 8th time doing that. What will you do?
It is alright because there is not much disadvantage of assisting a teacher compared to refusing them and getting to a war with them.
Keep assisting. It may be fun sometimes.
I am certainly telling the principal. They need to know if a teacher is being weirdly annoying.
Tell the teacher that I have already helped multiple times and ask if I can take a break.
Escape from them and always avoid them when possible.
I am going to die, my grades will die, but it is okay, I will not let a teacher boss me around all the time.
do you get letters often?
Not too much but it is still quite some amount, I have friends from everywhere!
No, I barely have friends. Probably only a small friend group.
No, I hardly get letters. although I will be happy to receive one.
No I do not because I do not have an overpopulation of friends and besides, I would almost never trust anyone with the information of my address.
Yes but they are all only from my one friend who diligently writes everything all the time.
No because I do not use letters to communicate. They are too old.
will you rescue a dying animal even if it means losing your arm?
No, I cannot put myself in danger.
No. Life is cruel and unfair, if that animal has to die, it has nothing to do with me and I am not losing an arm for just that.
Yes, they are precious, I cannot resist to not to help them.
I do not think it is worth it so I will never.
I will find the best and least dangerous way with no risk of losing arm to help that animal if possible.
I do not know, I cannot think about that kind of situation.
do you use your wand to harm others?
Yes, it is fun and I do that as a hobby.
Yes, only the bad people though, or my enemies.
I will only use my wand to harm others in self defense.
No, I just do not want to do it. If others harm me I will just suffer in silence.
I do not usually do that but I can use my wand properly to harm beautifully when needed in certain situations.
Of course not, that is so evil.
five doors are in front of you, which one would you enter?
The regular wooden one
The metal door with chains and locks shutting it
The pink one that is emitting beautiful music
The black door with a fancy doorknocker
A ruined door with overgrown plants
would you take a stroll in a forest late at night?
Maybe not, I rather stay in my cozy room.
No I am scared of the darkness and how unknown it is.
No because I am too lazy to go out again.
Sure, the forest is much more alive
No I will be studying inside my room.
Yes I want to observe nocturnal creatures.
your closest friend has forgot to close the cage to a dangerous creature and now it is running around school. Do you help your friend cover the problem or do you betray and report to the teacher?
I will report hahah, my friend made a careless mistake.
I will ask the teacher I can trust to help with it.
I do not need teachers knowing about this, and I will let my friend do whatever they want in this situation.
I will not be involved in this. As a friend I will help my friend by providing a solution only.
I obviously will report to the teacher. I do not want my friend or anyone else to be in danger.
I tell the teacher that I did it so that my friend will not get in trouble.
I will help my friend and never let the teachers know.
what are you doing in the middle of the night when you are not sleeping?
Sleepover with my friends, with snacks and laughter and all nice things.
Study stuff that I will not be studying until next year but I just want to do it because it is fun.
Contemplating ideas because what else can I do? I will just overthink until I am able to sleep.
Reading up some random interesting topic or going outside to enjoy being alone.
you are taking notes in your favorite subject., how does it look like?
Very, very neat and colorful because I want them to be perfect but I end up getting left behind.
I do not write notes.
I do not need to write, I can just borrow someone's notes.
I make a summary in my brain and write it while I absorb more information from the teacher.
My notes fill each page fully and is written with messy handwriting but it does not matter, I can read it.
I use my fast hands and write everything the same time as the teacher speaks but then regret because I cannot read it.
My notes are so short and simple.
you are going to have a ball that only happens once every 7 years in school. What will you wear?
Anything that does not stand out.
I do not wanna go, I come for the good food, wearing the school uniform.
I wear flashy fancy things
I will come in my pajamas, take some food, then go elsewhere
I wear something weird and enjoy as I ruin the mood.
at the end of the semester, where will you go?
Certainly home. I miss my family.
I am staying in school because I want to study more since I am free in the holidays.
I will stay in school but mostly be outside, only coming back to for food, sleep and toilet.
I will go travelling somewhere and enjoy the holiday.
will you sacrifice 1 person to save many?
No no no no no 1 person is much more important.
Save everyone but die myself.
Yes. Better kill one than kill many.
