HP2300 Lecture

What is the theory of mind?
The infants' belief of others' principles
The ability to understand other people's actions and external manifestations in terms of their internal mental states
Infants' understanding of people's emotions
The theory that infants are unable to decipher human states until the age of 4
What is the theory of mind used for?
It is used to make sense of our social world
It is used to understand how infants behave in social situations
It is used to identify false beliefs
It is used to understand how people have different personalities
Which of the following are observable actions?
What is the experiment done by Meltzoff and Moore about?
The time at which infants learn to understand false beliefs
The age at which infants learn language
The precursors in neonates for imitation
The age at which infants succeed the A-not-B task
Who are the participants in the experiment done by Meltzoff and Moore?
Newborns within 1 month of age
Newborns within 2 days of age
Infants from 3-6 months of age
Infants from 9-12 months of age
What is the infants' understanding of others based on?
Perception, goals/desires and basic emotions
Perception, false beliefs, and goals/desires
Basic emotions, goals/desires and language
Basic emotions, perception and explicit judgment
What was the original age that people believed children understand false beliefs?
4 years old
15 months old
12 months old
5 years old
Why did children fail the false belief tasks?
Complex language, one party involved
Multiple parties involved, implicit judgment
Complex language, implicit judgment
Complex language, multiple parties involved
What is the Woodward Paradigm?
6 months old understand that a reach is goal-directed
Infants look to adults/parents for emotional cues
Babies protrude their tongues at birth
Babies are empathetic from young
What was the result of Repacholi and Gopnik's crackers experiment on desires?
Most kids at 18 months did not give crackers because they didn't want the experimenter to have them
Most kids at 18 months did not give crackers because they knew that the experimenter didn't like crackers
Most kids at 14 months gave crackers because the experimenter liked crackers
Most kids at 14 months old did not give crackers because they didn't want the experimenter to have them
{"name":"HP2300 Lecture", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What is the theory of mind?, What is the theory of mind used for?, Which of the following are observable actions?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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