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VOTE NOW for the 3rd Annual Lake Merritt Dog Contest

Voting Period: April 15-28

It’s your turn to make your voice heard! In this tail-wagging contest, you can cast your vote for as many dogs as you wish—why choose just one? Feel free to return every day to support your top pick and help decide who will be the ultimate furry favorite of Lake Merritt!

(Submissions are displayed in random order to ensure fairness.)

There are a lot of dogs this year, refresh the page and they should load.


Hi, I’m Rowdy! And just like my name … I am in fact Rowdy! While my breed, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, is known as a lap dog I fancy myself an outdoorsman! I like to run the hills of Oakland, stroll Lake Merritt and hang out with my furry (and non-furry) friends!


Abby is 13 and lives with her older sister Eleanor in the mission. She was rescued by Wonder Dog Rescue in July 2019. She likes sitting on top of you, sleeping all the way under the covers, and eating trash / drugs from the sidewalk (ask her about her beekeeper helmet she has to wear on walks).


Eleanor Roosevelt is almost 17, has 4 teeth and gives zero fucks. She likes eating meals at 3 (am or pm doesn’t matter), being the boss, terrorizing her sister Abby, and occasionally eating her own feces.


Freya is a happy little miss who loves playing dress up, romping with friends at Dog Playland, and exploring the Bay Area. Her favorite food is πŸ— and green beans.


Hado Potato is a happy go-lucky 2 year old rescue who loves nothing more than goofing around and have fun! He enjoys licking faces, playing tug o'war and prancing around like a pony when he's happy. His favorite trick is high five, and his favorite game is following around his kitty sister. He's not all fun and games though, he has an important job to do as a service dog in training for PTSD and Anxiety!

Bay Bridges

My 13yr old best friend.She enjoys short walks on the beach.Long rides in the car.And hangin at the barπŸ€™


Munch is less of a pekingese and more of a monster. Created in a lab underneath Lake Merritt, he has one purpose, revenge. Will Munch have mercy on us? Only time will tell…


Stryker is a 3yr old Dutch Shepherd. He is one of thee best dogs in Oakland hands down. Hard working Stryker has took the time out to master obedience training. We already own a self proclaimed title of king of Lake Merritt we are just waiting to show the world.

Suge Knight

Suge is full attitude level ten all day er day! She is about nine, born of a pug and chihuahua love affair in SF mission district in the early 2014s she soon found her way into traffic where she tragically was hit by a car and subsequently lost a leg. This did not keep her down! She moved into a home with two lovely sisters where are immediately began to take her spot as the alpha on the block. Today she spends her days laying on the patio in Oaklands vibrant Jingletown neighborhood occasionally barking at passing German Shepards and the cat Nextdoor.


Juno is a mixed Chihuahua Husky who loves sniffing his way around the world. Calm, observant, and all so gentle when you feed him treats. He enjoys slow walks around his favorite Lake Merritt park. Born and bred in the Bay with lots of energy when he gets to run off leash. Please vote for Juno!


Meet Prince, affectionately known as Princey Poo to those who know him best. At first glance, this toy poodle might seem like the epitome of sweetness, with his tiny, beady eyes sparkling with innocent curiosity. Yet, appearances can be deceiving. Within Prince lies a playful devil, a spark of mischief that awaits the daring soul brave enough to engage him paw-to-paw.

To the casual observer, Prince might appear overly pampered, his palate refined to the tastes of chicken delicacies, his playtime filled with soft, plush toys that fit just right in his mouth. However, those who truly understand him know this isn't a case of spoiling but simply Prince being true to his unique nature. He didn't become this way; he was born with these sophisticated tastes.

But don't be fooled—Prince is far from your average dog. In fact, I dare say he's more cat than canine. He exhibits a distinct preference for human companionship over his own kind, clinging to our sides with the tenacity of a Velcro-bound toddler, displaying an independence and selectivity in his associations that's cat-like in its essence.

Princey Poo is not just a dog; he's a study in contradictions, a blend of sweetness and sass, of canine loyalty and feline aloofness. He challenges our perceptions of what it means to be a pet, challenging the boundaries of his breed to become a truly unique companion.


Miles has traveled all over the USA, but his favorite walk is around Late Merritt. Catch us walking around the lake making friends most evenings!


Gizmo enjoy coffee at the Caffe and long strolls (carries) around the lake.


Hi my name is Bentley and I LOVE scratches! But I mean who doesn’t? My favorite thing to do is bask in the sun and people watch!


This big boy is the friendliest dog you'll ever meet. He loves children, doggos, puppers, and giving lots of kisses. He will say hi to you on the trail whether you like it or not. He's got a very impressive howl as well. He loves pillows and will fit his big body on any sized cushy chair. He also can be seen chasing butterflies in his backyard.


This handsome little prince knows exactly what he's doing. If his polka dot eyebrows don't catch your heart, his sparkling personality will. Like other huskies, he's got a very good singing voice. He's smart, he's quick, and he's very affectionate. He loves playing soccer on his backyard.


I’m a lover, not a fighter. But I am a very anxious boy! What helps with my anxiety is taking a step back to enjoy the smaller things in life, like shoes. I love when my Mumma comes home and I can run up to her to grab those wondrously smelly things and give them a snuggle.

Other things I enjoy are sniffing flowers and the beach. But the wind is scary so if it comes near me, I will refuse to move.


Hazy is the most chill pup you’ll ever meet! He’s a sun worshiper and loves to play with his neighborhood buddies. Hazy is named after Hazy IPA’s which are his daddies favorite beers. Fortunately, Hazy is a fan of outdoor breweries too, so we can drink Hazy beers while spending quality time with Hazy!


Samosa is our little rescue pup and we're so glad he found us! Weighing in at around 20 pounds, Samosa may intimidate with his bark but on approach he'll roll right over for a belly rub. Samosa lets the kids do almost anything with him- from a hat fashion show to swinging in the baby swing at the park. With his pointy triangle ears and sesame colored curly tail, Samosa is the goodest boy!


Princeton is a 4 year old Yorkie. He is from Los Angeles and love long walks on Santa Monica beach. He looks forward to throwing on an outfit and hitting the streets.


Mojo is a big love bug of a dog. He’s world’s largest lapdog and just wants human connection. He’s a Great Dane and mastiff mix, with tons of doggie friends all over the city. His favorite bartenders always have treats for him and he brings a smile to everyone he meets.


Lily is a 15 year old mystery dog, who is extremely grumpy and will only play with lamb chop toys. She’s obsessed with In-N-Out, Costco rotisserie chicken, and soup bones. She may not like most people or things, but once you’ve won her over you have a friend for life!


Archie is a former street dog, found roaming Tracy, CA. He’s a very friendly and beautiful dog. Everyone asks me what kind of breed is he, because he looks like a tiny shepherd, corgi, or Pomeranian mix. The shelter said he was a corgi mix, but the people want to know the truth! So I bought a DNA test and the results are in. Archie is a Chihuahua Husky. Probably the two most vocal breeds into one dog. He has big feelings and big opinions and wants to share it with everyone.


