Crime Prevention CH 1

Evaluations of the foot patrol in Newark, New jersey; Flint Michigan and Alberta Canada consistently indicated the foot patrol results in
Minimal impact on crime rates
Substantial impacto on crime rates
A core component of problem oriented policing the employment of
Nontraditional interventions
Direct patrol
Crime analysis
Integrated patrol investigation
Referring to vicious enforcement of incivilities and moonier offenses as a broken windows approach is grammatically ising a
Community oriented policing is a conceptual framework for which the central tent is
The core of Compstat is real time crime analysis coupled with
A bridged accountability system
Community oriented policing
Nontraditional responses
Problem oriented policing
Evidence I overwhelming that concentrated patrol in hotspots has a significant effect on
Disorderly conduct and nuisance offenses
Suppressible street crime
Property crime
Drug trafficking
The current era in police strategy development is described by th terms focusing data driven and intelligence led what term is frequently used as a summary description of this approach
Evidence based
Differential response
Geographic based
During the 1960s academic programs in criminal justice/law enforcement grew at a rate best described by the term
The 1960s saw the "discovery" of the complexity of police work by what academic discipline?
In controlling civil protest in the 1960s american police agencies killed how many protestors?
The six major developments of the 1960s created a new era in law enforcement that included which of the following
The 1980 were marked by the emergence of
The organizational source of community-oriented policing was
What perspective emerged form th evaluation of the Flint, Michigan foot patrol evolution?
Data from the FBIs uniform from reports indicate tat between 1991 and 2001 violent crime
The effect of proactive police strategies in the 1990s lead to the conclusion that the most effective approaches are
The 2010s will hopefully be characterized by the term m
For which of the following tragic conceptual models has quantitative research been impetus?
The initial emergence of the strategy research included which of the following studies?
The four ground braking strategy evaluative studies demonstrated that
Intervention could be quantified
Quantitative research is more important than qualitative
None of the then-employed strategies worked
{"name":"Crime Prevention CH 1", "url":"","txt":"during the 1960s academic programs in criminal justice\/law enforcement grew at a rate best described by the term, The 1960s saw the \"discovery\" of the complexity of police work by what academic discipline?, in controlling civil protest in the 1960s american police agencies killed how many protestors?","img":""}
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