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MARCH Spider of the Month
Ant-mimicking jumping spider (Myrmarachne sp.; Salticidae) – Desiré Pelser
Bird-dropping orb-web spider (Cyrtarachne sp.; Araneidae) – Len DeBeer
Biscuit box kite spider (Isoxya tabulata; Araneidae) – Desiré Pelser
Black-and-white box kite spider (Isoxya cicatricosa; Araneidae) – Odette Curtis
Burrowing wolf spider (Hogna cf. spenceri; Lycosidae) – Rudi Steenkamp
Burrowing zodariid (Psammorygma sp.; Zodariidae) – Graeme Gibbs
Community-nest velvet spider (Stegodyphus dumicola; Eresidae) – Jarrod Todd
Community-nest velvet spider (Stegodyphus dumicola; Eresidae) – Rudi Steenkamp
Dew drop spider (Argyrodes sp.; Theridiidae) – Odette Curtis
Flower crab spider (Thomisus cf. citrinellus; Thomisidae) – Marie Delport
Green pea spider (Araneus apricus; Araneidae) – Johan Heyns
Ground sac spider (Thysanina sp.; Trachelidae) – Cecile Roux
Hedgehog spider (Pycnacantha cf. tribulus.; Araneidae) – Geoff Lockwood
Huntsman spider (Sparassidae) – Christian Bro
Masked silver marsh spider (Leucauge festiva; Tetragnathidae) – Andrea Sander
Nigorella jumping spider (Nigorella hirsuta; Salticidae) – Jarrod Todd
Ogre-faced spider (Deinopis sp.; Deinopidae) – Frank Gaude
Shield garden orb-web spider (Argiope aurocincta; Araneidae) – Elize Vega Eveleigh
Silver marsh spider (Leucauge sp.; Tetragnathidae) – Dan Carpenter
Velvet ant-mimic dark sac spider (Coenoptychus mutillicus; Corinnidae) – Rudi Steenkamp
Violin spider (Loxosceles parramae; Sicariidae) – Jarrod Todd
Woodlouse spider (Dysdera crocata; Dysderidae) – Robert Fries
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