Pika is a Mexican street dog that we adopted from Tijuana. We like to think she is the Mayor of Lake Merritt. She thinks so at least. She loves treatos and is comically slow on walks. The tongue hanging out, also known as her "Mlem", gives her a distinguished look we think. And yes she has all her teeth... idk maybe its just a big tongue thing. Anyway here are some other names we call her by: Pika sauce, Pikasa, Pikasaway, Peeks, Shoshy girl, Shmooty girl, Saucy frossy, Baby girl, Baby girl, Princesa, Smelly girl princesa, Booshkie girl, Bishko, Coochiko, Krummy, kween, Flea bottom baby, Black tongue baby, Bitty girl, Beep bop booty girl, Bitty bop princesa, Bitty, Pupa, Mrs baby, Mcbaby, Shmooty baby, Butter biscuit baby, Doody booty girl


Merlin doesn’t like to fetch or herd, but he LOVES to sniff! He’s a curious pup, always interested in the new smells that come his way. Did you open a bag of chips? He’ll be there to sniff that! Out on a hike? He’ll sniff anything and everything interesting along his path. With his curious nose, comes with an insatiable palate too! He loves to discover new dog friendly food and curious to taste what you’ve been eating too. When he’s not out and about, he’s a cuddle bug, ready to relax & unwind with you after a long day.

Joni Mitchell

Joni is not as famous as her namesake, but she is much scruffier and cuddlier. Her favorite food is radishes, she dislikes children, and she is 0% terrier. You are most likely to find her perched in the window, laying in a patch of sun, or anywhere there’s food. She once fought a raccoon and won. Joni is also a proud Oakland Animal Shelter alum!


Gordo is a senior Chihuahua mix who was adopted from Muttville in 2020. He can be a grumpy old man, but he is at his happiest when he's basking in the sun, scrounging for floor snacks, and cuddling with his girl. He loves going for walks by the lake and making new friends in his office in downtown Oakland. Gordo has lost almost four pounds in the last few years, so soon we may need to change his name to Flaco!

Mr. Bojangles the III

Mr. Bojangles the III “Bo” is a three legged mostly long hair chi chi who thinks he is the biggest dog in the room. Even though he only has three legs, he can hike miles and run faster than most dogs his size or bigger! When he isn’t giving you cute side eyes he is begging you to play fetch or annoying his big brother Cutter (as evidence by the photo). Our favorite trick is the “Bo- Round” where he does a 360 in the air.

Sir John Gielgud

Sir John is a 4 yo circus clown. He’s chihuahua, pitbull and poodle!


Ruthie is a 3 year old staffy mix. Most days you can find Ruthie running around Snow Park. She loves meeting new friends, playing fetch, and finding the best patch of grass to roll around in. The heart shaped spot on her back is almost as big as her real heart!


Crunchy, crunchy carrots. Kima is our salt and peppered lil baby who loves carrots. And the vet. She LOVES the vet. Vote for our lil Kima, life of the party πŸŽ‰


Jazzy is a 2 year old German shepherd/boxer mix that loves nothing more than to romp around with other pups with no awareness of her 60 lb size. When her humans get home, she expresses joy by grabbing a toy and woofing loudly while still holding it in her mouth. Her eyes show the most emotion when her humans are eating something, but the pushiest she ever gets is putting her head in our laps. Her favorite activities are sun bathing, fetch followed by some good ole tennis ball chewing, and hiking all over the Oakland hills. She is the designated garden dog and keeps a close watch over the veggies and flowers from those pesky squirrels. When she’s content after a long day of garden duty, she lets out these low groans that we like to call her “cow moos”. Her athleticism is apparent in her incredible speed, but she also often bumps her head on the kitchen island when turning around - she’s of the rare breed that can do both grace and clumsiness really well. She is simply the goofiest companion we could ask for.


Rocky is a bonafide good boy who made his way into our hearts and onto our couch by way of Underdog Animal Rescue in January. Rocky’s talents include 1) smushing his head into his neck to really emphasize his luscious neck folds, 2) capitalizing on his short stature and big paws to trick strangers into thinking he’s a puppy, thus earning him more treats and pets, and 3) ensuring we’re always keenly aware of his presence by ramming his wet little nose into the backs of our legs each time we walk from one room to the next. Rocky is sweet, goofy, and a little rough around the edges— the true epitome of a Lake Merritt dog!


Meet Fiona! She's our short and stout American Staffy/Bulldog mix. She's a great adventure buddy and she's always looking to play. Fifi loves to get sprayed off in her kiddy pool and tries to catch the water that's sprayed from the hose! Her best quality is that she just wants to cuddle up and get affection after a day out, and how could you deny that cute face some cuddles?!


Like his namesake ghost, Casper is a very friendly Maltipoo. Sometimes he merges with his bed so well, if it wasn’t for his colour, you wouldn’t know he’s there (see photo curled up in bed! Casper loves to chase squirrels in the backyard, sunbathe, roll around in the grass, climb up on every sofa, bed, or rock… but most of all, he loves cheese!

This little ball of floof has converted dog fearing people to dog lovers including his grandpawrents who got their own dog after spending a month here with him!


Ziggy aka Ziggy Zoo loves a good treat, long sniffs of grass and trees, riding shotgun in the car, and showing off 2 of his 5 teefers…that sometimes get stuck on his lips!


I rescued him in August of 2022, he was found in a crate on the railroads in Antioch with the intent to end his life. He now has lived with me for a year and a half and he has been living his best life. He loves hiking, training, and running. He now competes once a month in FastCAT events where he chases a lure down a 100 yard dash and is timed and scored based on MPH. He loves and lives life the the fullest, coming with me almost everywhere I go.


Rigby is a ~2 year old Rhodesian ridgeback pitbull mix (my best guess) who loves to have fun and hang out by Lake Merritt.

I started fostering Rigby from Oakland Animal Serviceswhen I learned he was just days away from being euthanized due to shelter overcrowding. He's a big dog and hadn't been doing well in a small, claustrophobic kennel. After fostering him for about a month and a half, I realized that he was my best friend and I wanted to keep him. I adopted Rigby on Halloween 2023!

Since finding a home, Rigby's come out of his shell a lot. He used to be incredibly skittish and barely left his crate in my room. Now he loves to run around the house and wrestle with me and my roommates! Rigby's made incredible progress and has grown into a confident, happy pup who tags along with me on all my adventures.

I love taking Rigby for walks and jogs by Lake Merritt. I often take him to Lakeview Park, where we kick it by the pull-up bars and he rolls around in the grass while I do calisthenics.

Aeson Rose

This is Aeson Rose! He’s been walking the lake since he was about 10 weeks old. He enjoys playing with toys or their dogs, a nice long walk around the lake, and of course to be snuggled 24/7! He’s a bit of an attention whore but just wants all of the love he can get. He so gentle and such a sweetheart.


Bizzy was born without any eyes and is fully blind but you’d never know it. She can easily navigate the house to find the toy box and even picks up the scent of rubber balls hiding under the couch. She’s in love with her much smaller and much older brother Oscar, waking up most mornings to crawl across the bed and clean his face. And even though she can’t swim, this girl loves the sound of running water and sprinklers sprinting full speed directly towards it, even if there are obstacles in her way. She climbs stairs like a champ, always knows where mommy is or lets out a little bark if she loses you, and takes afternoon naps nestled between the pillows on the couch. She’s never met a stranger, person or dog, and is the sweetest little thing you’ll ever meet.


Coming in at 13lbs, Bruno is my little independent adventure pup! He is a chihuahua/min pin mix, and he loves hiking, climbing up steep rocks, and rolling his ball down from high peaks. He has been my running buddy since he was a puppy (he’s now 3.5), and he is happiest when he is playing fetch at Lake Merritt or Redwood Regional. A few fun facts about Bruno - he can’t be bribed, he loves to listen for moles in the garden, and understands you in both English and Spanish.