I will try find a solution where no one needs to die.
will you die to save another person?
Never, why should I, especially if it is someone random.
Sure. Living is harder than dying.
Yes. I am not important.
No, my life is precious and even if someone dies I still have more friends.
how do you like to enjoy your food?
I enjoy cold food and will wait for my food to cool before eating.
I love eating with my friends and family in the same place together.
I multitask. I eat while doing something else at the same time.
I eat with coffee or tea while I study and may end up forgetting to eat.
I eat instant food because apparently I need food but I think eating is an inconvenience.
would you create useless spells for fun?
Yes but they will be useful for me.
I will create all those spells that only have a purpose of pranking people.
No, why should I. If they are useless I cannot use it so I do not need to waste time.
No because I will not even have any ideas for what spells.
No I am too lazy to do so.
how is the possibility of you threatening to use or use an evil spell on someone?
[evil spells:
kills the enemy. A quick death, when studied it is said that as the spell hits the enemy it is absorbed right away to the skin and stops all nerves from functioning at once.
makes the enemy bleed out of every hole available until they run out of blood and die. Blood flow is unstoppable unless using the opposite spell to stop it.
kills the enemy by making the enemy explode. This spell works slowly and nicely. The enemy will slowly swell up, feeling pressure inside them before finally exploding.
pulchra dolor:
does not kill the enemy but will cause their pain receptors to act up. Each time the spell is said the effect lasts for about 30 seconds.
oculi evanescet:
it is a spell that can pull out your eyes from its socket. Thankfulyy this spell is hard to use and misses easily due to how precisely you need to aim for this to work.
iubeo te:
makes people hit by the spell to obey the one who did the spell. Evil but in another way. Gives a person no freedom.]
I can never do that, that is so cruel!
I can do that easily if I want to.
I do not need evil spells, I have better ways to deal with people.
I will not threaten anyone because I do not find any purpose of doing that, but I can use the spell easily.
What is wrong with this question?
what would you do today if there is no tomorrow?
I will live my day normally.
I will do things that I want to do for a long time.
I will say goodbye to loved ones and try all food.
I will make this last day fun and spend time with my friends.
if you could go anywhere where would you go?
A peaceful fictional world.
The perfect world I created in my brain.
A nice gothic castle.
Somewhere where no one hates me and my life is nice and perfect.
which type of transport will you choose?
A broom
Flying horses(all species)
Flying feesh
will you ever learn an evil spell(that can murder)?
No because it is not easy and possessing the knowledge to do the spell is suspicious.
Yes because it is a spell, and I am interested to study how it works.
No because it is useless.
Yes so that I am prepared for situations that need it but I will not use it unless really needed.
what do you see your friends as?
My closest ones. The ones I go to when I need help.
Creatures similar to me. We have a mutualism type of symbiosis.
Something important to me because friends are rare.
People I love spending time together with.
you accidentally dropped a beaker in the lab, the class is already empty. What would you do?
I will leave the room so another person can take the blame.
Tell the truth to the teacher. I could have walked away but I will feel guilty.
Clean up any spills, repair the beaker with the repairing spell and return it to its original place.
Well that is bad, lets just pretend nothing happen as I slowly disappear.
could you be trusted with a big secret that could cause major problems if it is known by the wrong person?
Yes but I prefer to not be in this situation. What if I do stay quiet but someone actually finds out?
Yes I am quite good at keeping secrets. But do not put too much trust on me.
Probably yes, I stay quiet most of the time and I do not really have anyone I can tell the secret to.
Yes. No worries, even though I am talkative I only tell secrets to my friends(proceeds to secret spreading like contagious disease).
what are your thoughts on winter?
Oh, the perfect season to be lazy. Many animals hibernate, so there is nothing wrong if I am lazy right?
I love it. That is it.
I like it, snow is great and the scenery is also pretrty.
Nice and cold, less sun, perfect environment.
Ugh I hate it the sun disappears quicker each day, makes me have to turn on lights earlier.
I am freezing to death, winter is not nice.
The snow. why. It distracts me from studying.
Winter makes me sleepy and lazy that I cannot finish my assignments.
do you like being alone?
Yes it is really nice since I am free when alone.
