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load custom parts (one icon ask for filename, use ground as base, with attachment points/planes, colors/textures)
image part - sticker, dimensions/aliasing/source image, follow parent surface property - use it to implement dot matrix display
gears mode - connect tracks, 0, 90, 180, enter ratio draw appropriate number of teeth - hollow interior model (just support for the teeth), gear to wagon link to create linear gear (can use this instead of winding cable)
create dot matrix display - source file with lines - value of display is index to line current line, but only if text property is nil, build it from existing parts even if I optimize it (like the button)
3d comment bubble part (hover to show)
avatar (merge with avatar project ideas, big ground piano, incorporate bug park mechs (multiple bodies with differing sizes/abilities), gaze cross (move head to look at it, place it at collision of eye line and part, used to attach rope, press, etc), hand mouse, carry machines miniaturized (dbz), activate machines remotely (carry controller/ pointer))
tutorial mode
record graphs by using example motion
cables (add stiffness constant, completely stiff by default, act as a spring otherwise, test with mouse and driven components) - loose cable setting (behave like rope), V picking of cable, pluch guitar string by using cable to move probe at the end
load shortcuts from settings.clj
loose machines (cars, rockets, etc)
terrain mode - set height, type (water, rock etc) - create a few clouds
workshop to cut blocks (just basics cut on a plane, make a hole, fixed tools (position and rotate pieces), use pask/my mechanics for inspiration)
track curvature property (create tilted parts, track loops with curved corners, circle)
info mode - hover over part to show a lot of relevant information - connections, parent, name, layer, etc
give name to graph chip/motherboard - visible as texture
combination layers (like krita but for 3d shapes - gouge holes, etc)
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