Pincho is truly a Lake Merritt pup! As the Acting Assistant to the Volunteer Coordinator for The Gardens at Lake Merritt, Pincho works tirelessly to ensure that community members have enlivening activities to engage with in order to maintain and beautify that space. From school groups to large corporate affairs, Pincho hosts a myriad of volunteer work days at "the people"s garden" to help foster the connection that mutual land stewardship can bring to our community. He has never chased a single squirrel and birds often land within inches of his small frame - all feel safe with Pincho. In his spare time, he enjoys hiking, fostering kittens through a local shelter and doing the NYT crossword puzzle in pen. A vote for Pincho is a vote for Lake Merritt!


Hey everyone! My name is Grinch and I’m a sensitive, energetic Sagittarius boy who loves to bird watch and play tag with other dogs. When even the slightest sound gets to close to my mommies apartment, it’s my duty to alert them both incase danger near! I love listening to Jazmine Sullivan on car rides especially when on a road trip with my mommies!

Kobe James

Kobe James is a 9ish yr old border collie, chihuahua, and terrier mix. I always says he has the collie brains and the chihuahua attitude. He was adopted in 2018 after being found abandoned tied to a parking meter in San Francisco. The woman that rescued Kobe in SF lives down the street from Kobes grandparents! Some of Kobes favorite activities include car rides, exploring new locations, tanning, playing fetch, and supervising the yard work. One of the funniest memories is the day he woke me up at 4am to go outside. Here I am thinking its a bathroom emergency.... only for him to rush out of the door and look for a cheeseburger that he had seen on the sidewalk the day prior. The cheeseburger was gone and he was devastated.

Luna and Timber

These two lifelong friends were both rescued from the Milo Foundation and have been together for 7 years. They can usually be found in the living room judging everybody they come across.


In the Fall of 2022, Gigi found herself in a sad situation when her owner passed and she was surrendered to a rescue. But the fates aligned as they often do, and she was paired with a hooman who had lost her fur-baby. Gigi figured, "Together, we'll help each other heal!" She moved to Oakland, and found a world full of adventure! Gigi loves her new home and the Lake Merritt community, and is always thrilled to go for a walk and visit with neighbors. Whether it's exploring the shops on Lakeshore, asking for pets from the folks sitting on the benches by the lake, chasing the pigeons and squirrels (she doesn't mess with the Canadian geese!), or enjoying some sunshine on the cool grass when her hooman visits the farmer's market, Gigi always makes time to stop and say hello to everyone she encounters, K9 and hooman alike--all while her tail never stops wagging! Gigi loves Oakland and Lake Merritt, and is both proud & honored to be a part of such an amazing community!


Basel is a bichon and poodle mix and the sweetest boy! He loves to play with both people and dogs. His favorite things are to play with friends, run off leash, and tear up his stuffed toys. He also lovessssss pup cups!


She's A-MAIZE-ING! Maizie is a year and half old Pittie mix adopted from SFACC last July to our loving Oakland family. Despite being quite beefy, Maizie is actually pretty scared of most things in the world and practices putting on her brave face everyday--with the help of a lot of string cheese of course! While reactive dogs may not be the traditional frontrunners for a contest like this, we would submit that Maizie embodies a spirit many can identify with: When faced with an overwhelming and uncertain world, sometimes we aren't our best selves; but we know that the people who love us will always be waiting there to make us feel safe, so we can try again...with a piece of cheese in hand. Walking through the world alongside Maizie has taught our family, patience, compassion and enormous gratitude for the smallest things. She really is a very brave girl.

Like many Oaklanders, she may have started in the city, but she firmly made her home in the town and looks forward to receiving a big old piece of string cheese as she sees your faces while out and about.


Rowan was part of a litter that was surrendered in Arkansas, and she made her way to California via a rescue in Connecticut. She enjoys runs around Lake Merritt (though her human runs much more slowly than Rowan would like to), moving shoes to different locations around the house, hikes at Leona Canyon, and weekly agility class. Her biggest claim to fame in her 2.5 year life thus far is that she just participated in a “90 Dog Salute” with Dr. Jane Goodall at the end of March 2024 to celebrate Jane’s 90th birthday.


Rainey is 9 years old! She has Addison’s disease but is still the bestest girl. She is a whippet mix and has a distinct scream yawn morning stretch routine. Her favorite treats are dried liver and/or little fishes. She has a spotted tummy and it’s totally bare from having it shaved for multiple ultrasounds at the vet (re her illness) just reveals more tummy to rub. She is bigg on snuggles and loves getting drunk on the sun rays coming thru the window. Though she’s not aggressive, Her vocal expressions can cause some folks’ souls to leave their body. Her sister lives in Berkeley and they were rescued together - they still play together and love terrorizing the locals when they’re together. She reallllllllly doesn’t trust children lol. SHe has long legs and occasionally resembles a Kangaroo. Top nicknames are noodle, donut, bucket.


Prince is a cane corso husky mix!, he is a preween rescue and is very excited to learn. He does great with bigger pups that can show him how to do things, his favorite game is tug o war and he loves getting his head rubbed πŸ™‚


Murphy is a wonderfully goofy Golden Irish who’s signature look is her underbite. Although her lips do get stuck on her teef, that doesn’t stop her from always being on the lookout for the perfect stick. Just under 2 years old, she is already a fantastic swimmer, constantly jumping on the oceans and lakes when we are out and about but her preferred method of getting wet, much to my chagrin, is mud puddles. Murphy is world renowned for being the cuddliest of bugs and although she manages to find the slinkiest poop to snack on when I’m not looking she really is the best girl in the world.


This is my special girl Valentine ❀️ she is my Three year old Sagittarius girl and my best friend! I found her on Craigslist being sold by a family in 2020 that didn’t have any time for pug puppies and thus began our lifelong friendship. Valentine loves all squishy fruits like watermelon, mangos, peaches, and cantaloupe! She has a special condition with her livers so she actually can’t eat protein 😭 my poor girl but she gets açaí bowls and yogurt bowls daily! So it’s a sorta win. Being a covid puppy she acts like an awkward cat and cuddles all day like a sloth. She really is my favorite little creature! If you see Valentine around the bay please say hi! But she’s a lil awkward so don’t take it personally


Aimé (translation: Beloved) is a momma’s boy through and through! A pandemic pup faced with many fears in this big bad world (buses, children, too-large hats, askance glances…), he prefers to stick to mom like her shadow. He’s nevertheless got a heart of gold and his disco eyebrows and quizzical head tilts bring a smile to all. His winged eyeliner is unrivaled as is his vertical jump! He loves a jaunt around the lake but especially adores running his heart out in the hills.