Yeah, it is sometimes calming, being only with your thoughts.
Yes, I rarely get to be alone so it is a really nice break.
No since I am scared of what if something happens while I am alone.
No, being alone is so uncomfortable.
No, even without being alone I am lonely enough. I do not need to add it.
a lake in front of you dazzle and illuminate, an angelic soothing voice is calling for you, what would you do?
Go towards it or be cautious.
Run. I. am. scared.
Back off calmly, I do not trust it.
Prepare my wand, go closer to see what is that, and I will most likely attack the water because a voice calling me is suspicious.
what is your favorite subject?
[subjects information:
- wand using
subject about using the wand correctly and also learning spells, from the useful simple everyday ones to more complicated spells not common for everyday use.
- astro
astronomy is astronomy. An interesting subject.
- use of movements and teleportation(umt)
subject to study how to use brooms and other objects as faster and more convenient ways of movement, and also how to teleport.
- siens(potions etc)
this part of siens is important for everyone. Quite similar to chemistry, except that almost everyday in dis subject is labs.
- protection from evil(pfe)
subject teaching students how to identify dangerous creatures or mags, provides useful spells that students can use to protect themselves.
- bio-plantologie(planto)
although bio is an optional subject, plantologie is important for everyone. This subject studies mostly magical plants but also normal plants, how to take care of them, their dangers, and also their usages.
- siens(bio, magiphysics)
the optional choices of siens are bio and magiphysics. Bio is the subject about living creatures. It teaches students about how living creatures work, including a few usages of potions useful in this subject. Magiphysics is the subject about how magic works. Students learn the physics behind spells and also magical objects.
- history
history is history. The difference is history in here teaches about spell inventions, what happened with magical creatures in the past, etc.
- homo sapiens studies(hss)
subject that studies the life of homo sapiens who are non magical. It can make students understand homo sapiens even better and it also teaches inventions that homo sapiens create for their convenience since they do not have magic.
- forecast and mind usage(fmu)
a weird abstract subject, may be interesting for some students. In this subject students are taught how to forecast and predict something close to accurate, and later on students will also learn telepathy and telekinesis, although for these two not everyone can do it perfectly.
- arts
it is art, but magical. There are several types of art subjects, which students can choose from. This is the subject of moving paintings, musnimals, and more of other. Arts but make it magical.]
Wand using
Generally siens
what kinds of pet do you like?
Domestic, they are conveniently the easiest types to find, and dogs are amazing.
Domestic, I do not want to have animals that came from the wild, and anyway I like cats.
Domestic, I will just have a cat that is just as lazy as me as my friend.
Domestic, probably a dog that will warn me when strangers are coming and make them go away from me.
Wild carnivores, especially members of the canidae family.
Wild, maybe something weird so I can stand out.
Wild, I would like to have scavenger birds like condors or vultures, they are cool.
Wild, carnivorous venomous lizards that are similar to me.
Exotic, preferably the colorful ones. I find them interesting.
Exotic birds, like a swan or an owl.
Exotic mammals like the ferret, otter, or chinchilla since they are so uwu. And plus mustelids are small carnivores.
Exotic, I love fish, their scales are beautiful, and the way they swim. Really aesthetic to look at.
an owl dropped you a mysterious package. You examined it, the package reeked of blood and decay. What are you going to do?
Tell the headmaster/teachers because this is definitely bad.
I will just leave it, it cannot be mine.
I will open it in somewhere safe since I want to know what is in there, if people see me I may look like I have just murdered someone so yea, safe place.
Well this is weird, I did not order a corpse or something, but well since it is sent to me I will take it and keep it.
suddenly all the light source in school went out, how would you react?
Stand still and wait for the lights to be back.
It is fine the darkness is nice, and anyway I can easily use my wand to create a source of light if needed. but I will enjoy the darkness.
I will probably be scared.
Scream, get closer to my group of friends, wait until the lights get back on again without moving anywhere because I am scared.
you stumbled upon a dead student in the fields. Their body is fresh and mangled as if a ravaging beast just attacked them. What will you do?
I will run away from that place at once and report about this to a teacher. This is really bad.
Be surprised, I will stay cautious if the beast is still near. Report to the teacher afterwards.
