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New submissions in physics on Fri, 15 May 20
[2005.06463] O. Gileva, J.S. Choe, H.J. Kim et al.: Purification and recovery of 100MoO3 in crystal production for AMoRE experiment
[2005.06466] Daniel Moser, Waleed Khalid, Raluca Jiglau et al.: Recent design studies for the novel momentum spectrometer NoMoS
[2005.06467] C. Adams, V. Alvarez, L. Arazi et al.: Sensitivity of a tonne-scale NEXT detector for neutrinoless double beta decay searches
[2005.06493] Mohsen Azadi, George A. Popov, Zhipeng Lu et al.: Controlled photophoretic levitation of nanostructured thin films for near-space flight
[2005.06522] Kay Wittenburg: Beam Loss Monitors
[2005.06524] Hilarie Sit, Christopher J. Earls: Deep Learning for Classifying and Characterizing Atmospheric Ducting within the Maritime Setting
[2005.06529] Axel Kleidon: What limits photosynthesis? Identifying the thermodynamic constraints of the biosphere within the Earth system
[2005.06532] Suzane F. Pinto, Ronan S. Ferreira, Miguel M.Costa et al.: A proposal for an active methodology for physics labs
[2005.06575] Foteini Asvesta, Hannes Bartosik, Simone Gilardoni et al.: Identification and characterization of high order incoherent space charge driven structure resonances in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
[2005.06603] Stefan Noll, Holger Winkler, Oleg Goussev et al.: OH level populations and accuracies of Einstein-A coefficients from hundreds of measured lines
[2005.06635] Camille R. Zaug, John D. Carter: Dissipative models of swell propagation across the Pacific
[2005.06638] Patrick R. Stollenwerk, Ivan O. Antonov, Sruthi Venkataramanababu et al.: Cooling of a Zero-Nuclear-Spin Molecular Ion to a Selected Rotational State
[2005.06651] James M. Stone, Kengo Tomida, Christopher J. White et al.: The Athena++ Adaptive Mesh Refinement Framework: Design and Magnetohydrodynamic Solvers
[2005.06658] Kenichi Nakazato, Masanori Takano: Spreading dynamics of infectious diseases on structured society with daily cycles
[2005.06679] A. Chacoma, M. N. Kuperman, G. Abramson: Phase transition induced by traffic lights on a single lane road
[2005.06701] D. Frolov: Intrinsic Quality Factor Extraction of Multi-Port Cavity with Arbitrary Coupling
[2005.06726] Aleksandr S. Grigoriev, Evgeny V. Shilko, Andrey I. Dmitriev et al.: Negative thermal expansion induced suppression of wear in dry sliding friction
[2005.06761] Uğur Teğin, Babak Rahmani, Eirini Kakkava et al.: Single mode output by controlling the spatiotemporal nonlinearities in mode-locked femtosecond multimode fiber lasers
[2005.06762] Kay Wittenburg: Diagnostics Examples from Third-Generation Light Sources
[2005.06788] D. A. Broadway, S. E. Lillie, Sam C. Scholten et al.: Improved current density and magnetisation reconstruction through vector magnetic field measurements
[2005.06797] J. K. Son, J. S. Choe, O. Gileva et al.: Growth and development of pure Li2MoO4 crystals for rare event experiment at CUP
[2005.06805] Miku Laakso, Po-Han Huang, Pierre Edinger et al.: Three-dimensional printing of silica-glass structures with submicrometric features
[2005.06815] Chen Wang, Yuan Ren, Tong Liu et al.: A new kind of Hermite-Gaussian-like optical vortex generated by cross-phase
[2005.06846] Yuanqing Gu, Yan Chen: Origami Cubes with One-DOF Rigid and Flat Foldability
[2005.06857] Seil Sautbekov: Sommerfeld half-space problem revisited: Short-wave asymptotic solutions
[2005.06865] Maxime Debiossac, Philippe Roncin, A.G. Borisov: Refraction of fast Ne atoms in the attractive well of LiF(001) surface
[2005.06874] Richard J.A.M. Stevens, Detlef Lohse, Roberto Verzicco: Towards DNS of the Ultimate Regime of Rayleigh--Bénard Convection
[2005.06880] Tim Hulshof, Joost Jorritsma, Júlia Komjáthy: Not all interventions are equal for the height of the second peak
[2005.06891] Miriam Menzel, Silvania F. Pereira: Coherent Fourier scatterometry reveals nerve fiber crossings in the brain
[2005.06908] M.R. Hoeferkamp, J.S.T. Wickramasinghe, A. Grummer et al.: An Instrument for Precision Controlled Radiation Exposures, Charged Beam Profile Measurement, and Real-time Fluence Monitoring Beyond ...
