Welcome to the New Salem Bible Trivia contest - "Week 6"    
Answer the question with the correct response. You will have 30 seconds to answer each question and you will only have one chance to answer the questions correctly.   We will post the winners each week and will keep a tabulation of scores throughout the summer. The top 3 scorers will receive awesome prizes at the end of the summer.    Please participate each week, do your best and have fun!

In which book of the Bible do we find the verse: "...for God did send me before you to preserve life."
Where did the cedar trees used by the Israelites to rebuilt the temple originate?
What was the judgment from God, that Isaiah warned the proud woman of Jerusalem about?
They will have sores and lose all their hair
They will become motherless
They will be humbled
They will become barren
What does "Talitha cumi' mean?
"Damsel arise"
'Your sins are forgiven"
"Peace be still"
"Come onto me"
According to Hebrews, Christ waits for his enemies to be made what?
His vessel
His mat
His chair
His footstool
How long did Job live after his testing?
140 years
90 years
160 years
110 years
Who is speaking in the following verse: "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."?
John the Baptist
Why did Herodias have a grudge against John the Baptist?
He criticize a rule
He spoke against her marriage
He spoke out against her drunkenness
He spoke out against her idolatry
How many times does the term "New Jerusalem" appear in the Bible?
Once brought to the palace, how much time passed before Esther was brought before the king?
18 months
10 months
12 months
16 months
Fill in the blank's: "There is a way that seemth_____unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of____."
Wrong, life
right, death
foolish, wisdom
dreadful, strife
In which book do we find the account of Joseph?
1 Samuel
1 Kings
Jude makes reference to what cities?
Jerusalem and Bethlehem
Sodom and Gomorrah
Joppa and Nineveh
Babylon in Jericho
If a person send through ignorance in the holy things of the Lord, what were they to bring for sacrifice?
A ram without blemish
A female sheep
A young ewe
A goat without marks
All Scriptures can be described as…
Written after Christ's birth
Written before Christ's birth
Given by inspiration of God
Full of human errors
{"name":"Welcome to the New Salem Bible Trivia contest - \"Week 6\" Answer the question with the correct response. You will have 30 seconds to answer each question and you will only have one chance to answer the questions correctly. We will post the winners each week and will keep a tabulation of scores throughout the summer. The top 3 scorers will receive awesome prizes at the end of the summer. Please participate each week, do your best and have fun!", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"In which book of the Bible do we find the verse: \"...for God did send me before you to preserve life.\", Where did the cedar trees used by the Israelites to rebuilt the temple originate?, What was the judgment from God, that Isaiah warned the proud woman of Jerusalem about?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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