Tennis ball collector, nap enthusiast, and comfy spot connoisseur. After 14 years, Pinky has achieved much in her life of relaxation. Originally from Paraguay, Pinky quickly overcame the language barrier and learned to beg in multiple languages, gaining her a position as lead guest greeter at her owner's home. Since she was the runt of her litter, she was named Pinky for the little finger, but never let her humble beginnings stop her from living her life. She loves looking out the window and people-watching, but her favorite part of the day is going on walks since she loves meeting new pets and people! A fan favorite of the pawparazzi, she's often stopped and asked what breed she is and what her fur care routine is. The answer? The muttest mutt whoever did mutt and lots of pets! πŸ˜„


Sweeney Dogg, the Demon Barker of Treat Street, lives in Eastlake. He is a very polite boy who is 49% chihuahua, 51% fruit bat, and 100% tremble. His likes are: used socks, cream cheese, and licking mom’s face. His dislikes are: when you’re not giving him your full attention when you’re on a Zoom call. Sweeney lives up to his namesake, Sweeney Todd, by baking mom’s friends into pies. Just kidding! Maybe…


Hi, my name is Tulee and I like to smile at people and walk around Lake Merritt. My favorite food is ice cubes. I like to pick up trash that is around Lake Merritt and bring it back to mom so we can throw it away. But first I may try to eat it. Mom and dad told me that I was allowed to join a show and so this is my first one. I am seven months old and I would like you to know that this is hair, not fur. Sometimes people confuse me for a shearling pillow, and I am OK with that as long as they do not sit on me. I am from Madagascar, and I am an excellent swimmer, although I’m not allowed to try my chops inside of the Lake Merritt storm drain.


Sprocket is a rescue. He comes from the mean streets of Fresno. He’s learned a lot about inside life over the past year. Experiencing dog beds and human beds, learning about consent (no humping humans) but does have an orange pillow that has not objected to his advances. Now he enjoys hiking on trails, seeks out street food offerings, and meeting the dogs of the neighborhood. He dreams of becoming a professional food taster, but likely does not have a discerning palate.


Don’t let his 110 lbs fool you! Although he is large he is definitely NOT in charge. He’s a sensitive soul who spends his days playing with his best buds at doggie daycare and lounging on the couch with his stuffie and his tv shows, he prefers Cesar lol!


Teresita aka Terry is about 10 years old. She is a rescue dog and she is a very quiet chihuahua believe it or not and is pretty timid with everyone.


Kindly is a frisbee loving, lake jogging, respectful pup always playing in one of the many fields near Lake Merritt. Probably a comedian in her past life, she continues to make folks laugh daily with her wit and charm. She's a heeler mutt who plays hard and loves even harder. If your ears are up for it you can catch Kindly on some evenings at Puppyland competing for, most outspoken pup at the park!


Wally is an 11 year old lab / vizsla / super mutt who was born without a tail. He loves cheese, seafood and treats. He dreams of catching small land mammals (squirrels & gophers). As a survivor of 2 coyote bites, he still enjoys hiking in the hills of Marin but now finds trips to Stinson or Ocean beach to be safer (with the added bonus of eating crabs on the beach too). He prefers drinking puddle water over hose water and absolutely despises drinking filtered water.

Guillermo del Perro

Meet Guillermo del Perro, affectionately known as Memo! 🐾

Memo's journey began on the bustling streets of Tijuana, where he roamed as a charming chihuahua mix with a heart of gold. Despite a rough start, including a fractured pelvis that required surgery, Memo's spirit remained unbroken. His tale took a heartwarming turn when he was rescued by the compassionate souls at Family Dog Rescue in San Francisco.

This pint-sized pup entered our lives during the midst of the pandemic, in July 2020. It was love at first sight – Memo literally fell into our laps when we were searching for our furry companion. With his slender physique reminiscent of an Italian greyhound (we special order his clothes from an Iggy specialist!), one might be fooled into thinking he's a picky eater. But don't let his appearance fool you – Memo is a food aficionado who will gladly indulge in all culinary delights!

Clever and intelligent, he showcases his smarts through an impressive array of tricks, from the basics like sit and roll over, to his burgeoning talents in AKC dog agility. Sporting a distinct white glove on his left paw, Memo is as unique as he is charming.

But beyond his impressive repertoire, Memo's true essence shines through in his loving demeanor. He's a cuddle connoisseur who thrives on affection and playfulness. When he's not charming everyone with his tricks, you can find him gleefully tossing around his favorite bird toy, zooming around fresh patches of grass around Lake Merritt, or basking in the warm embrace of the sun.

In essence, Memo is more than just a pupper – he's a beacon of joy, resilience, and unconditional love. Cast your vote for Memo, and let's celebrate this sweet boy who has stolen our hearts! 🌟🐢


Meet Shelby, the Australian Shepherd mix with a bark as loud as thunder and a tail that wags like there's no tomorrow. With fur as fluffy as a cloud and a personality as wild as the Outback, Shelby is ready to strut her stuff at the Lake Merritt Dog Contest. She's not just any canine competitor; she's the reigning champion of chasing her own tail and stealing hearts wherever she goes. Watch out, world, Shelby's about to unleash a wave of Aussie charm that'll leave you howling for more!


Chela is a 5 month old French bulldog! She is very energetic, friendly, & loves her dog treats and naps! She has the most beautiful big dog ears & unique color combination!!


Ranger enjoys walking around the lake and greeting humans and night herons alike. One of her favorite activities is playing catch in Lakeside Park and checking the grass for snacks.


Big Baby Ruby! Just turned 8 months old, standing at 17 inches and weighing at a whopping 51lbs! Her favorite past time is walking around the lake, kissing babies and shakin hands. She’s candy coated and loves to say hi to literally everyone. Sometimes it can take us up to 3 hours to walk the whole lake! She’s #1 baby, everybody know dat!


Sprout is just happy to be here! He walks around with a huge smile on his face and greets all his loyal subjects. If someone walks by without acknowledging him he’ll look back shocked and assume they just must not have seen him. He’s a big friendly giant who will lean 85 lbs of pure love against your body and stare deeply into your eyes as you deliver required butt scratches. Ball is life second only to treats. I’ve literally never seen him turn down anything but his favorite foods are pizza and cheese (a man of the people, ya know). He is the light of his mom’s life and brings joy to all who cross his path! One time he did a lot of shrooms (by accident obviously !!!!) on a camping trip and it was horrible but also so funny and I’m convinced it’s why he’s so wise. I’m not sure if this is the type of fact you want but sprout is a troublemaker and will eat ANYTHING he can, literally anything. That said he is very respectful and if you ask him to take “small bite” of anything he will do so with the gentleness of a butterfly. If you’re sad he’ll cheer you up, and if you’re crying he’ll come give you kisses. He’s terrified of napkins and sewers and loves all humans and dogs. When dogs bark at him hell just kinda stare back at them with this big doofus smile on his face cause he literally doesn’t know how to bark.


When you see Pomona you may say “wow look at that chunky bulldog!” And I find pride in her chunkiness, she wasn't always a chunky, sweet, rambunctious bulldog, before she was a bone thin, tattered, timid, overbred bulldog who was tied up and dumped for a weeks with no food or water and covered in her own feces. Rescued by the Antioch animal control she found her way to me where it took some rehabilitating to bring out her true personality! Pomona is a nurturing, sparkling bully with a huge personality. Her favorite activities are playing tug-a-war, napping and dinner time! Po’s living the life she has always deserved and is so excited to share it with the city of Oakland where she now resides. Vote Po!


Linus is a perfect gentle giant of a boi coming in at a humble 95 lbs. He’s my sweet Ken doll of a dog. Just a loving, clumsy, little himbo. ❀️ He is loving his new home in California with all of the beautiful hikes and beaches to explore. He’s truly the happiest guy on the block and will wag his curly tail to let you know. He’s got a fierce protective spirit on the outside, but he’s really just a silly baby goofball on the inside.

