Morrisec: Phishing Emails
Morrisec: Phishing Emails 

{"name":"Morrisec: Phishing Emails", "url":"","txt":"Phishing has historically been a significant problem due to how effective it can be in causing major issues for corporations, with minimal effort, complexity or funding. Individuals, specifically employees, are often targeted in phishing attacks as they are an accessible pathway to breaking the first line of defence, giving attackers access to sensitive data. In 2022, it was reported that phishing emails were the most common vector for phishing attacks with 83% of companies having experienced an attack in 2021. Three commonly used tactics in phishing emails are malicious attachments, web links and fraudulent data entry forms., Why are individuals the most common targets for phishing attacks? Select all that apply., What tactics are commonly used in email phishing attacks?","img":""}