Quiz For Would-Be parents

What kind of person would you describe yourself as ?
ς�Responsible and Stable
Responsible but can sometimes slack
Stable but can sometimes slack
Is your relationship with your partner stable?
ς�Yes, couldnt have been better
Yes, but can still use some working on
We are currently working on it
No, but we are together for the sake of our child
Will it upset you if you have to give up recreational things you'd regularly do?
Yes, very
No, I will put my childs needs before my wants
I will try my best to not let it upset me
If you are a single parent, do you have the support to take care of your child?
No, but I will work my hardest to create a future for my child
No, but I will try and figure something out
Yes, I have a job and people to help me out. I will also work my hardest for my child
Would you be able to stay up or get up during the night for your baby?
Yes, that is not a problem
No , it is a struggle for me to be able to stay up or wake up during the night
If your baby is crying, what do you do?
Check if he/she needs to be fed
Check if he/she needs to be changed
Give he/she their favorite toy (if they have one)
All of the above
Have you took any parenting courses, are you aware what comes along with having a child?
No, I have never took a course
Yes but I still do not think im prepared
No but I have seen the way my friends are with their kids
How much free time do you and your partner have ?
Depending on our work shifts we at least have 5-8 hours a day free to spare
Not much time since we both work full time
We are both currently unemployed so we both have all day to spare
Do you have good teaching skills (paitence) ?
Yes, I like to help people regardless and I would love to be envolved in teaching my child how to walk ,talk,etc
I do not enjoy teaching people nor do I have the paitence for it
I am very paitnet but do not like to teach
I like to teach but it frustrate me when someone does not understand the first time
Do you have and addictions to drugs or alcohol?
Yes , I really enjoy both
No, I would never espically now more then ever
I used to but that was in the past. I am clean now and planning to stay clean for my child
Are you lazy ?
Very lazy, I will not get up for anything
Depending on the situation I can get very lazy
No, it is very easy for me to get up no matter how big or small a situation is
Do loud noises irritate you easily ?
Yes a lot !
Yes , but I can handle it in certain situations
No , not at all
What would you do if no one was able to babysit and you had very important plans?
I would ask my neighbour to take care of my child
I would drop my plans for my child
Depending on the plans I would take my child with me
How does it make you feel about spending money for things that are not for you?
It makes me very upset and angry
It does not matter , I wil waste my last dime on my child
It makes me upset but there is nothing I can do about it
Will you be able to spend 9 months carrying a baby and feeding for the both of you
Yes, this is what I signed up for
No , I dont think I have the strength for that
Without doubt of course!
{"name":"Quiz For Would-Be parents", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What kind of person would you describe yourself as ?, Is your relationship with your partner stable?, Will it upset you if you have to give up recreational things you'd regularly do?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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