Market Survey

On a scale of 1-5 how annoying is going for a fruit and finding out they’re all rotten
Why does this bother you
It's a waste of my hard earned money
I have to go and get more, which is such a pain
The smell is really bad
A combination of the above
How often do you go for a fruit and find out its rotten
Every day
Once a week
Very rarely
Almost never
What price range would you pay for a product that fixes this problem
0-5 USD
5-10 USD
10-25 USD
25-50 USD
I'll pay anything
Do you know why fruits go bad
Easy, the space monkeys replace our food with bad food
No I wish I did
I have a basic understanding but don't know why it happens
I am a scientist whose job it is to understand this
{"name":"Market Survey", "url":"","txt":"On a scale of 1-5 how annoying is going for a fruit and finding out they’re all rotten, Why does this bother you, How often do you go for a fruit and find out its rotten","img":""}
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