Leonardo Sebastian Napoleon Van Aken

Leo is a nearly 16-year-old Golden Retriever. In his youth, he was a skilled hunter, plucking gophers right out of the ground, & gifting them to his human companion. He’s lived with many canine & human roommates over the course of his long doggy life, but everything changed when his baby sister, Coco, came into his life. He’s a generous older brother who lets her have all the toys, & most of the attention. Coco helped him make many doggy friends, & you can find him walking along the waterfront, & shaking down the bartenders at Heinold’s Saloon for his daily treat. As a super senior, he is over being polite about what he really wants. His secret to longevity is high protein kibble, daily walks & snuggles, & the extra special treats πŸ’© he sneaks in on those daily walks.


Potato, The Big Starch, Baby Spud—she is known by many names around Lake Merritt but one thing is for sure, this big baby is a lover! All she wants is to give you hugs, kiss your baby, and maybe sit on your lap. While she’s not exactly an athlete, Potato loves walking around Lake Merritt or romping at Puppyland with all her human/canine friends. Weighing in at 140 lbs, this gentle giant just wants you to give her pets and to leave a massive paw print on your heart (maybe some drool on your sleeve too). She was found on a chain in an Oakland backyard malnourished, with cherry eyes so big she was blind. You’d never know she had a hard start in life though, as her submissive nature means all she wants is to be friends with every human, child, dog and cat she is lucky enough to meet!


Meet Alfalfa, the wizard pup of the canine realm, who believes that snowflakes are just frozen treats from the sky. When the world turns white, you'll find him prancing and frolicking with the kind of joy only a doggy heart can know. His days are spent on noble quests, sniffing every nook and cranny for those elusive gopher creatures. Ah, but Alfalfa's curiosity doesn't stop there! Every furry being, be it friend or soon-to-be-friend, captures his wonder and affection.

Now, gather close for a magical secret: Alfalfa possesses an enchantment far beyond any human's reach. While others might mutter "Appare Vestigium" to summon what they seek, Alfalfa needs only his trusty snouzer. In a wag and a gulp, any morsel of food vanishes as if spirited away by sorcery. Who needs wands when you've got a nose that knows the art of the disappearing feast?

Alfalfa's greatest wish? To be the furball friend of every two-legger and four-legger alike. In his world, every meeting is a potential for a new friendship, every sniff a story, and every snowfall a wonderland waiting to be explored. So, if you ever need a bit of magic in your life, just call on Alfalfa, the bestest, most wizardly pup there is.


The cuddliest boy known to man. Likes bones, watermelon, and trying to steal human food. Scared of large objects such as garbage cans, trucks, and motorcycles. As a COVID baby, he has a ton of separation anxiety and needs constant love and attention. Known to steal warm spots you just sat in, dog spreading all over the bed, and sniffing flowers for the majority of his walks.


Nala is a 1 yr old female pure breed american bully. She comes from a long line of legendary blood. Her father produced 12 grand champions and was a grand champion himself 2018 & 2019. He also produced 53 champions. She is the foundation to my pocket bully breed.


Seph is the quintessential “good girl”. She loves five things in life: attention, walks, ball, babies, and snacks. Whether she is adventuring in nature, checking out a new cafe, or laying around on the couch, she is always on the look out for belly rubs and compliments. Sit, stay, shake… She knows your basics AND MORE! She can spin, circle, touch, and even sing! A big-eared, waggy-tailed, and multi-talented pup for all your dog needs.


Olly went through his early adolescence sharing a kennel with a cat. This has really increased his tolerance for all kinds, especially if the kind offers treats.

He loves hiking and offers great scouting reports on the best way up or down, especially in rocky or uncertain terrain. If you follow the dog, you've mostly followed the best route!

Olly also enjoys sports on television, and he barks vigorously during soccer matches. He sleeps through golf and baseball and Antiques Roadshow.


Taho is a 5 year old rescue from Oakland Animals Services! Her special interests are bushes, shrubs, and hubs of greenery. She’s a little scavenger who also goes by Sherlock Taholmes, solving the mystery of missing treats. Join the Tahottie Nation by voting for Taho!!


Former street dog Lola is, among other things, an expert at resting her chin on things, a registered cheese tax collector, certified sniffer, and an all around good girl. When she’s not using her adorable chin-on-lap tactic to secure pets, you’ll find her sunbathing or heading off on a sniffari. Lola for president!

Easton Gurl

Easton is a regular around Lake Merritt walking and cheering everyone who wants to say hello. She’s 12 years old going on 2 years old with tail wagging, smiling ear to ear, hopping and running around the our beloved Lake Merritt. No one ever leaves Easton without a smile and giggle 🀭 paying attention to any treats and folx that need some LOVE.


Benji has all the main character energy. Especially if you're a human, he expects you to pet him or offer treats no matter where. Walking in our direction, Benji expects a greeting. Coming out of your car, Benji expects a greeting. Coming out of your house, you're clearly leaving your home to greet Benji. You've been forewarned.


Alfie is a happy go lucky 9 month old Cavalier King Charles. A friend to all he meets, Alfie is happiest when on a walk getting to explore the neighborhood and meet dog friends along the way. When he’s not roaming the neighborhood you can find him perched at the top of the couch watching dog tv (yes it’s a thing, and he loves it) and trying to steal food off the coffee table.


Dear Esteemed Contest Judges,

Woof! My name is André, and I'm wagging my tail with excitement as I paw-sitively bark-tastic opportunity to strut my stuff in your prestigious dog contest. I believe I've got what it takes to be top dog!

Let me start by telling you about my bark-smart intelligence. I'm not just a good boy; I'm a clever canine who can learn new tricks faster than you can say "fetch!" Whether it's mastering obedience commands or unraveling a brain-teasing puzzle, I'm always ready to put my noggin to work.

But wait, there's more! My agility is off the leash—I can zoom through obstacle courses like nobody's business, leaping over hurdles and weaving through tunnels with grace and style. And when I'm not showing off my athletic prowess, you'll find me spreading paws-itivity to all creatures, great and small. From friendly pats to gentle sniffs, I believe in treating every furry friend with kindness and respect.

Now, I'll admit, I can be a bit of a shy pup at first. But once I warm up to you, I'll be your loyal companion for life, showering you with tail wags, wet kisses, and endless cuddles. There's nothing I love more than basking in the sunshine, sniffing the sweet scent of flowers, and doing happy spins that would make any doggie disco proud.

So, dear judges, I beg of you: give this underdog a chance to shine! With my intelligence, agility, big heart, and gentle spirit, I promise to steal the show and melt hearts wherever I go.

With wagging tails and puppy-dog eyes full of hope,


Peanut Butter

Hi, I’m Peanut Butter!! I love sunbathing, scritches, yogurt, and eating stuff I find off the sidewalk. I’m a pawfessional cuddler and I love being cozy between my moms. My special talent is getting you to stop looking at your phone (hint: dog kisses to your beautiful face!). I’m in therapy working on my antipathy towards cats. My ears flap when I walk, because everyday is a good day!!


Oakland native, Joy was rescued from Oakland animal Shelter after having two liters. Gentle and loving German Shepard just mix. 7 years young, and very loving to kids and people. Has a unique ear that sits low while the other ear is perky. Loves to smell the flowers on hikes and enjoys cuddling up on the couch.


Miss Athena is a ten(ish) year old Great Dane that was sprung from the Riverside animal shelter 2 years ago. This amazing doggo had to re-learn how to doggo she was so jaded. Took a while but now she has her new leash πŸ˜‰ on life and couldn’t be happier!