[2005.06910] Timon Hitz, Steven Joens, Matthias Heinen et al.: Comparison of Macro- and Microscopic Solutions of the Riemann Problem II. Two-Phase Shock Tube
[2005.06919] Sergey N. Galyamin, Andrey V. Tyukhtin: Radiation of a Charge in Axicon-Based Dielectric Concentrator for Cherenkov Radiation
[2005.06929] Lucas Rovige, Julius Huijts, Aline Vernier et al.: Demonstration of stable long-term operation of a kilohertz laser-plasma accelerator
[2005.06937] Idan Parshani, Leon Bello, Mallachi-Elia Meller et al.: Direct observation and simulation of the diffractive saturable loss mechanism in a Kerr-lens mode-locked laser
[2005.06955] M. Zubair, Hina Azmat: Anisotropic Tolman V Solution by Minimal Gravitational Decoupling Approach
[2005.06966] Emile S. Medvedev, Vladimir G. Ushakov, Eamon K. Conway et al.: Empirical normal intensity distribution for overtone vibrational spectra of triatomic molecules
[2005.06972] S. K. J. Pacif: Dark energy models from a parametrization of $H$: A comprehensive analysis and observational constraints
[2005.06973] C. Semay, C. Willemyns: Quasi Kepler's third law for quantum many-body systems
[2005.06974] Brage Gording: A Novel Approach To Particle Representations
[2005.06975] Nicolas Moutal, Antoine Moutal, Denis S. Grebenkov: Diffusion NMR in periodic media: efficient computation and spectral properties
[2005.06977] Jonathan M. Ludwicki, Paul H. Steen: Sweeping by Sessile Drop Coalescence
[2005.06979] M. Gastegger, A. McSloy, M. Luya et al.: A deep neural network for molecular wave functions in quasi-atomic minimal basis representation
[2005.06985] Isaac Bowser, Ken Kiers, Erica Mitchell et al.: Weyl's problem: A computational approach
[2005.06997] Joshua Baxter, Antonino Calà Lesina, Lora Ramunno: Parallel FDTD modelling of nonlocality in plasmonics
[2005.07000] Javier De Miguel-Hernández: A telecommunications system based on axion dark matter coherent transmission
[2005.07004] Robert Schaback: On COVID-19 Modelling
[2005.07005] María J. Palazzi, Albert Solé-Ribalta, Violeta Calleja-Solanas et al.: Resilience and elasticity of co-evolving information ecosystems
[2005.07008] Richard Packard: Does Dark Matter Consist of Cosmic String Remnants?
[2005.07009] Himangshu Barman, Anisur Rahaman, Sohan Kumar Jha: On the reformulation of Thomas-Fermi model to make it compatible to the Planck-scale
[2005.07010] Michael Vennettilli, Amir Erez, Andrew Mugler: Multicellular sensing at a feedback-induced critical point
[2005.07012] Yang Ye, Qingpeng Zhang, Zhongyuan Ruan et al.: Modeling the heterogeneous disease-behavior-information dynamics during epidemics
[2005.07017] G. B. Mainland, Bernard Mulligan: The contribution of the quantum vacuum to the cosmological constant is zero: proof that vacuum energy does not gravitate
[2005.07027] Kay Wittenburg: Beam halo and bunch purity monitoring
[2005.07038] Álvaro González García, James L. Martín R., Alessio Caciagli: Crowd Control in Plazas Constrained to Social Distancing
[2005.07039] Rabah Abdul Khalek, Valerio Bertone: On the derivatives of feed-forward neural networks
[2005.07040] Matteo Cirillo: Statistical Considerations Over 70 Years Elections Data
[2005.07043] Sanjay Mandal, P.K. Sahoo: A Complete Cosmological Scenario in Teleparallel Gravity
[2005.07079] Wyman Kwok: A Loophole in an Argument for Interpreting Classical Physics Indeterministically
[2005.07090] M.N. Achasov, A.G. Bogdanchikov, V.P. Druzhinin et al.: SND electromagnetic calorimeter time measurement and its applications
[2005.07119] Kartik Jain: Efficacy of the FDA nozzle benchmark and the lattice Boltzmann method for the analysis of biomedical flows in transitional regime
[2005.07125] Kwassi Anani, Roger Prud'homme, Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou: Vaporization frequency response to pressure oscillations: an approximate analytical solution for mixed injection regimes
[2005.07131] Emil Khalisi, Joachim Gripp: Hierarchical Eclipses
[2005.07155] NOvA Collaboration: Supernova neutrino detection in NOvA
[2005.07168] Kade Head-Marsden, David A. Mazziotti: Active Space Pair 2-Electron Reduced Density Matrix Theory for Strong Correlation
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Fri, 15 May 20","img":""}
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