A professional office environment with diverse individuals engaged in strategic discussions and brainstorming, featuring charts and graphs on a screen.

Mastering Management Decisions

Test your knowledge on essential management concepts with our engaging quiz! Dive into topics related to decision-making processes, leadership qualities, and strategic planning for organizations.

  • Explore the nuances of management at different levels.
  • Understand the importance of competitive advantage.
  • Create a vision and mission for a fictional company.
5 Questions1 MinutesCreated by LeadingMind42
Keputusan yang dilakukan oleh top manajemen sangat berkaitan dengan sistem manajemen. Jelaskan mengapa? Jelaskan hubungan keduanya!
Pengambilan keputusan sangat bergantung pada level yang ada pada perusahaan. Jelaskan proses pengambilan keputusan pada tingkat manajerial!
Mengapa seorang pemimpin dibutuhkan dalam sebuah organisasi? Menurut Anda, Seorang pemimpin yang ideal itu seperti apa?
Buatlah sebuah visi dan misi untuk perusahaan "Gammit"
Mengapa dalam perusahaan/organisasi wajib adanya Competitive Advantage dan Core Competence? jelaskan!
{"name":"MANSTRA", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on essential management concepts with our engaging quiz! Dive into topics related to decision-making processes, leadership qualities, and strategic planning for organizations.Explore the nuances of management at different levels.Understand the importance of competitive advantage.Create a vision and mission for a fictional company.","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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