The supply of carbon dioxide used in a fixed extinguishing system aboard a cargo vessel MUST be at least sufficient for __________.
All the spaces of a vessel
All cargo spaces
The engine room and largest cargo space
The space requiring the largest amount
By definition, spontaneous combustible is a result of_________.
Conduction of heat through a wall of material to the substance
An outside heat source heating a substance until it ignites
Chemical reactions within a substance
All of the above
The piece of equipment shown in the illustration is used in conjunction with a fire hose to produce which of the listed fire extinguishing agents?
Chemical foam
Mechanical foam
High velocity fog
Low velocity fog
Which of the following fire extinguishing agents is best suited for use on a large class "B" fire occurring on the open deck of a vessel?
Steam smothering system
Dry chemical
Aqueous film forming foam
Which of the following fire extinguishing agents is best suited for use on a large class B fire occurring on the open deck of a vessel?
Aqueous film forming foam
Dry chemical
Steam smothering system
An extinguishing agent which effectively cools, dilutes combustible vapors and provides a heat and smoke screen is ___________.
Dry chemical
Halon 1301
Water fog
Carbon dioxide
Through which of the listed process is sufficient heat produced to cause spontaneous ignition?
Latent heat of sublimation
Heat of expansion
Heat of oxidation
Latent heat of condensation
Firefighting foam is only effective when the foam ___________.
Penetrates to the bottom of the fire
Completely covers the top of the burning liquid
Mixes with the burning fuel oil
Is kept saturated with low velocity water fog
The advantage of using a dry chemical fire extinguishing agent is _________.
Permanent extinguishment reguardless of the reignition sources
Its excellent cooling ability
Its good stability and nontoxicity
All of the above
Dry chemical extinguishing agents extinguish a fire by _________.
Smothering and removing the oxygen from the fuel
Breaking up the molecular chain reaction
Removing the fuel by absorbing the heated vapors
Cooling the fuel below ignition temperature
The total available supply of CO2 for use in a fixed extinguishing system of a cargo vessel shall be at least sufficient for_________________
All the space of the vessel
Engine room and largest cargo space
All cargo‐space
Space requiring largest amount
On an inspection of your tankship you notice that there are no portable fire extinguishers in the pumproom. To comply with regulations, you __________.
Should arrange to have a B‐II extinguisher placed in the lower pumproom
Need not be concerned since no portable extinguishers are required in the pumproom
May substitute sand for the required extinguishers
Should arrange to have a B‐II extinguisher placed in the vicinity of the exit
Chemical foam is most suitable for use on a fire involving _____________.
Burning insulation
Hot bulkheads
Electrical machinery
One of the limitations of foam as a fire extinguishing agent is that foam ________.
Cannot be made with salt water
Conducts electricity
Is heavier than oil and sinks below it surface
Is corrosive and a hazard to fire fighters
The use of which type of fire extinguishing agent involves covering the burning surface by deflecting the agent from a bulkhead to avoid undue agitation?
Halon 1301
Carbon dioxide
Dry chemical
If flammable liquids are being pumped with a centrifugal pump, you should_______.
Throttle the discharge valve to assure positive pumping
Stop the pump immediately if it becomes vapor bound
Throttle the discharge valve to control capacity
Gag relief valves to prevent recirculating and heating of the liquid
Dry chemical extinguishing agents are effective when used ___________.
With any foam extinguishing agents
Strictly in a cooling capacity
With any other dry chemical extinguishing agents
On materials that contain their own oxygen
How does foam extinguish an oil fire?
By excluding the oxygen from the fire
By cooling the oil below the ignition temperature
By removing the fuel source from the fire
By increasing the weight of the oil
Except in rare cases, it is impossible to extinguish a shipboard fire by __________.
. Interrupting the chain reaction
Removing the oxygen
Removing the heat
Removing the fuel
In the event of a fire, the doors to a stair tower must be closed to prevent the spread of fire by_______.
Extinguishing oil fire is very effective when__________.
Cooling below its ignition temperature
Cutting off oxygen source
Spraying with water
Removing fuel
Fire alarm system thermostats are actuated by_________.
The difference in thermal expansion of two dissimilar metals
An electric eye which actuates when smoke interferes with the beam
Smoke sensors
Pressure loss due to air being heated
Valves on steam‐smothering lines to cargo tanks shall be set with __________.
The master control valve shut and valves to individual cargo tanks open
The master control valve open and valves to individual cargo tanks shut
The master control valve shut and valves to individual cargo tanks shut
All valves open
Which extinguishing agent is most likely to allow reflash as a result of not cooling the fuel below its ignition temperature?
Water spray
Water stream
Combustible gas indicator is operated by drawing an air sample into the instrument_______.