Zeus is an American Short Bully/Pittie mix who was rescued in San Francisco whom we assume is a backyard breeder. He is an all-around goofball and loves people and wrestling with other dogs alike. Despite his orthopedic conditions of hip dysplasia, arthritis and previously torn MCLs in both knees, that doesn’t stop him from enjoying life! He absolutely loves to play tug of war, fetch, car rides to ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE (especially to the vet or just a ride to run errands with you). Zeus also enjoys sunbathing, splashing in the water, hiking, but he also loves to cuddle in a warm blanket all day with you and watch movies. His favorite snacks are bully sticks, fresh fruits & veggies, and puppucinos!

Zeus also enjoys volunteering at our local animal shelter by being a great foster brother to the amazing pups we luckily get to foster, care, and love for. It’s amazing to see the many fosters he’s helped bring confidence and love to and see them get adopted. One day at a time we try to break the stigma of bully breeds and bring awareness about responsible pet ownership and love through our social media platforms and exposure and training in public areas.


Meet Moses, a rambunctious 4-year-old chocolate lab, devoted service dog, and proud resident of Adams Point.

Known for his gregarious personality on his daily walks around Lake Merritt, Moses has many hobbies. He loves wearing suave collars, receiving compliments on his dapper good looks, cuddling with his favorite teddy, and discovering more new sticks than he could ever carry—the more, the merrier! Moses’s true passion however—what gets him up in the morning (and keeps his canine caretakers up at night)—is diving headfirst into puddles and getting well and truly wet, wild, and wonderfully muddy. He’s not picky; any puddle will do really, even the pristine Lake Merritt if he can sneak in.

Despite turning four this April, Moses continues to embrace a childlike zest for life, always ready to frolic in the dog park, bound into any gathering and honestly just get rowdy wherever the party is going down really. His love knows no bounds—regardless of species, breed, or gender—though he has a notable fondness for female Rottweilers.

While not exactly aiming for social media pupfluencer status, Moses occasionally shares glimpses of his life and adventures on Instagram, posing cutely, being sweet to those he loves and getting up to various shenanigans.

More than just your everyday very-good-boy, Moses was recently celebrated for saving the lives of his family and neighbors by alerting them to a backyard blaze with his very rarely used bark. Truly the hero Oakland needs, and definitely the one that wants to say hi the most.


Donté, a shy rescue dog adopted a few months back from the Oakland Animal Shelter. Donté is now 1O months old and found his forever home with me! He transformed from a timid shadow into a happy dog that is still shy but happy. Though initially reserved and not a fan of training, Donté has discovered joy in simple pleasures like basking in sunbeams on the grass during his morning and afternoon walks, and savoring treats, and taking naps which became his language of love. With time, patience, and the gentle warmth of care, Donté while still cautious of being petted. Donté is not only cute but extremely cute and curious about the world and the things in it. He is so sweet and gentle honestly the best dog. If you live or walk around the lake you have most likely seen him!


Leo is your all around happy go lucky lab. He loves to go to lake Merritt and playing ball and snack on the treats the geese leave behind. His best features are obviously his looks (tall dark and handsome) but he also is super athletic and is training for the high jump dog Olympics! Everyone we meet loves him and he can’t wait to crowned lake Merritts dog of the year!


Nemo was a stray found behind a dumpster bear Bakersfield in 2020. He came to the rescue org with a broken right hind leg that had to be amputated just a week after I adopted him. His recovery has been nothing short of remarkable. He is so full of life and joy and is still very fast with his other hind leg serving as a sort of propeller. He can levitate onto the furniture or when he’s really excited for a meal. He also really lets you know how he’s feeling and is incredibly expressive. For example, if it’s 8PM and we are not yet cuddling on the couch, he stares on alert until I move. This tri-pawd is obsessed with belly rubs, showing off his great recall skills, and camping. His name is representative of the little fish with a bad fin from Finding Nemo. He persevered and so did our favorite dog!


Sofa, or WuhWuh, is all love, give her a treat and she'll sit in your lap and obsess over you for the rest of her life! She loves Oakland, getting to walk along the Jack London board walk, playing by lake Merritt, and meeting so many pups!


Cutest little beastie you will ever meet! Travels everywhere. Most chill pup around. Not a crazy barking dog. Just turned 1 year old April 10th. Loves squeeky toys, traveling, chicken & gives love like crazy. Oakland baby ✨️✨️✨️


Hi, my name is Butters and I’m a long hair mini dachshund. My mom named me Butters, not after the South Park character, but because she thought I’d grow up to look like a stick of butter and adding an “s” at the end sounded cuter. However, like the character “Butters” on South Park, I’m a fan favorite with everyone I encounter. I love getting pets from humans, and my top two comments are that I’m soft like butter and that I look like a floating mop. Running in the grass is one of my favorite things to do, and it’s even more fun when the grass is taller than me! #lowrider.


Hi, my name is Olive! I’m an (almost) 1 year old pup who lovessss to play. My favorite things all start with the letter S; Sticks, sleeves, and, of course, SOCKS! I have Dobby ears for a reason. In the mornings you can find me stealing other dogs’ balls at Piedmont park (mom is trying to teach me that ball doesn’t mean an endless game of keep away). And in the evenings, mom tries to take me on runs but my nose usually has other strong interests. I’m a hot girl with tummy problems but thankfully we are working on it. It doesn’t get in the way of my unparalleled cuddling and bed hogging abilities. Thank you for taking the time to consider me to represent Oakland and Lake Merrit! I look forward to strengthening my mom’s Simparica investment by continually indulging in the goose poop of Lake Merritt.



Cheechee was a stray dog found in Fresno before we were lucky enough to adopt him after a failed foster stint. He’s 10 years old but still has a lot of puppy energy! He loves cuddles and joins us in bed every morning to lay on our chest and for hugs. When he’s excited he scrunches his nose and we call him Scruncheechee. Like a true stray dog, he still loves garbage 😭 He’s such a sweet little guy!


Frank is an 11 year old Boston Terrier who’s lived in the lakeshore neighborhood his entire life. He enjoys long walks around the lake, basking in sunspots, baths and bully sticks. Also the vet? Idk he’s a weirdo.

Goose and Bao

Goose (brown) is 8 years old, was found on the side of the road as a pup, and is now a sweet cuddly boy who loves playing with his foster brother and teaching him the ropes. Bao (white) is just shy of a year, and was rescued by A Girls Best Friend animal rescue a few months ago. Despite having a rough start, he has adjusted to life with his foster family fairly quickly. They will absolutely steal your heart, and maybe your socks.


A little handsome (people have stopped their cars to say hi.

A little personality (can cuddle or play with anyone).

A little appetite (will eat your entire poultry and cheese collection).

A lot of everything else.

Loki is the best boy and ultimate superhero.


Onyx is a 5 year old husky/GSD mix we adopted from SFSPCA. His baby face and need for constant attention always has people confusing him for a puppy. His distinct eyebrow markings can be seen from miles away and his handsome good looks is always turning heads. Onyx was found as a stray in Modesto at 3 years old and spent 10 months in the shelter system bouncing around from Stanislaus to Sonoma county before making his way to SF where he found his forever home with us. Onyx loves sniffing, going to dog parks, having a good chase, and getting booty scratches from all the ladies! He is a thicc and fluffy boi at 75 lbs, but that just means more of him to love!


