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In the "Friday the 13th" franchise, the iconic character who wears a hockey mask and wields a machete is Jason Voorhees. He is the main antagonist throughout the series and has become one of the most recognizable horror movie villains.

In the "A Nightmare on Elm Street" series, the serial killer known for wearing a red and green striped sweater and a fedora hat is Freddy Krueger. He haunts the dreams of his victims and kills them in their sleep.

Pennywise from Stephen King's novel "It" is a shape-shifting entity that can transform into various forms to scare or harm its victims. Pennywise takes the form of a clown to lure children into its trap.

Dracula appears as one of the main antagonists in the film "Van Helsing." This classic vampire character has been portrayed in numerous films and is a staple of horror literature.

Pinhead's real name in Clive Barker's Hellraiser series is Elliott Spencer. Pinhead is the leader of the Cenobites, a group of sadomasochistic beings from another dimension.

Laurie Strode is Michael Myers' primary target in most of the "Halloween" films. She is portrayed as his sister and the main protagonist who must confront and survive his attacks.

Leatherface appears as one of the main antagonists in "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" franchise. He is a chainsaw-wielding killer who wears a mask made of human skin.

In "The Conjuring" universe, the name of the demonic doll is Annabelle. The doll is possessed by a malevolent spirit and causes havoc for those who come into contact with it.

In John Carpenter's "The Thing" (1982), the main antagonist is "The Thing" itself. This shape-shifting alien organism assimilates and imitates other life forms, making it difficult to identify and eliminate.

Charles Lee Ray possesses a doll named Chucky in the "Child's Play" franchise. Charles Lee Ray is a serial killer who transfers his soul into the doll, bringing it to life.


Based on your performance in this quiz, it seems like you have a good understanding of horror movie characters and franchises. To further enhance your knowledge, you can explore more films within these franchises and learn about other iconic horror villains. Additionally, you may want to delve deeper into the backstories and mythology surrounding these characters, as well as the impact they have had on popular culture. Keep up the great work!

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