Where its specific gravity is measured
Over an electrically heated platinum filament
Where it is ignited by a sparking device
Where it is mixed with nitrogen
Which of the following statements concerning chemical foam is TRUE?
It is formed as a result of the reaction between dry powder and water.
It is recommended for use on fires in main propulsion electric motors.
Foam bubbles are formed as a result of mechanical mixing with air.
It is useful in fighting chemicals fires only.
A fire extinguishing product produced by first mixing a foam concentrate with water to produce a foam solution, then mixing the foam solution with air is termed ____________.
Chemical foam
Halon 1301
Mechanical foam
Light water
When an electrical fire has been extinguished with a dry chemical agent, there is always a possibility of the __________.
Chemical crystals suffocating the fire fighter
Machinery suffering thermal shock damage
Fire being rekindled by spontaneous combustion
Electrical contacts or relays being rendered inoperative
Each drilling unit equipped with helicopter fuel storage tanks must have the tanks installed as far as practicable from the ________.
Main deck
Drill floor
Engine room
Landing area and sources of vapor ignition
In which of the circumstances listed would a carbon dioxide fire extinguishing agent be most effective?
As a cooling agent
Within a closed space
On a magnesium fire
At a range of 15 feet
What danger to personnel exists when a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is discharged in a small enclosed space?
Burst eardrums
Second degree burns
Electric shock
Mechanically foam used for firefighting is produced by mechanically mixing and agitating ___________.
Foam chemical with air and water
Dry chemical and water
Soda acid and water
Bicarbonate soda with air and water
A fire is considered 'under control' when_________________ .
The fire is contained and no longer spreading
Vall firefighting equipment is at the scene
The fixed systems are activated
All hands are at their fire stations
A fire is considered 'under control' when_________.
All firefighting equipment is at the scene
All hands are at their fire stations
The fixed systems are activated
The fire is contained and no longer spreading
A definite advantage of using water as a fire extinguishing agent is its characteristic of __________.
Rapid contraction as water is converted from a liquid to a vapor
Absorption of smoke and gases as water is converted from a liquid to a vapor
Alternate expansion and contraction as water in a liquid state becomes a vapor
Rapid expansion as water absorbs heat and changes to steam
You are underway when a fire breaks out in the forward part of your vessel. If possible you should __________.
Abandon ship to windward
Put the vessel's stern into the wind
Keep going at half speed
Call for assistance
A burning mattress is considered as which of the following classes of fire?
Class "D"
Class "C"
Class "A"
Class "B"
A galley grease fire would be classified as .
Class B
Class A
Class C
Class D
Which of the following classes of fire would probably occur in the engine room bilges?
Class D
Class B
Class A
Class C
A fire in a pile of dunnage would be classified as a_______.
Class B
Class A
Class C
Class D
Foam extinguishes fire by_____.
Chemical action
Inerting the air
A class "D" fire would involve the burning of__________.
Diesel oil
Electrical insulation
Fuel vents are fitted with corrosion resistant screen to prevent________.
Corrosion in the tank vent
Escape of flammable vapors
Flames entering the tank vent
Damage to the ball check
Which fire extinguishing agent has the greatest capacity for absorbing heat?
Dry chemical
Carbon dioxide
When is the best time to vent the combustible products from the engine room after CO2 fire extinguishing system has released?
One half‐hour after the fire is extinguished.
After any personnel in fireman outfits reenter the engine room.
Immediately after the fire is extinguished.
After the metal surfaces have cooled down.
Annual servicing of a hand portable CO2 fire extinguisher includes_____________ .
Discharging, cleaning inside, and recharging
Inspecting the pressure gauge to ensure the needle is within operating range
Hydrostatic testing of the cylinder
Weighing the cylinder and recharging if weight loss exceeds 10% of the weight of the charge
Except in rare cases, it is impossible to extinguish a shipboard fire by________.
Removing the fuel
Interrupting the chain reaction
Removing the oxygen
Removing the heat
How often shall crew members participate in fire drills?
Once every 6 months
Once every month
Once every year
Once every week
You are fighting a class "B" fire with a portable dry chemical extinguisher. The discharge should be directed __________.
At the main body of the fire
Over the top of the fire
At the seat of the fire, starting at the near edge
To bank off a bulkhead onto the fire
When using mechanical foam to fight a bilge fire, the stream of foam is most effective when directed ___________.
At a vertical surface
At the overhead
Onto the deck
Directly into the bilge water
{"name":"C-12", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"The supply of carbon dioxide used in a fixed extinguishing system aboard a cargo vessel MUST be at least sufficient for __________., By definition, spontaneous combustible is a result of_________., The piece of equipment shown in the illustration is used in conjunction with a fire hose to produce which of the listed fire extinguishing agents?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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