Frankie is a spunky 1.5 year old English Bulldog — she enjoys snoring, farting & tennis balls! She is extremely friendly (and nosy) and likes people and dogs of all shapes and sizes, especially her neighborhood besties Ron, Tashi, and Babe!


Hammy enjoys long walks by the lake scavenging for forgotten pieces of chicken or saying hello to his friends from the neighborhood by dancing on his back legs and pawing at them for a tumble. He loves putting in a chew session on a new bone during movie night or going for a hike in the redwoods. He is an avid adventurer with endless curiosity for the natural world and is constantly training in both tug and fetch to optimize his athletic performance. He microdoses mushrooms for mental health and wellness and is a champion for psychedelic drug policy reform.

Hamlet is outspoken on issues of Frenchie trafficking in the community and does his part to help clean up trash around the lake to help preserve this precious ecosystem. Vote Hammy in 2024 for a better lake for dogs, humans and the birds.


Lola is a great hunter!! She has rescued us from birds and squirrels and groundhogs


Nala is a super cuddly and loving miniature Australian Shepherd. She is adorable, fun, and loves to do zoomies!

Truffle Robinson Antoun

Truffle, a 2.5 year old mini Aussie, is a ball of vibrant energy. From the sun to the snow, she’s on the go! Running off with your shoes or socks- just to sit, smell and lay her head on them. She embodies the balance of independence and companionship. Nestling on your calf all night long or snatching your pillow in the morning at the slight turn of your head. To make matters better, food is her middle name. She’ll befriend you with her cute little wiggle if she knows you have something yummy to give her! How adorable and opportunist is that, right!? Her past times include running 5k's with her parents, feeling the breeze on her face, chasing other dogs and learning party tricks such as sit pretty, say hello, roll over, dance and cross your legs- she’ll even speak if you address her while looking deeply into her eyes- the politest, funnest lil lady to take with you on any occasion!!! I invite y’all to welcome Truffle into your life to attract an abundance of fun, joy and positive energy 😊

Miss Dusty Yellow

Dusty lives for fetch and string cheese. She loves to show off her tricks, especially “twirls”, which she executes with the grace of a ballet dancer. Always the extrovert, she’s just one belly rub away from being your best friend 4 life!


soft + gentle


Sunshine is a sweet senior rescue Morkie from Texas that was the last dog to be taken home at the adoption event. She’s completely blind but she doesn’t let that stop her from finding a good sunbeam to sunbath in or using her sniffer to find any hidden morsel of food. Her three favorite things are cuddles, naps and treats.


Makeda is a little ball of sunshine covered in fluff and full of adventure. Shes so sweet I think she’s stuffed with muffins. She’s full of wisdom but if we’re being honest, wouldn’t share it even if she could talk. Her loyalty knows no bounds and her calm demeanor makes her a little slice of serenity. But she does like to get wild… she prefers zoomies through the sand and waves but will follow you up a mountain, as long as it means she gets to be outside. Makeda is always in a good mood but her signature happy dance is rolling like a cannoli on a patch of grass. Oh and she’s a certified good girl but don’t leave your toast unattended.


The imperfectly perfect howler.

Meet Theodore, the spirited pit bull with a howl that’s as unique as his personality. From the moment he hears the faintest wail of a siren, Theodore's imperfect howl fills the air, a quirky signature that brings smiles to all who hear it. With his goofy grin and playful antics, he effortlessly charms his way into the hearts of everyone he meets.

Theodore's love for the outdoors knows no bounds. Whether it's strolling along the serene shores of Lake Merritt, eagerly watching fireworks light up the night sky, or joyously wading through cool river waters, he savors every moment of nature's wonders.

But perhaps Theodore's greatest joy comes from the company of his best friends. With boundless energy and enthusiasm, he dives headfirst into rough-and-tumble play sessions, reveling in the joy of shared adventures and nibbles.

Yet amidst his playful escapades, Theodore never misses an opportunity to lavish affectionate kisses upon anyone lucky enough to cross his path. Whether you're a friend or a stranger, get ready for some serious smooches.

In Theodore, you'll find a downright goofy companion who’s not afraid to embrace their imperfections and march to the beat of their own off-key drum. With his irresistible charm and zest for life, he reminds us to embrace every moment with boundless enthusiasm and a wagging tail.


Hi, I’m Zadie! I’m an 11 pound dog with a 100 pound personality! I live 2 blocks from Lake Merritt & I LOVE climbing trees near the Lake Merritt Labyrinth if I think there might be squirrels up in the branches. I also love playing with my dog buddies at the Alameda Small Dog Park, hiking in Redwood Regional park, frolicking along the Bay at Pt. Pinole Regional Park or digging in the sand at Muir beach. I’m a rescue — I was surrendered to the Oakland Animal Services as a very sick, 2 month old puppy with Parvo disease. I was almost euthanized, but the OAS Foster Director πŸ™πŸ’— stepped in nursed me back to health before I was adopted. My humans have taken me to Bravo Pup classes and Berkeley Humane classes where I earned an “AKC Canine Partners Novice Trick Dog” title.


Olive showed up on our doorstep a little over three years ago. As a small, barely 7lb teacup chiweenie (we think), she somehow made it up our very steep and tall staircase in the middle of an extremely cold winter. At the time, she was only a few months old, about 4lbs, and un-chipped. Our family is convinced she would have died from being too cold that night had we not found her in time.

We lured her in with some chicken as that was all we had in the house at the time, unsure of what to do next. We weren’t sure we were going to keep her, but with my parents being newly empty nesters, it felt like the right time.

Throughout the last three years, Olive has become such an integral part of our family. She’s really grown into herself and is such a character. Every night, she waits patiently as our family wraps up dinner because she knows it always ends in cut fruit as a treat for her. Lately, she’ll even express disappointment if we leave the dining table before she’s had her own fruit! After all that is said and done, she’ll hang out with mom on the couch, burrowed underneath blankets before tucking herself into bed.

From a shivering, ears-too-big for her head pup who showed up on our doorstep to a sassy, always-clothed little dog, we truly couldn’t imagine life without Olive now.


Cricket is a little street dog from San Diego who steals everyone’s heart with his little snaggle tooth. He gets so excited that there isn’t enough room in his body so he tippy taps like a tiny dancer. Cricket sings when he’s missed you and has a scoff that has literally made strangers rethink their lives. He will either lull you into an unplanned nap with his snuggles or do full on wrestle mania moves to play - there’s no in between. He can get the oldest or grumpiest or shyest of dogs to play. He pulls you by the hand to leave if he thinks somewhere is unsafe, or if you’ve just been talking too long. Cricket loves harder than you would ever think is possible and once you’re his homie, you’re his homie for life.


Name: Sugar
Age: 13 years old
Breed: Staffordshire terrier mix
Occupations: Expert Cuddler, Professional Bed Hog, High-Powered Tail Wagger
Favorite Hobby: Playing fetch with a ball
Most popular comments: Sweet personality, big brown eyes, soft fur
What vets have to say: "Gentle disposition" "Weird nipple"
Rizz Factor: Known to solicit pets from every person she meets. If you're extra lucky, she'll sit all 60 lbs of her onto your foot as a sign of love.

Sugar's newer to the Lake Merritt walks, but looks forward to more waterside strolls!


She may look like a cat but she behaves more like a dog or fish. She loves belly rubs and laying down in her water bowl. If she could have one wish, it would be harsher punishment for parole violators and world peace.