Look at it, try to find out why the student died, then bring it to school and tell teachers about it and leave the rest to them. Finding out about the beast is a problem for later, I will prioritize the dead student.
Well I am in danger, this is bad, my friends are in danger. I will take one look and run right away. I will not stop until I reach the safety of my dorm where that beast would not be able to find me.
while you are walking towards the dorm, a hallway suddenly appeared beside you. You cannot seem to see the end of it. Will you enter?
I will enter for a bit and use my wand to create more light so I can see better. I will go deeper if I have time but if I do not I will just ignore and go to the dorm.
No, why would I, what is the purpose of it? I will just walk past it as if it does not exist and go to the dorm.
Well, who knows what is in there, but if it looks like a nice quiet place where I can do things comfortably, like studying, I am surely going in.
Uh no, I mean I do want to go in, but I will not because the hallway looks scary, suddenly appearing by itself.
someone threatened to use a murder spell on you if you do not do what they want. What will you do?
It depends on what they want. besides, I am doing things out of force, so it is not my fault.
What is wrong with this person? But well, I suppose I am forced to follow. There is not any choice.
Say back to them: well why don't you use it now on me? Are you scared?
Why would I let someone boss my around. I will refuse them and if I die I die.
No way I will let people force anything to me, I will not obey them, I will not die, instead I run away and make sure they will not be able to find me.
Huh, threats, I am not scared, I am able to kill them in the most beautiful way possible before they try to kill me.
your teacher offers you a suspicious looking potion. Will you drink it? 
If that is what the teacher wants, then I shall drink it.
No, until I know what it is.
First of all why is the teacher offering a suspicious potion? I first will smell the potion, then I will test the potion, if it is fine than I can drink it, although the potion will run out first as I test it with different things.
Stay positive, lets just think it is something that can make me better at doing something and the teacher just wants to help. I will drink it and hopefully I will not die. if I do die I will make sure the teacher gets my revenge.
a friend of yours was thrown into the raging ocean. They cannot swim. What will you do? 
Try my best to use the float spell on them so I can lift them out of the ocean safely.
Ask others to help save my friend, I cannot put myself in danger, besides I know some people that can make perfect plans to save a friend.
Jump in and try to rescue them, use my wand to aid me.
Jump straight in and get to them, how am I going to get us out, oh no, I did not think of that.
Bye bye friend, rest in peace.
you went outside and saw a tombstone. Your full name was engraved on it. How would you react?
Question whether I am still alive or not.
Convince myself this is just a mistake. There must have been a problem either with my eyes or brain, I will try to forget about this and maybe have another person look at this to confirm that it really is just me seeing it wrong.
Oh so apparently I am dead. Well ok, but actually I am still alive, what is going on with this world?
Well that is weird, may be a coincidence, lets dig down and find the coffin, lets see what is inside, obviously with wands prepared. Who knows if there is someone who wants to murder me hiding behind something.
how would you feel if everyone in the world forgets about you? 
Neutral. Just neutral.
Devastated, I will feel really sad.
I rather die than experience this.
How would you? I have experienced this kind of situation a lot I am used to it.
I do not think it is possible for everyone to forget about me.
can you watch someone being tortured, or better yet, will you ever bring yourself to torture another?
Oh this question is so evil, of course it is impossible to watch or do torture!
Hm easy task, too lazy to do it though.
Noooooooo whyyyyyy.
Oh sure, I can torture anyone who interrupts when I am working. Let them feel the pain.
The first one is very easy, the second one I cannot do. It is just evil and I do not see why I should do so.
Too easy. I can torture people while laughing, and I enjoy doing it.
I do not want to watch someone being tortured and I will never do so.
I do not really do it, but if people do not follow what I want I can torture them really nicely and watch them happily.
{"name":"Schogarde sorting", "url":"","txt":"Are you ready to explore a magical world filled with whimsical creatures and challenging scenarios? This quiz will take you on a thrilling journey where your choices shape your story. Each question brings you closer to understanding your character's traits and how you would react in fantastical situations.Discover your inner adventurer! In this quiz you will:Face moral dilemmas with enchanting creaturesIdentify your personality through unique scenariosUncover hidden aspects of your character","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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