Mabel is a member of the Trash Falcons, a volunteer group who pick up trash around lake Merritt every Sunday morning. She comes every week rain or shine and helps out by sniffing the trash before we pick it up. On rainy days she wears her fuzzy golden coat (see photo.) She's a bit shy, so she trembles when making new friends but you can win her over by making her little toy turtle squeak for her.


Dub is a 4 year old bulldog who loves all people and other dogs. His name comes from his love for the Warriors (Dub Nation). He is a true toy stealer at the dog park, who loves running and jumping as high as a bulldog possibly can (he can jump pretty high lol). When he's not at the park you can find him barking at cartoons and being the pickiest eater a dog could be. Drake would call him a certified lover boy. Next time you're walking down Vernon and feel like you're being watched, it's probably his squished bulldog face starting from an apartment window.


Fallow (aka “bubs”) is a rescue mutt. He is five years old, but still gets that puppy wiggle whenever he sees a new friend (aka anyone). He loves to go sniffing at pet club, play fetch and get belly rubs.


Samson (Sam) is a big fun loving goofy ball. He instantly becomes best friends with everyone he meets.


From humble beginnings as a crying stray on the hot summer streets of Atlanta GA, to fully embracing life as a California girl, Pancake the Pocket Pitty is the friendliest, most loving pup you will ever meet! You can find Pancake in her signature pink bow tie making friends all over Adams Point and the greater Lake Merritt area. Her hobbies include eating cheese, loving every human/dog/cat/animal, and being a snuggle monster.


Woof! I just turned 10yrs but I haven’t skipped a beat since I was a pup. I love to walk the lake, hike Joaquin miller, play fetch, go out to eat and run errands with my mommy. I’m well known around the block as I make friends easy. All my neighbors (humans & dogs) love to stop & pet me or sniff me hehe. and I love my dog crew at my nearby park. Thank you for the consideration 🐢

Charles Barkley


Meet Charlie, the Sheepadoodle luminary whose hobbies of chasing balls, befriending birds, and herding dogs make him the talk of Lake Merritt! With a penchant for excitement, he's always on the go, leading the pack in thrilling pursuits.

But Charlie's not just a rugged adventurer; he's also a master of style. From trendy topknots to whimsical pom-pom pigtails, his ever-changing hairstyles turn heads faster than a squirrel racing up a tree.

Around the lake, Charlie reigns supreme as the epitome of friendliness. His wagging tail and infectious enthusiasm spread joy to all who cross his path, earning him the title of the town's unofficial ambassador.

One of Charlie's greatest delights is his annual birthday stroll. Bedecked in a dapper party hat, he parades around the lake, basking in the adoration of his fans and soaking up the spotlight like a true celebrity.

But amidst the festivities, Charlie harbors big dreams. He envisions himself as the cockswain of a prestigious rowing crew, guiding his team to victory across Lake Merritt.

With his flair for fashion and a heart as big as his ambitions, Charlie proves that every day is an opportunity for adventure and joy. 🚣‍β™‚οΈπŸŽ‰


(Coach Eric Taylor)

Coach [Coach Eric Taylor - we name our dogs after Friday Night Lights characters, his predecessor was Riggins] is 100 lbs of emotions. He is a big, sweet, sensitive boy. He is half black lab, half Anatolian shepherd and takes both halves of his identity very seriously. He guards our home - the definition of all bark; no bite, and need lots of snuggles and affection. We love how he waves his tail like a flag and crosses his paws like a true gentleman.

He crosses his paws like a gentleman and waves his tail like a flag. Coach loves hiking off leash, receiving nose pets and back scratches, and watching birds and planes from his back stoop.


Poppy is always ready to party. The amazing staff at Just Pet Me daycare said she ran the daily frat parties. She never misses an opportunity to greet her Mamma’s friends with the enthusiasm most reserve for meeting Beyoncé or Taylor Swift. She has a softer side too and has won over the hearts of many “not dog people”. She loves to travel, snuggle, sniff every street corner and has a strange affinity for πŸ’© in the middle of busy crosswalks.


Reggie is the rootin' tootin' bestest boy on the block! He is a 2 year old mini Australian Labradoodle, but more importantly he is cute as heck.

He's here to welcome you to every patio party, grab any and every scrap of food that drops and cuddle up when it's time to call it a night. With four white socks and a mustache to match, he's just happy to be here at the Lake Merritt Dog Contest.

Charlie Rivera

Charlie is a Lake Merritt pup, originally from Long Beach, California. He walks the lake every morning, and loves to play fetch there most afternoons. Charlie’s favorite foods are pancakes, steak, and cheeseburgers from Ahn’s. When he’s not out being active, you can find him at one of Oaklands many doggy friendly bars—his favorite is Eli’s πŸ™‚


Birch, also known as "King B", is a 90 pound golden doodle with a heart of gold. Raised in Oakland he has walked around Lake Merritt more times than you can count. Despite his size he is a surprisingly picky eater that will patiently wait by his food bowl for multiple reassurances of "good boy" before he even thinks of eating. However he will never decline a free sample from the Mogdigliani Cafe next door to Grand Lake Theatre.


Lemon is golden doodle that has never met a stranger because everyone is a friend to him. His motto in life is "no thoughts, just vibes". His two favorite tricks are "howdy" where he eagerly raises his paw for a shake and "huggies" which is exactly what it sounds like. His mission in life to clean up the streets by collecting all tennis balls and drop them off in our yard for safe storage.


[To the tune of “Too Sweet” by Hozier]:

My Barry’s snuggalyyyyyy /

I snug my Barry and he snuggles me /

He sleeps at my feeeeeet /

He deserves a treaaaaaat


Kitsuné is the opposite of a shiba inu in most ways aka the best: affectionate, empathetic, and ready to have grubby fun on hikes and camping trips. She will find out if you have food in 2 seconds but also come to your side if you are upset within 10. She is amazing with children and is great for shy, anxious, first time encounters. The first year and a half of her life, all she knew was golf balls from a retired dad and an automatic feeder. Now she understands four different languages and is ahead of the pack/leading any outdoors adventure. Her claim to fame overall is being the most Oakland dog: a celebrity in most bars and featured in the East Bay Times as the Oakland Athletics poster “child”.


I'm a 2-year-old Great Pyrenees/Border Collie mix named Winston, but you can call me Winnie, Floof Demon, Mr. Goof, or Mr. Chaos. I think I came to the shelter from a farm in the Central Valley, but I was just a little guy, so I don't remember.

Also, isn't making the geese at the lake fly really fun? This is why one of my nicknames is Mr. Chaos, but Mom is teaching me to be calm around them. I'm trying really hard to listen.

I'm a very sweet boy and am obsessed with almost all people and animals. If a human looks at me nicely, that's how I know we're already best friends. I'll definitely try to come say hello enthusiastically. Mom is still trying to teach me that not everyone wants to be my friend, but I think she's wrong.

I mostly behave very well, but I have big feelings, so sometimes I whimper loudly when Mom doesn't let me say hi to other good dogs at Lake Merritt, but I've gotten much better since I was a puppy.

My favorite things are vanilla soft-serve ice cream cones, chomping on carrots, and wearing bowties. Baths scare me, but they're not as bad as nail trims. Nail trims are evil.

If we meet at the lake, I like chest scratchies a lot, but holding hands is even better. Please say hi πŸ™‚

Feel free to move your heart and vote for as many dogs as you like! Plus, you’re welcome to return and vote multiple times—cast your vote each day to support your favorite dogs throughout the contest period.
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